Online Courses from Peak Potential Institute
We offer online programs to the chiropractic professionals looking to improve their technical excellence and reach mastery in chiropractic adjusting.
Scoliosis Ancillary Adjusting Protocols and Home Care5 Weeks|5 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:OnlineEnrollment Deadlines:Early:02/26/2025Regular:03/19/2025Course Start Date:03/20/2025
Occipital Fiber Analysis and Soft Tissue Reflex Techniques (CMRT)10 Weeks|19 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:OnlineEnrollment Deadlines:Regular:02/18/2025Course Start Date:02/19/2025
CSF: The Lifeblood of the Central Nervous System9 Weeks|9 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:OnlineEnrollment Deadlines:Regular:03/06/2025Course Start Date:03/07/2025
Evaluation and Corrections for Vagus Nerve Involvement10 Weeks|10 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:OnlineEnrollment Opens03/18/2025Enrollment Deadlines:Early:04/08/2025Regular:04/29/2025Course Start Date:04/30/2025
Chiropractic Care for the Pregnant Patient3 Months|14 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Mastering TMJ Dysfunction: A Comprehensive Chiropractic Approach for the Adult and Pediatric Patient38 Weeks|41 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Chiropractic Cranial Immersion Program38 Weeks|38 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
SOT® Pediatric Online Certificate Program10 Months|40 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
SOT® – The Three Categories15 Weeks|15 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Evaluation and Correction of Atlas/Axis Dural Meningeal Restriction5 Weeks|5 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Evaluation and Corrections of the Sphenobasilar6 Weeks|6 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Tongue-Tie and Palate Evaluation Procedures3 Months|12 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Introduction to Chiropractic Cranial Adjusting (CCA)3 Months|12 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Evaluation and Correction of the Vestibular System: Determining Balance, Coordination, and Processing Issues14 Weeks|14 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Removing Cranial Dural Stress Patterns Through The Sutural System– Weeks|– ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Evaluation & Corrections for Plagiocephaly and Flat Head Syndrome– Weeks|– ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Cranial Facial Distortions and Their Impact on Childhood Development10 Weeks|10 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
Balancing the Sacro Occipital Respiratory Motion (SOR)8 Weeks|8 ModulesInstructor:Dr. Rosen, Dr. WatsonLocation:Online
The SOT® Train the Trainer Program– Weeks|– ModulesInstructor:Drs. Rosen & WatsonLocation:Online
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The SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program
Demonstrate your commitment to your profession and patients, enhance your skills, and place yourself on the road to mastery in the art of chiropractic adjustment.