SOT® Pediatric Referral Directory
Practitioners in our directory have demonstrated a level of expertise above and beyond the norm by completing our SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program.
We are looking to build our Referral Directory in new areas. Skip the trip and inquire about bringing our certification program to your community.
- United States (313)
- Canada (29)
- Aruba (1)
- Australia (9)
- Bluffdale (0)
- Brazil (4)
- Chile (2)
- China (2)
- Finland (1)
- France (4)
- Germany (4)
- Hong Kong (3)
- Hungary (3)
- Ireland (3)
- Italy (2)
- Malaysia (3)
- Mexico (1)
- Netherlands (1)
- New Zealand (4)
- North Holland (0)
- Poland (1)
- Portugal (1)
- Puerto Rico (5)
- Singapore (3)
- South Africa (1)
- Switzerland (1)
- Taiwan (0)
- Turkey (1)
- United Kingdom (1)
SOT® Spinal Pediatric Practitioner, CSSPP Recipients
Only doctors who have completed our SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program can sit for this exam. These doctors have sat for both a written and practical examination and have shown clinical competency in pediatric spinal evaluation and adjusting protocols. These doctors have demonstrated an advanced level of proficiency and understanding of the developmental profiles of the pediatric patient as it pertains to chiropractic and have shown a deeper understanding of the importance of pediatric chiropractic care, as well as attained higher levels of clinical proficiency.
SOT® Cranial Pediatric Practitioner, CSCPP Recipients
Only doctors who have completed our SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program and have passed the SOT® Spinal Pediatric Practitioner exam can sit for this exam. These doctors have also taken an extensive written and practical examination focused on clinical competency in evaluation and adjusting protocols of the pediatric cranium. Doctors with a CSCPP have attained a unique level of competency in the understanding of pediatric development and have shown a level of clinical mastery well beyond the norm.
Join the SOT® Pediatric Referral Directory
The referral directory’s members have completed either our SOT® Pediatric In-Person Certificate Program or our SOT® Pediatric Online Certificate Program. They have chosen to continue their learning, experience, and proficiency beyond the normal standards of study.
This certificate member directory is designed to give those looking for specialized pediatric chiropractic care, a directory of practitioners they can trust to take care of their children, safely, efficiently, and effectively.
We are both proud and privileged to have been able to work with thousands of chiropractors over the years and are especially delighted to be able to acknowledge those who have gone the extra mile to uplift our profession and serve children to the best of their ability.
Earn your SOT® Pediatric Certification
Each certification will demonstrate your commitment to chiropractic adjusting, enhancing your practice, increasing your personal skill set, and opening the door to new opportunities at Peak Potential Institute.

SOT® Spinal Pediatric Practitioner, CSSPP
Complete our program and exam to receive your SOT® Spinal Pediatric Practitioner, CSSPP certification.

SOT® Cranial Pediatric Practitioner, CSCPP
Complete our program and exam to receive your SOT® Cranial Pediatric Practitioner, CSCPP certification.
The SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program
Demonstrate your commitment to your profession and patients, enhance your skills, and place yourself on the road to mastery in the art of chiropractic adjustment.