
Offering programs to the chiropractic profession to improve their technical excellence. We are looking to those dedicated chiropractors and chiropractic students who want to focus their mastery on delivering the chiropractic adjustment. While the triad for professional growth includes art, science, and philosophy, our programs are heavily weighted in the art and science of chiropractic.

The SOT® Pediatric Certificate Programs


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SOT® Pediatric
In-Person Certificate


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SOT® Pediatric
Online Certificate

More Of Our Programs

Pediatric Evaluation and Adjusting:

SOT® Pediatric Online Certificate Program

In this 10-month, one-of-a-kind, comprehensive Pediatric Spinal and Cranial Evaluation and Adjusting Protocols course you will learn to competently, confidently, efficiently, and safely work with the pediatric population.


A 10-week ONLINE program covering the anatomy and physiology of the vagus nerve and how to evaluate and correct interference to the function of the vagus nerve.


In this six week ONLINE program, you will learn the anatomy and physiology of the Sphenobasilar mechanism, what the most common distortion patterns are and how to evaluate and correct interference to the function of the sphenobasilar symphysis.

Evaluation & Corrections for Plagiocephaly & flat head syndrome

This online program covers the clinical evaluation and corrective protocols for Plagiocephaly, Brachycephaly  and Scaphlocephaly.

Tongue-Tie &
Palate Evaluation

In this online course, you will learn to evaluate both the functional and aesthetics aspects of TOTS.

Evaluation Protocols
for the Pediatric TMJ

This online course covers the anatomy and physiology and treatment protocols specific to the Pediatric TMJ including functional and structural assessment protocols.

Evaluation and Correction of the Atlas/Axis Dural Meningeal System

In this 5 week ONLINE program you will learn to how determine the primary upper cervical subluxation and how to evaluate and correct the dural meningeal component in a safe and effective way.

Adult Chiropractic Cranial Adjusting:


A 10-week ONLINE program covering the anatomy and physiology of the vagus nerve and how to evaluate and correct interference to the function of the vagus nerve.

Introduction to Cranial Evaluation & Adjusting Protocols

In this 12 week, ONLINE, class you will learn the functional anatomy and physiology of cranial bone motion, cerebrospinal fluid mechanics, and specific cranial landmarks and indicators to facilitate both your understanding and application of cranial adjusting techniques.

Chiropractic Cranial Immersion
This 38-week course, ONLINE, course covers the A to Zs of cranial adjusting. It is not for the faint of heart or those without prior cranial adjusting knowledge.  It covers everything from external cranial corrections, CSF balancing techniques and intra-oral cranial adjusting protocols.

Removing Cranial Dural Stress Patterns Through The Sutural System

This online program covers the complete 7 step DeJarnette Cranial approach to balancing the cranial dural sutural system.

Correcting TemporoMandibular Dysfunction (TMD)

This online course covers the anatomy and physiology of the TMJ and specific techniques to correct TMD.

Adult Spinal Adjusting:

Chiropractic Care for the Pregnant Patient

This 14 week ONLINE program teaches the SOT® based system which allows you to safely work with your patients from the beginning of their pregnancy through the final trimester.  Within this paradigm of care you will get the skills to not only address the ever changing needs of the pregnant patient, but you will learn specific techniques to help with some of the most common challenges faced by this population.

SOT® – The Three

In this 15-week online program you will learn the complete evaluation and adjusting protocols for the SOT® Three Category System. 

Supportive Techniques:

Occipital Fiber Analysis and Soft Tissue Reflex Techniques (CMRT)

In this 10-week online program you will learn the complete evaluation and adjusting protocols for the Occipital Fiber Analysis and Soft Tissue Reflex Technique.


Scoliosis Ancillary Adjusting Protocols and Home Care

This online program covers ancillary treatment protocols and home exercises to help you improve your clinical outcomes.

Courses for Health Care Practitioners and Parents:

Cranial Facial Distortions and their Impact on Childhood Development

In this 10 week ONLINE program Drs. Rosen and Watson will walk you through an understanding of normal childhood growth and development and the structural distortion patterns to look for that may be signs of developmental challenges.

Evaluating the Vestibular System: Determining Balance, Coordination and Processing Issues

This 12 week ONLINE program will give you a step-by step guide to understand the vestibular system and signs and symptoms of imbalances.

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Chiropractic Books

Pediatric Chiropractic Care &
It’s All in the Head available now!







Peak Potential Institute

Wellesley, MA