Praise for:
SOT® Pediatric Online Certificate Program

  1. This program is incredibly thorough. Lots of information pertinent to being a great pediatric chiropractor. Gaining and understanding of the material presented provides an incredible skill set that will improve your outcomes. However, staying up to date with the modules is important as the quantity of information is vast. Reviewing the modules to ensure you retain this info is also important. 2) Practice these techniques during the modules and after. This brings greater certainty and skill when applying them to your new and existing practice members. 3) While adjusting a paediatric population can sound and feel daunting at times, if you fall back on the principles taught in this program, it provides answers for the times where you don’t know where to begin. Review the print material regularly so this becomes more natural for you.

Throughout this program, I have found myself becoming more confident in my approach with adjusting kids. Having this improved confidence has also helped improve my certainty, which provides the parents of the children I am seeing with more confidence in me. This shared improved confidence translates into a better outcome as parents choose to continue with care, especially with those more difficult kids that need more care. From this course, I find myself enjoying seeing kids even more and have great joy throughout the day.

For me, the biggest take away from this program was not an application of one specific technique that had an amazing outcome, but the ability to know where to go next. My biggest problem prior to this program was I had lots of information in my head about how to care for the pediatric population, but now how to put it all together. Seeing how Dr. Rosen moves from assessment to correction gave me clarity on ‘where to go to next’. This wasn’t just with one patient, but with every patient, which improved the outcomes for them all and gave me more confidence at the same time.

I would highly recommend the program to anyone considering working with kids. SOT and Dr Rosen & Watson’s approach in applying SOT principles & techniques to kids ensures that you have the confidence and skills to manage all the common and uncommon conditions and syndromes experienced by kids, while also providing confidence to the parents. It delivers an incredible understanding of the anatomy & physiology of the developing baby and blends that with easy to follow and progressive assessment and corrective techniques that are safe, gentle and effective. What more could you want? If mastering chiropractic for the pediatric population is your vision, or if you are just looking for some extra help, this course delivers everything you will need and more.

Thank you both for your dedication to the chiropractic profession, especially the pediatric population & the chiropractors looking to master their skills. The breadth of knowledge you share within the program is incredible and something that I know I will use for the rest of my career. Without the dedication of you both, I fear that not only would some of these techniques get lost, resulting in our ability to care for kids to also suffer, but less chiropractors would also have less enjoyment in their day to day lives. Again, thank you both for your dedication to the profession and the health of kids globally. The profession continues to need masters like you both to help guide the knowledge and skills of less experienced chiropractors. This ensures the greatest possible health outcomes of our pediatric population. This program goes a long way to delivering this.”

Martin Cook, DC

“I had just completed the pregnancy course with you and wanted to keep studying/learning more (as I am passionate about continuing to be able to serve my community to the best of my ability). So the Pediatric programme was the next step as I felt like I needed more understanding in cranial work but also because I had some tricky cases of little ones that I didn’t know how to help.

My takeaways are to Keep up with the work as you go and implement it into your office as you go – Don’t be afraid to ask questions and post to the class page – Getting a skull to practice on is really important to help cement what you are learning.

Personally and professionally it has increased my confidence but also inspired me to keep on learning and keep aiming to master this content. Seeing something once doesn’t make you a master

Early in the course I sent in pictures of a twin that I was looking after who had big cranial issues, Dr. Rosen gave me direction based off his photos. As the course went on I learnt more and understood why he said what he did. And slowly but surely we have seen some great changes, most noticeably last week when we took some new photos and can see some great changes in his head shape (Dad has been questioning if there was a difference and Mum felt like there was…..the pictures showed there was!)

I recommend this program.  You will gain great assessment skills, indicators to track at future progress exams and the ability to explain what you are finding and how it affects the child

This is the best Pediatric course that I have taken to date; it is big on content that is immediately applicable to practice no matter where you are in your career

Thank you so much for being so incredible Martin and Nancy!! Love studying with you and I am sad that the course is over :(“

Dr. Kylie Phillips

“I BEGGED Nancy to open up a space for me for this course and I’m SO grateful! When Marty taught for ICPA it was one of my favorite courses and I realized there were things in practice I do every day that I learned from him. I wanted to deepen my knowledge and understanding of cranial work as it’s so powerful in practice.

My three takeaways:

  1. This program really went deep into cranial techniques.
  2. There was so much follow up support with the love sessions.
  3. The homework was really helpful at keeping me on track and implementing what I had been learning.

I feel like I’m really just starting. I’ve been in practice for 11 years now and I feel like this course is what I’ve been looking for. Now I have a better understanding of the cranial system. I also get frustrated when we get compared to craniosacral therapists, now I KNOW I have a much more robust training and technique.

I see so many babies with breastfeeding issues. I have been doing oral work for years now but this course gave me so much specificity for the palate, SBJ and facial bones. I love the Sutherland’s cant hook and the fruit jar techniques. Those have been a game changer in my office for babies breastfeeding and breathing,

YES YES YES, I would recommend this program.  This is the master class! Any doc who does cranial and or sees babies should do this.

This course is so much more than a cranial class. It goes in depth in neurology, anatomy, physiology, brain development, practice management, marketing and personal growth. It really pushed me to be better and we all owe that to our communities and to our profession. I felt so supported by Marty and Nancy and I’m so excited to continue learning from them.”

Dr. Stephanie Libs

“I took this program because I wanted to expand and deepen my knowledge on pediatric chiropractic care and also start learning cranial work so that I can better help my community on Aruba.

My three takeaways:

  1. Having a thorough examination and history in order to get a whole picture of the patient and to get a baseline and a place to start.
  2. Less is more with pediatric patients
  3. The importance to get pediatrician patients to get checked as early as possible in order to balance their system and make long lasting changes if required

Personally it has given me a greater awareness of the growth and development of my own child and the children of friends and family. Professionally it has given me new tools and a framework to work from. I have been having difficulty starting to start working on children since my thoughts and skills felt like they were all over the place and very unorganized even the way I have to explain the importance was at least for me sounding very confusing and this program has given me the ability to streamline everything and with that building my confidence. I am now taking proper steps to build in these new skills in my practice and I am so excited for it.

I am just starting to build my pediatric practice but have a young preemie patient I have been working on his TMJ and palate from a possible tongue tie and since we started he has not needed to do a revision and he is thriving.

I definitely would recommend this course. It’s a beautifully comprehensive program that guides you step by step in working with the pediatric population. The guidance from Facebook, via email, the live session and the learning videos are beyond words. You are fully supported from start to finish and beyond.

This program is an overwhelming amazing experience. I have gained so much insight and knowledge that I am beyond excited. I have found a program that has guided me in how to start my pediatric practice and where to go to expand on it. If you want to work with a pediatric population but struggle where or how to start like me then this program is the best investment in order to do so. Also if you have an interest in cranial work this also helps you start in that regard.

I am just very blessed that Dr. Rosen suggested that I do the program. And cannot wait to do the live sessions with Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson.”

Dr. Tamara Perrotte

“I have always really enjoyed the area of pediatrics and since I started my studies I felt like there was a missing piece. In 2021 my son was born and had plagiocephaly and I asked Lilian Aliberti to take care of him. Seeing her assisting him encouraged me to seek more knowledge in craniopathy.

Even if you are a chiropractor, sometimes you need to understand the greatness that Chiropractic can provide for people. And serving children means experiencing this grandeur all the time. The ability to reduce medications, improve children’s quality of life, see them develop into their best version and create a healthier community is priceless.

The biggest result for me was at home, using the techniques on my children. It’s so good to be able to have relief in our hands to heal those we love! My daughter always had a lot of ear infections, she was always taking antibiotics and this year I managed to control it without medication. At the end of the course I received two 9-month-old twin sisters with severe plagiocephaly – it was almost like a final assessment of the course – I haven’t gotten an outcome yet but I’m working hard with everything I learned on the course. I can already say that since the evaluation we have already seen an improvement in tummy time and intestinal function. It’s amazing how well they respond when everything is working properly.

I would recommend this course for several reasons. Firstly because we Brazilians need to have contact with professionals with as much knowledge and experience as you, who are at the birthplace of Chiropractic – you are legends of our profession and I am proud to have the opportunity to learn from you, despite the distance, it was extremely important to absorb as much information as possible and make this information talk to each other (something we don’t always achieve in a live course). The transcripts and the material you send were one of the reasons why I felt confident investing in this course and I can guarantee that it made all the difference to my learning. I finish the course with a warm heart that I have absorbed a lot of knowledge and with the feeling that learning must continue.

This course was a turning point in my professional career. Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson have the gift of teaching in a clear, objective and passionate way. I am very satisfied with the decision to attend the course and with the amount of information they provided. This is just my first course and it certainly won’t be my last!!:

I would like you to know that I delved deeper into this course like never before. It was as if everything I thought was aligned with how I feel, what I do, how I practice and how I live. Thank you so much for being part of my journey and I hope to have the opportunity to meet you in person very soon!”

Dr. Fumi Eloisa Usui

“A real privilege to have direct teachings from two very experienced chiropractors. Although this is a content-rich course it is very well organised and structured. Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson are both very responsive in their replies and eager to help and provide clarification on any questions. Although I did the online version of this course I still felt I had hands-on experience thanks to the ‘call of action’ part of the course that gives you direction and steps on how to implement and incorporate the new techniques in your current practice.

Taking this course had a profound impact on my practice. It enhanced my clinical skills about the pediatric population, gave me the necessary directions to change my first visit in order to make it a lot more comprehensive and taught me what to look for. Not only that but it gave me additional knowledge to be able to educate the parents on what they can look for and do at home to help their children thrive. I found parents also like to understand how things work and that course gives you the knowledge necessary to be a good communicator in the context of a family-based practice. Furthermore this course added so many new tools in my belt and that in turn gave me the confidence to see pediatric patients with more challenging issues. This changed my outlook on what I was offering and the added confidence definitely caused a positive energy shift that was much needed in my practice.

It is hard to summarise the numerous clinical pearls that I was able to apply in my practice with a great outcome, however one thing came to mind was a 7 year old with intense chronic migraines that had been under my care for some time, and although he was getting some relief with his adjustments we were never able to fully keep his migraines at bay. Following the course I started working on his sphenobasilar and temporals, the effect was almost immediate with the migraines disappearing completely after a couple of visits. Another patient with years of chronic constipation received immediate relief after implementation of cranial adjustments.

I would definitely recommend this course to others, being able to have a full 10 months course online is such a privilege, especially for chiropractors living outside of the US and who can’t easily participate in in-person seminars with Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson.

I have to say I’m in admiration of how you guys were able to share your knowledge in such a clear and supportive way, considering all of it was online I’m sure it’s no mean feat and I feel very privileged to have participated in what you had to offer. Thanks again!”

Oceane Clement, DC

“This program filled in some empty spots in my cranial treatment and cleared up some questions on visual diagnostics, especially with the occiput. Cleared up some semantics from past SOT training (occipital sideslip/compression). Finally, I got a pedi brochure and exams formally completed. Required me to focus on improving and fine tuning my pedi cranial.

So many…. Most recently, my grandbaby had to be taken 3 weeks early by C section (such a violent procedure!) due to a complete placenta previa, so there was no other safe way out that we knew of. We had tried homeopathy, but it was too little too late. Anyway, the little peanut was falling asleep nursing, tearing up Momma’s nipples, and frantic while trying to latch. She had the classic Occipital Extension Presentation, low right frontal, intermaxillary ridging and wide open fontanelles – all of them; wide open all the way down the sagittal suture, too! While she was (painfully) nursing, I would shorten the Falx and widen the Tent, also working the jaw muscles and CRI. Her latch and sucking improved and all nursing pain would stop as long as I was actively doing this cranial, but would return later that day. After nursing I would work on the oral sutures. After 2 daily visits, 80-90% nursing issues were resolved. Baby opened wider to get a better latch, was no longer gnawing the nipple and did not exhaust so quickly while nursing. Just one of many, many.

I would recommend this program.  This is so much more beneficial than those weekend pedi classes that give so little useful info. In infants, the cranium and dural meningeal system is 90%.

Prior SOT training would be helpful.  Thank you for improving the quality of pedi care in our profession. No one should be treating peds without this training. Lots of love to y’all!!”

Keila Nichols, DC

“Taking this program has given me the knowledge to evaluate patients and give them the proper diagnosis to help move forward in their treatment plans. I am now able to assess plagiocephaly and have the skill set to help these patients in hopes to avoid the need for further modalities.

I absolutely love using the Occipital Lines as well as the trapezius fibers to help find where my patients need TLC. I openly talk to my patients about what I am feeling and doing and they love hearing about it! It has absolutely helped my table talk not only for pediatrics (to their parents) but for my adult patients as well. I am now assessing cranial bones on ALL of my patients. The adults love it for their sinus issues while my pediatrics are benefitting by their latches becoming stronger which means less gas and less colic.

I would recommend this course to others as a way to learn a new skill-set to better serve our patients. I loved that it was a yearlong course so each week I came to my patients with more information and more techniques to use.

I have nothing but great things to say about this course. The videos were descriptive; they come with a transcript as well as a workbook! You can ask questions on each video via the comment section, you can email the instructors, or you can ask your questions during the Doctor Share videos. There is no way you can fail this because they give you absolutely every tool you: need to succeed.

I appreciate you both so much! I appreciate your availability to help us. I appreciate your patience as I completed the course. I appreciated the positive feedback. I am so excited about your program that I am already starting to save up for future classes with you! I hope I am able to attend some seminars so I can meet you both in person! I cannot wait!”

Dr. Candace Seuferer

“I retook the SOT Pediatric Program so I could continue to sharpen my cranial and spinal adjusting skill, gain greater confidence, and deepen my understanding and knowledge of pediatric spinal and cranial assessment.

Three takeaways I received from this course are: 1.Having a detailed history and well-organized examination will lead to better outcomes for the patient. 2. Practice on live models as much as you can to give yourself the hands-on experience you need to become more experienced. 3. Learn from your peers. Their challenges that they present on the Facebook group can give you valuable insight on how to deal with similar challenges that may present to your office in the near future.

I feel like I’ve gained more confidence in myself and in my ability to deliver quality care to my pediatric patient.

I found that if I first cleared the occiput and sphenobasilar junction followed by the temporal and frontal bone in many of my infant patients who presented to my office with chronic issues had amazing results almost immediately. Which in turn, leads to happier mothers and more family involvement in chiropractic care.

I strongly believe this course is a MUST for all chiropractors who want to better serve their pediatric community. It will enhance your professional capability to adjust, assess, and evaluate the pediatric population across various developmental stages.

Having the opportunity to learn from Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson for the second time was as always, a very rewarding experience. This course continues to provide me with the training I need to support my passion in caring for the pediatric community. I always end up feeling eager and motivated to serve at a greater capacity after completing the course.

I really enjoyed taking this course and I look forward to continuing learning with you both in the many other programs you offer!”

Dr. Denise Miranda

“As a SOT practitioner, treatments involving cranial and dural meningeal systems made me realize that SOT technique can affect children to a greater extent as compared to adults. Therefore I would like to become an expert in pediatric care.

My three takeaways:

  1. Understanding the big picture of pediatric care
  2. Detail oriented on specific technique moves
  3. The teaching of Dr. Rosen can be directly transformed into easier explanation speech to the parents

I am more confident with interacting with children and parents. Personally, all the pediatric care knowledge can be applied to my future family.

I have been using SOT and cranial technique for my pediatric patients however it was done without detailed and tailored examination for children. Now, it is clearer on objective findings and direction for treatments.

Yes I would recommend this course, as it has helped me become a better Chiropractor.

As a chiropractor, we need to constantly think about the root subluxation. The way to find it is through systematic examination. This course not only allows you to have more understanding of pediatric care but it can also help you see the big picture of health conditions of any age group.

Thank you both for creating this high quality course.”

Dr. Johnathan Hsiang

“I took this class to gain a deeper understanding of pediatric chiropractic and was hoping to gain technical skills to help kids as well as confidence in my technique. Three take-aways would be how to properly diagnose cranial problems, confidence in proper technique and new tools to treat pediatric pain and other difficult issues.

This class has impacted my life because it has given me tools and understanding to help my own children in new ways and better manage their growing and developing nervous systems. Has impacted me professionally by increasing my skills to a place that chiropractic was able to change a life and now parents and other professionals send their babies and children to me for that change.

Had a 4 year old with red ear, active pain, crying. Used dollar sign neutralization technique, ventricular bulb as well as adjusting temporal and occiput. Yes I would recommend this course to all chiropractors who are serious about being specific with their skill and anyone identifying as a pediatric chiropractor. I believe that the skills gained in this class could bring the entire profession to a place where there is no doubt that what we do for children is safe and needed. I think all chiropractors could learn so many different things from this class. The most important thing they will learn is specificity. Something I have noticed for years is the lack of cranial education in our profession, most know there is a certain bone that is wrong and that they ‘adjusted’ it, but are never very clear on how or what they did. This class clarifies the what, when and why very nicely. I now have the skills to identify which way a cranial bone has shifted and have an entire tool box to help each specific issue.

Drs. Marty and Nancy have made learning these topics fun and relevant. I know the future of this specialty is in good hands with these two. I truly believe anyone working with children NEED to take this course.”

Cecelia Mikles, DC

I am ALWAYS wanting to learn more and value you all! I have taken your ICPA courses twice back when you taught there and was excited to take this!

There is an incredible amount of information that I will continue to come back to and study and learn and develop my cranial skills. I also really enjoyed the simple right now strategies that we could utilize in practice as we just started to incorporate this work into practice.

As a parent I have of course been thinking about and utilizing what I am learning on my own daughter. I also love combining the knowledge I have with this lens and think about how it all ties together so beautifully. It is so much fun!

It has really helped me tie together some of the concepts I have learned on airway, tongue ties and palate assessment to kids of all ages in practice (and my own child)
I would recommend this program. It is a lot but an amazing foundation to come back and visit and study ongoing to develop a deeper understanding and skill set
I think all chiropractors should invest in continuing to deepen their knowledge of what we do and how we impact the developing child and this course helps deepen knowledge and also gain more adjusting assessment at an advanced level.

Love you guys! Thanks for your work!

Dr. Amy Lynn Spoelstra

“After over 15 years in practice, I wanted to expand my knowledge in this area. So many lay people now are practicing craniosacral therapy and I strongly feel in our profession we really need to stand out and continue to expand on our knowledge and experience in this field especially if we want to work with children.

I loved learning and integrating how to look for structural versus meningeal patterns and I have new techniques for my tool box.

It was an intense ten months, but I feel that it helped me with my skills with working with infants, pediatrics and adults using cranial sacral therapy.

In practice, I usually had one to two seizure patients a year. When I first started the course I started to get one a month, now I am getting up to five new patients a month with seizures as a result of parents telling other parents what has been helping their kids

I would absolutely recommend this program.  ! In chiropractic school we don’t get to learn too much about the skull other than basic landmarks. We don’t really cover movements of the bones, importance of fontanelles and when they should close, and in our school we did not learn cranial adjusting at all. This course provided all of that and more.

I have taken courses with Dr. Rosen through the ICPA and this class just provided so much more

Just a heartfelt thank you for the hard work you put into setting up the course. Also a huge thank you for your feedback during the Q&As, responses to all questions and CTA assignments, and Facebook.”

Dr. Anastasia Lander

“I took this program because I was seeing many cranial issues in practice and most importantly with my niece. I wanted to have a better understanding of the cranium function and its impact on the rest of the body.

I know have a detailed/structured exam to exhibit confidence in my expertise to parents.  I can better communicate with parents about the source of the issue. (I still need more practice on this) and I have a much better ‘feel’ and understanding of cranial bone movement and mechanics. (This program is just the beginning; this will be a lifetime of learning)

I have more confidence and guidance on where to begin. I feel I have many tools in the tool box.

I am seeing a huge improvement with nursing/latching, balancing vagal tone (gag reflex) and sympathetic driven kids.

This course will give you all the information you need. Can be overwhelming, but rewarding when things begin to ‘click’.

I did not have any type of direction when treating children prior to this course. This course is INTENSE, but if you feel like you are missing something and want to improve patient outcomes I highly recommend this course. Within a few months I was seeing a HUGE improvement in patient outcomes.

I was overwhelmed in the middle of the program (life in the way) and when I took a step back and spent a week picking out my favorite techniques for specific conditions and positive findings, it allowed me to regain focus and better understand.”

Serena Heard, DC

“This was my second time taking this course. Both times have been practice-changing for me. I felt stuck with many of my pediatric patients, and knew I could offer them so much more.

The concept of less is more takes on new meaning when working with specific cranial adjusting. Understanding the relationship of the spine as a whole and ways to access subluxations from a different perspective has been extremely beneficial. Learning to approach the nervous system through specific objective indicators and corrections, instead of just subjective symptoms, has helped tremendously.

This program has deepened my understanding of the interconnected nature of the entire body. One tiny adjustment can change the course of a patient’s trajectory. It has improved my competence and confidence both as a practitioner and as a person.

I had an infant patient who was originally seeing a different chiropractor that was not trained to the same level, especially with cranial adjusting. Baby had been under care for 3 months with minimal improvement and worsening plagiocephaly. After only 2 adjustments his parents noticed a significant change, and after 5 adjustments his head shape had returned to normal and he was symptom-free.

This course improved every aspect of my chiropractic skills and ability to help my patients.

This course expanded my understanding of the true capabilities of chiropractic. Taking healing to a deeper level and knowing I can help my patients has contributed to the amazing results we are seeing. Now having the confidence to convey this knowledge in a clear and effective way to patients keeps our practice continuously growing. Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson are endlessly supportive and teach in a way that I can understand without being too overwhelmed. I would recommend this course to any chiropractor looking to take their practice and skills to the next level.

Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson are invaluable leaders in the chiropractic world. They help us to reach a higher standard of patient education and care. I am eternally grateful for their work and dedication to our profession. Thank you!”

Ashley Mayes, DC

“I decided to take this course to gain a better understanding of cranial adjusting for children & to gain more confidence in helping families.

My three takeaways:

  1. It’s a lot of work! You will only gain knowledge if you put the modules into practice.
  2. Although it’s not a symptom-based model, there are specific areas to check the infant/child for specific issues that may have brought them into chiropractic.
  3. This is just the beginning of learning – this work requires a constant focus & desire to learn more to help children.

This course has given me more certainty to share with families.

I am also an IBCLC so I used this course a lot in helping breastfeeding moms who were having trouble latching their newborns. I utilized several of the cranial techniques to help babies relax more to breastfeed & become more efficient feeding.

YES, I would recommend this program. Even though I have been in practice for nearly 25 years there is always something more to learn to help others.

This course is definitely a lot of work but it pays off in the end to see the differences in patients, especially children. The parents who have brought their children in since doing this course are super happy & can see I have a lot of certainty & confidence in what I am doing.

This has been such an invaluable learning experience. Thank you!!”

Dr. Beth Williams

“I enrolled in this course to enhance my understanding of craniosacral therapy and its potential benefits for specific pediatric conditions.

1. The course is filled with a wealth of information. 2. I hadn’t fully grasped the profound impact of craniosacral therapy on our bodies or the significance of accumulated CSF fluid. 3. Prioritize checking the sphenobasilar region first.

This program has personally aided me in addressing sensory processing issues in my nearly 3-year-old, who is a sensory seeker. This has significantly contributed to her calming down. Additionally, my youngest, approaching two, experienced recurring sinus congestion for months, and now we’ve achieved better management. Patients resembling my own children have shown remarkable responses.

I treated a patient with recurrent ear infections, even after having tubes inserted that later fell out. By focusing on the sphenobasilar and employing a technique to drain the Eustachian tube, his chronic ear infections disappeared within two visits. I look forward to observing the ongoing impact on this particular patient.

I highly recommend this course to others; it has been incredibly insightful and beneficial. The content is rich with valuable information, and the practical applications have made a positive impact on my understanding and skills. If you’re seeking a course that combines scientific knowledge with real-world effectiveness, this is the one for you. I wholeheartedly endorse it.

My experience with this course has been transformative. The in-depth exploration of craniosacral therapy has significantly expanded my chiropractic toolkit. The practical insights into addressing various conditions, coupled with a focus on the sphenobasilar region, have proven remarkably effective in my practice. I believe other chiropractors would benefit immensely from this course as it seamlessly blends endless knowledge with hands-on techniques, offering a valuable and comprehensive approach to patient care.

Thank you very much!”

Dr. Whitley Kelley

“I took this program to improve my adjusting skills with newborns and gain clinical reasoning skills in daily practice. Also to gain a deeper knowledge with cranial corrections procedures.

1. Detailed knowledge that you can access any time – I am a very visual learner, so I am very grateful about everything I can watch over and over again. For me hands-on seminars are mostly not useful. So thankful that this program exists. 2. Lots of support from experienced doctors – it helped me so much to send e-mails to the doctors and get always amazing answers. 3. Deep information – this program gives you a detailed and wide variety of information for cranial adjusting.

Taking this program gave me: – more information = more confidence in the practice – adjusting protocols = find subluxations faster – get a frame on how to adjust complex problems

I had a 6 year old child that had a head trauma. Thanks to this program this child now has only mild head deformities and could finally speak again. Because of this head trauma the child would barely speak with other children. The mom almost cried of joy when she found out about her child speaking again freely.

Yes I would recommend that program. For me I finally got a full evaluation system on how to address any cranial issue and have an adjusting flow for newborn and children.

Dr. Martin Rosen can answer any question and help you with difficult cases.

Thank you for your work!!! Because of you I can be one of the few people in Berlin who can address all these complex problems.”

Marcus Koch, DC

“I really wanted to help children, but didn’t have enough skills to help with all the complicated cases, plus I lacked the communication skills so parents would have confidence in me. I have always loved SOT and cranial work, but did not have certifications and training to practice it properly.

My three takeaways:  1. Dr Rosen is so knowledgeable with the cranium!!!! 2. Difficult, but worth the effort. Chiropractors should take these classes as soon as possible! 3. Amazingly detailed knowledge and training to help all children!!!!

This program has caused me a great deal of stress. I didn’t realize how challenging and time consuming this program was going to be. I underestimated the program and overestimated my time. I am not savvy with creating brochures and the palate work was a lot.  I wish I had more time to study, but I will continue moving forward until I master this material.

Working on a 4 year old with sinus and asthma. Using the occipital fiber analysis, working on the sphenoid as well as using the fruit jar technique made huge positive changes quickly.

I would definitely recommend this program.   Anyone who treats children should know this technique. The amount of C-section births are so great. All children need to be better evaluated. I wish I had known this when my children were born, it would have helped them so much with their sinuses and so many other problems.

When you take Dr. Martin Rosen’s’ pediatric series it will blow you away at how much you don’t know, even after 26 years of practice. Children have so many more problems these days and this class will teach you how to evaluate them properly and really solve their problems. Thank you for all your knowledge and time! I look forward to training with you in the future!”

Tina Crowley, DC

“This course deepened my knowledge of dural meningeal evaluation and intra-oral corrections.

The program shared a comprehensive spinal and cranial evaluation with a systematic approach to corrections. It does it gradually, and that helps you process all the new in-depth information so you can use it instantly.

This program has added to my toolbox an array of adjusting techniques for each meningeal, tonal, and structural adjustment procedure. This growth has provided the certainty that I will be able to serve my community.

The approach and techniques are beyond what other doctors offer in my community. This last year, I have seen faster results with intense cases from vacuum extractions, plagiocephalies, and feeding difficulties due to dural restrictions.

I recommend this program to other Chiropractors seeking to take their knowledge to the next level.

It has been a mind-blowing program where my brain has overflowed with knowledge. I am excited and honored to use this knowledge to help the next generations lay a strong foundation for wellness.

I want to thank Dr. Martin and Dr. Watson for pouring their knowledge and passion. ‘We never know how far-reaching something we may think, say, or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.’ – B. J. Palmer”

Lilliana Emmanuelli, DC

“I Have wanted to work with cranials ever since starting practice, took a course from Dr. Rosen in ICPA course, and decided it was time!

My three takeaways 1. The most thorough understanding of the anatomy of the cranium. 2. How balancing the cranium affects neurologic development. 3. Multiple ways of addressing issues, having such a large toolbox to use.

I love to learn and I feel more confident in my practice. Over the course I have integrated the work and am noticing a huge difference in the healing of my pediatric population.

I have an 18 month old with respiratory issues. I do upper cervical work but always felt like I was missing something. Doing CSF balancing, sphenoid, and frontal fruit jar technique were a game changer.. also noticing the shape of head changing that parents noticed!

I absolutely would this program, at the core of balancing the nervous system, this is a must for working with pediatrics, especially given all the palate issues that are arising.

I loved the way the course was laid out in smaller sections. There is so much to learn and it makes the information more manageable when trying to put it all together. Chiropractors that want to change neurodevelopment in pediatrics would benefit immensely from this course. The CTA’s gave opportunities to apply to patients throughout the course. There was always support and community from Drs. Rosen and Watson, it is so obvious how much they love this work and want to share it.

I don’t know if a follow up, or a potential ‘refresher’ course is offered. Given the amount of information it is impossible to get it all in one go-around. Great course.”

Dr. Julie Gray

“I took this program to Increase general and clinical knowledge of pediatric adjusting skills and understanding of pediatrics as patients and how they grow in years.

My three takeaways are: 1) In depth and easy to learn 2) organized on several platforms 3) Willing to answer questions when prompted

I have deeper respect for what infants and toddlers can deal with, knowing that they are every bit patients like adults.

I believe my palpation skills towards infants and toddlers have gotten better resulting in a greater sensitivity toward their needs resulting in better adjustments.

I would recommend this program, as I mentioned above a deeper respect plus a greater level of confidence towards helping the pediatric population.

There is a lot of pediatric education that I garnered in this course that has been applied to my own knowledge and practice, knowledge you won’t necessarily get in Chiropractic College. Even if you don’t intend to have a pediatric practice, your patients will have children that will have neurological or structural problems, having some knowledge to help the pediatric population will not only help ones practice but more importantly the families of your own community and nation. Thank you!”

Dr. Christopher Seeley

“I wanted to become better at adjusting cranials. And I wanted to feel confident about it. Plus I wanted to be able to pause Marty when he talks, just so I can digest it.

My takeaways are:  1- It is intense but digestible 2. Marty and Nancy are the most dedicated instructors I have ever met 3. The quality of the content is great!

This program has brought so much clarity to what I do and why I do it.

I’ve got the participants book specifically with me because that thing I did last time cleared their sinuses, or their ears, or their tinnitus and they want me to do it again… I’d say the techniques that I use the most are sphenobasilar, fruit jar and TMJ/temporal and that’s why they book with me.

Yes, I would absolutely recommend this course. Because every child should have the opportunity to thrive, and this knowledge will help every pediatric chiropractor help the children even further

The quality of the content, the care from the instructors, is beyond any course or class I have ever taken in my entire chiropractic career. I regret not keeping up with the material to be able to ask more questions live. I recommend you really take advantage of this program and the pearls of wisdom Marty and Nancy provide.

In a way, being so behind with CTA’s made me go through the videos at least one more time. I actually enjoyed going through it all in a short period of time. I also appreciated the repetition on certain topics and techniques; it reinforced what I was learning. I wish I could have the Q& A videos for a bit longer. I’m sad this has ended.”

Dr. Penny Aviles

“My practice is pointed towards caring for children so I am always looking to add to my toolbox ways to improve my technique and better serve the kids that come through my door.

My three takeaways:  1. The nuance of cranial adjusting takes time to learn, but it pays off in dividends once you get the hang of it. 2. CSF balancing is life changing for kids on the spectrum 3. Take the time to perform a thoughtful and thorough exam. This reveals the primary issues and helps the client progress quickly and completely.

This course has impacted me professionally by enabling me to use different techniques with my more challenging clients. One boy in my practice made marked improvement when I switched his adjustment from activator to a more nuanced SOT approach. Personally, I was a bit overwhelmed because I added a second office to my practice, so I fell a fair bit behind and catching up was an undertaking, but I am glad I made the time!

I have a young girl on the spectrum that I have been seeing for months. We saw some improvements in the first few months, but the progress had plateaued and I decided to add in CSF balancing and checking for internally rotated maxilla. Since adding those adjustments in, she has made marked strides, most notably her speaking has gone from garbled slurring to clear words.

I would recommend this course for other chiropractors interested in pediatrics but specifically for those taking care of a autistic population. Using these techniques can help their sensitive nervous systems in a way that more aggressive techniques cannot.

I got behind on this course because my practice pace has increased this year, but I am so glad I made the time to finish because the techniques I have learned have been invaluable in caring for my clients! I would advise that any provider considering this course ask themselves ‘could I give the absolute best possible care to any child that walks through my door today?’ If your answer is anything less than a 1000% yes, you need this course.

Thank you for imparting your wisdom!”

Dr. Kathryn M. Lederer

“I wanted to learn more about working with children and infants. I also wanted to learn more about cranial work and SOT. I have taken some courses through ICPA but I wanted something more specific and in more detail.

I liked the convenience of the program. Obviously, most of us are in practice and this is a large time commitment to watch additional videos weekly but if I did fall behind I was able to catch up at my own pace. There were also multiple assignments which were nice. I liked that the doctor share sessions were recorded. Also enjoyed the videos- I think they were easy to understand and follow and gave great details.

This program has given me a lot of confidence to treat the pediatric population. It has also given me the opportunity to allow myself to have more success with the pediatric population. I also have started to use it on adult patients as well.

I have used it a lot when treating babies who have torticollis or have cranial issues.

I would recommend this program. It is great. Very convenient for a doctor that is in practice because I was able to move at my own pace and at the same time immediately implement what I have learned into practice.

Thank you!”

Dr. Brittany Hennigan

“Pediatrics has always been my passion when it comes to a field in Chiropractic. I wanted to learn more and have more tools to add to my Chiropractic Toolbox.

My there takeaways:  Learning different methods of evaluating – Putting it all together in 1 course – Refreshing knowledge gathered over the years.

Personally this course has re-ignited and boosted my passion for pediatrics. Professionally it is making me look at my pediatric patients with a different view.

Using the Sagittal Suture Spread Pain Control method on a 6 month baby and feeling them relax and chill out in my hands.

I would recommend this program because it enables us to add more to our toolbox.

I love studying with the Rosens. They have so much passion and knowledge around pediatric chiropractic that it’s not hard to take onboard their passion.

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge – it really is inspiring.”

Dr. Jodie-Anne Lamb

“My three takeaways from this program:

  1. Early prevention is key and we can make such a great impact before a child is two yrs old and beyond
  2. Clinical indicators are important in determining the frequency and specific care a child needs
  3. The pediatric exam and case history are powerful tools in patient education and preparing a child patient for care

Personally, this program has made it clear to me that I don’t want to be a jack of all trades especially when it comes to specific, safe, and gentle care for the pediatric population. Cranial adjusting is so fascinating to me and congruent to how I want to serve the children in my community. Professionally, I have found that people are looking for experts in the field of pediatrics and with this work and diving deeper; I can be so refined in my clinical skills to provide state of the art care for these families.

I have been applying that fruit jar technique to a handful of adults and children. The outcome has been less overall tension in neck and jaw and incredible healing with those with seasonal allergies.

100% would recommend this course to others. There are people in our communities looking for us to know exactly when and what to adjust and the expected outcomes and results for the doctor and the patient.

A huge thank you for your time and patience and for stepping out and sharing your wisdom. You are truly legends and creating a beautiful legacy raising other DCs no matter where they are in practice whether it’s fresh like me or one who has been in practice for decades it’s truly an honor. Dr Watson and Dr Rosen, thank you for doing the work and putting it together for a way to inspire other DCs to learn how to be better clinicians for the pediatric population.”

Melanie Kom, DC

“This program is very detailed and the explanations combined with the visuals on the craniums or dolls help facilitate the understanding – The program is very complete and there are a lot of tools. Use those you are comfortable with and combine these techniques with those you are already using in your clinic. Different techniques for specific conditions are explained step-by-step, so it facilitates the learning process. (Of course, it is also important to use or modify those techniques according to your clinical findings).

I am a lot more observant of the cranium when looking at babies (at the clinic as well as in general). It helps me integrate the information given during the classes. I am now more efficient during my clinical exam of a child which has given me more confidence. As I don’t treat a lot of babies, I still need more practice for the different techniques as well as for the subtleties of cranial palpation, but at least I know that I have the tools to become better.

I have seen a child with chronic ear infection. This child was very fearful and insecure about the treatments. I have used the techniques you have taught during this class and after only two or three treatments, the parents told me that the child was not complaining of ear pain anymore. Moreover, during the treatments, the child started laughing when I used the Eustachian Tubes Technique which has made him and the parents more comfortable.

Yes, I would recommend this program.  It gives a lot of interesting tools to treat babies. Each aspect of the class is reviewed multiple times, which helps to integrate the information more efficiently. The combination of the workbook and transcript make this course very complete. You can review the information later, which makes it very useful. The information you gave on the Facebook page is always relevant to the classes and different subjects and that makes the class even more interesting.

I have appreciated every single part of this program. The CTAs have allowed a better understanding of the information given during the classes. They have also acted as great reviews or summaries. The Q&A were pretty useful and they were pretty interesting as you were often giving more of a ‘real life’ aspect to the classes or you were talking about real experiences and cases.”

Andréanne Séguin, DC

“1. It gives a good foundation for infant and pediatric adjusting techniques and protocols that help take any guesswork out of seeing patients in this age rage.

2. Ten months is a long time to commit to a class and might seem intimidating at first, but the pacing is done well enough that even if you fall a few classes behind it’s easy to catch up and not feel overwhelmed

3. There is a lot of information and some of it is definitely more immediately applicable in day to day practice, but I can see the importance of everything that was provided. In fact I never once felt like I was just being given filler information to draw anything out.

I originally took this class because I wanted to get more comfortable with seeing patients in this demographic. While I do feel more confident in my abilities now I also feel like this has opened up a whole new world regarding my understanding of early childhood development and the importance of the work we do. Basically While I do have a little more confidence in my abilities I also now know enough to understand how little I actually know. It’s kind of caused a bit of a prospective shift with how I understand my adult patients as well.

I have a few younger patients who are afraid of adjusting because it looks like it hurts mom/dad and they’ve had chiropractors in the past that treated them like little adults and it was uncomfortable. So doing a few of the evaluations and adjustments I learned in this class have helped at least three kids in my office start to trust and benefit from chiropractic to the point that they’ve told a parent that they wanted to come back to see me. I’ve specifically used some of the newborn assessment tools and adjustments to help a few babies with feeding issues and dural restrictions. Additionally I now have a few tools to help young patients dealing with ADD and ADHD.

I’d pretty much recommend this course for all the reasons I previously stated. Additionally I really wish for all the money I spent on grad school they could have spent at least one class teaching about pediatrics and infants. That being said, this course was definitely better than anything a school you probably offer as a core curriculum so it’s definitely worth the time and cost.”

Andrew Johnson, DC

“I would like to thank Dr. Martin and Dr. Nancy for creating this course. I knew the course would be in depth having taken the SBS and Vagus courses previously, but it really sets the bar high for the quality of the content and the depth of knowledge presented to us. It was overwhelming to see all the modules but the information came in blocks, with new concepts introduced and revisited which made for an easier learning experience. The presentation of the protocols is really appreciated and helps greatly as a starting point. I also really liked how the course invites our own approach and that we will naturally gravitate to specific techniques more than others. Unique to my situation, is that I had my second baby half way through the course so I had an advantage and it made it a bit more special that I could help my baby – she has the roundest head I’ve ever seen.  I can’t suggest any improvements for how the content was presented; the teaching was very well done and thorough.”

Emma Le Roux, DO

“I took this program to improve my examination skills and to develop a better understanding of SOT®. My three takeaways:
1. Better examinations
2. Specific findings to know exactly where you need to adjust
3. Improved palpation skills.

Personally, this is adding more tools to my toolbox to help patients. Professionally, being able to take a deeper dive into assessing the patient and having a sound protocol to help them improve their health. I have been working with an infant with congestion. After working through sphenobasilar, temporal, frontal and palate, parents have noticed an improvement in the congestion.

I would definitely recommend this program to other practitioners. There is a lot of information, but each module you are able to apply skills learned to practice on Monday. This course has been great. For me, it’s going to be the continued practice of the techniques taught. I loved this program. I wish I would not have fallen behind and wish I would have made the live Q&As. For me its practice, making charts and improving my palpatory skills.”

Darci Jurgens, DC

“I wanted to have more techniques to unite not only structural subluxations, but visceral and emotional subluxations as well. My three takeaways:
1. Super amazing and interesting information
2. Better communication skills with parents
3. Overall knowledge increase.

I am feeling much more excited and confident in ways I can help my pediatric community. The sphenobasilar and dollar and crest signs and techniques that I use daily have made a difference in my differential diagnosis and hence in the patient’s results.

I would definitely recommend it if you are looking for a complete perspective on chiropractic, not only structural based, but based on neurology. The experience has been very professionally fulfilling and can’t wait to continue applying all the knowledge gained. Simply a big THANK YOU! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge, thank you for your time and empathy with me as well these past months. I’m very grateful.”

Alicea Luciano, DC

“I took this course to further my learning from the in-person series.

This work is life changing. The information is robust and doesn’t all sink in at once so multiple passes is so helpful. This is the thing that unlocks the tough cases.

Learning this work has changed how I practice and where I focus. I have had babies have major changes quickly but the most surprising has been the adults that had improvement on issues they’ve struggled with through their life.

I took care of 4 month old baby with torticollis who came into care with a helmet appointment scheduled the next week for plagiocephaly. One adjustment made huge visual changes, parents were shocked. Helmet measurements were taken and deemed not enough for intervention but watch and see. After one month of care, he graduated PT, did not need a helmet and caught up on milestones. And his laryngomalacia improved after the first visit.

This course is well designed and full of information that will change your practice and life.

Working with Drs. Rosen and Watson is like unlocking a new level in practice. Patients get better, lives change.

Thank you!”

Dr. Larissa Tenzycki

“I wanted to learn more about the infant skull, distortions, and to be able to correlate with clinical findings.

My three takeaways are 1. In depth facial distortions patterns 2. Correlation of clinical findings to clinical findings 3. More confidence when taking with parents about how chiropractic could help their child

I have a much better understanding of the infant child’s skull, spine, and sacrum than I ever have.

Every single day, I use something from the class. Whether it is sacral pussyfooting, Cranial bulb, or Sutherland’s Cant Hook, Occipital lines.

If a chiropractor is treating children, this is a MUST TAKE class. Chiropractic school training does not adequately prepare or teach us how to take care of children.”

Dr. Tereshel Johnson

“I want to learn more about treating and evaluating children and infants with cranial techniques.

This program has great examinations, detailed adjusting protocol and great use of cranial adjusting

I feel more confident treating children. I feel like I have the skills to diagnose and treat infants and children.

I had a family come in with a 3 week old that wasn’t latching well during breast feeding. I adjusted the baby’s palate and had the baby latch while in my office. The baby latched easier. The mother told me she was having pain because the baby wasn’t latching. After 1 visit, the baby and mom were happy!

The course brings you from start to finish with adjusting cranial bones and the whole body of children. It is very easy to follow. Dr. Rosen is a great presenter.

The course is so detailed and well planned out. If you have any questions, Dr Rosen answers fast.

Thank you for having me in the program for a second year. I learned so much more going through it again.”

Dr. Maxine Helman

“My three takeaways from this program:

  1. Building the case for kids and chiropractic – especially in the first year of life
  2. Powerful exam protocols to gain info to truly see how a child is developing and what techniques to start with
  3. Powerful new techniques (tools in the toolbox) to help above and beyond spinal adjustments to be able to help every child with every possible condition.

It has deepened my conviction and confidence around babies being adjusted as early as possible (for ideal cranial and brain development) and not just for their spinal health. I also feel like we are now the pediatric experts in our community (even though we still have years of learning and mastery to go).

We have an infant who wasn’t sleeping more than 2 hours at a time who Dr Mel and I have been using many of these new techniques with and he is not only sleeping through the night but his hematoma is shrinking and his skull is looking more normal.

Thank you both for all your hard work, commitment and passion to get this work into more and more chiropractic practices.”

Tara Scharich, DC

“My three takeaways from this program are:

1.) The vast knowledge and in depth information behind this type of work.

2.) How truly impressive the body is and how the cranial dural system really controls basically everything

3.) These kids (and adults) really do need us in their lives

This program was very eye opening in showing just how powerful our profession really is. People need us for this knowledge and we can change the trajectory of their lives in a very profound way.

I honestly apply this every day in our office. Whether it is the struggling new mother with breastfeeding or the delayed infant that just needed to find us. Literally everyday it is something. A very specific case would be a 5 month old with craniosynostosis that we were able to diagnose although he was improving under care, there was just another variable that we knew was not right. Upon further analysis it was found and then he went to surgery. They took his occipitals and cut them then flipped them and put them back onto his skull. Wild process but he has such a better quality of life due to this knowledge base. Thank you.

If you see kids in your office this is a must. You can skate the surface with adjusting but this in depth program will set you up for every scenario that kids will throw you way from cranial issues, to feeding, and even neurological symptoms.

Know i am sure I will be forever learning this material but am forever grateful for this program. We will be a part of it for many years to come.”

Ross Benz, DC

“I wanted more knowledge on cranial molding and adjusting.

My three takeaways are:

  1. Less is more when adjusting for cranial issues.
  2. Having good indicators is key.
  3. Always have a plan and be confident in that plan.

I now have more confidence in my ability to help kids when they come in with cranial issues.

I have been working with a few babies with latching issues and they have been able to form a better latch. They are less gassy and fussy and moms are happy.

I would recommend this program if you are good at focusing on computer lessons. If you get distracted easily, it is easy to fall behind or miss critical details.    

This course is great because you can do it on your own time. The Facebook group is very helpful in applying what you learn in real life. The class is what you make it!

Thank you for the time you put into this program!”

Dr. Charlsie Prein

“I took this course originally to gain more knowledge about cranial work for the pediatric population so that I could help more of these kids. This time I was taking it as a review because it had been a while since I had taken it and I think I always learn something new each time!

You will learn things you can implement immediately in practice. You will learn A LOT! Even if you just implement a couple of things, you will feel more confident in practice.

Personally, I have been able to help my own daughter after taking this course and professionally I have seen more peds and feel more confident and comfortable with this population than before.

I have used it in helping a baby with an internally rotated frontal bone and helping a baby with torticollis.

I would definitely recommend this course to others because there is so much content to help you in practice. Other chiropractors would benefit from studying with you because they would feel so much more comfortable and confident in practice when working with pediatrics because of all the knowledge they will gain from taking this course.

The videos are great tools to be able to see up close and pause and replay to make sure you are performing the techniques correctly!”

Dr. Amy Donovan

“For other chiropractors, I would share, how crucial the sphenoid bone is, I felt like in other courses and programs this keystone piece is not discussed as much – the relationship between the cranial bones and retained primitive reflexes – the cranial rhythm impulse technique, this is probably my favorite adjustment I learned from this class it has been so beneficial for so many of the littles I work with. For parents: – the importance of the first two years having adjustments with the growth of the nervous system – the palate shape and its influence on other aspects of nervous system development – the vagus nerve – I’m excited to dive into this more deeply.

Personally – I feel like this program has provided answers to questions I was having regarding corrections to hyper functioning toddlers. Professionally – I’m having more success with babies experiencing tongue and lip goes with subsequent latching issues.

It took three hours to push my son out during labor; he had a terrible cone head and was not breathing optimally. I used the cranial rhythm impulse technique because his CSF didn’t feel like it was flowing properly and his oxidation improved and the hematoma on his head reduced rapidly. The next day he still wasn’t latching and I checked his sphenoid and it showed signs of torsion. He latched right after. I should have done more maybe for determining patterns like you discuss but at the moment it felt like the right decision.

I love how the information is formatted in bite sized pieces. 15-30 minutes is a great amount of time. It’s sectioned out so you can easily refer back to information

I’m excited to continue learning with you.”

Samantha Dolan, DC

“My three takeaways from this program:

1.) This program is an awesome resource for a deeper dive into helping kids with things like ear infections, asthma & allergies, behavior issues, etc.

2.) Great material on recognizing dural from structural and what to do about it

3.) It will help you learn a very thorough child exam and have confidence.

I’ve been in practice for 11 years and this program really helped me resolve some long standing issues with some of the peds patients I have. Personally, this program has helped me to become a more confident doctor in helping more kids.

I have a patient about 3 years old whose primary issue was sleep. She would wake in the night for hours and not be able to go back to sleep. Happy, just not ‘tired’. I’ve applied to protocols and we have her sleeping through the night most nights! Parents are forever grateful!

I have taken multiple courses in the past from others and, although great and useful, this really gets laser beam focused on some very common problems I see regularly in the office. It’s such a different approach when you add more than just the spine to your protocol. We see great results (sometimes faster) when we work with the cranial bones as well.

A great program. We really enjoyed working through each module.”

Jill DeLong, DC

“Specialized Knowledge and Skills: You gain specialized knowledge in the anatomy, physiology, and unique healthcare needs of infants and children. This includes understanding common pediatric conditions, developmental milestones, and appropriate chiropractic techniques tailored for younger patients. Enhanced Diagnostic and Treatment Techniques: The course equips you with enhanced diagnostic and treatment techniques specifically designed for pediatric patients. This includes learning how to perform gentle, safe, and effective adjustments. Improved Patient Care and Practice Growth: With specialized training, you can offer improved care to pediatric patients, addressing their specific health issues more effectively. This can lead to better health outcomes for children and can also help in growing your practice by attracting more families seeking chiropractic care for their children.

This program opened a new world of possibilities in my chiropractic practice.  I applied some techniques in my university clinic and I am excited to do it more after graduation.

If you’re a chiropractor looking to expand your practice and enhance your expertise, I highly recommend enrolling in this chiropractic pediatric course. This specialized training offers invaluable insights into the unique needs and health concerns of infants, and children.”

Carlos Eduardo Duarte Moraes, DC

“1. The quality of the video and slides to assist the study.

  1. Amazing information of pediatric SOT and details into science to help students understand better.
  2. Breakdown of the program into sections per week makes it easier to digest

I gained a deeper understanding of SOT that can be readily applied to not just pediatric but all populations of patients. This program provides me solid foundation to continue exploration of SOT

I am still a student. But I am fortunate enough to explore technique on my patient as a Palmer student intern. I had a patient with an unstable upper cervical. After correcting occipital sideslip, the persistent pain went away.”

Wenqi Li

“My takeaway from this program is that we need to be more specific with techniques, we can do more thorough exams, and more attention needs to be placed on cranial structures.

This program has impacted me professionally and personally by giving me more confidence in my practice and allowing me to give recommendations with more authority and certainty.

I have used ear infection protocol many times and have seen immediate improvements in drainage and pain.   I gained so many useful tools and protocols that I will be using on a daily basis.

I was very pleased with the information provided and felt the timeline of videos was adequate.”

Carli Purdy, DC

“1 – Cranial work and this course are more useful than any continuing ed you will ever take

2 – Take this course as soon as you learn about it…the closer to graduation the better!

3 – Make sure you have adequate time to devote to studying each week

I have been able to use this course in practice and with my own kids with incredible results already. Babies I feel before taking this course would not have been able to turn the corner have changed for the positive.

I would recommend this program as it is so in depth and gives you so many tools to apply in practice. This work is so much needed to lay the foundation for healthy nervous system functions.”

Katherine Sheets, DC

“Cranials are so important to development. Stabilize the spine first. Check everyone’s cranials.

This program has helped me to take executional care of my child and my wife. It set me apart in the profession.

Had a boy who was having seizures. Started seeing him in January and he hasn’t had a seizure since. Doing mostly cranial work on him.

Yes, I would recommend this program. To be able to make a huge impact on kids and anyone for that matter. It’ll change the practice.

Thank you for the teachings! I know I was quiet but I soaked in as much as possible and it’s helped so many already.”

Skylar Bakko, DC

“My three takeaways are:

  1. How important specificity is when doing cranial work and how important it is to truly understand the mechanics of the cranium in order to achieve optimal results 2. How many symptoms and challenges, especially in the pediatric population, can be attributed to the cranium and dural meningeal stress. 3. How to do a much more specific examination on infants and children to really hone in on the primary areas of concern.

This course is giving me the confidence to get back into practice after taking 6 years off to raise my kids. It has given me more clinical certainty and a much larger tool box to pull from in order to treat kids with all sorts of conditions.

I haven’t yet gotten back into practice; however, I used the ear infection protocol on my 4 year old. I was concerned because when he would get ear infections years prior they would progress very quickly and it would end up spreading to both ears and needing antibiotics. This past winter he got a few ear infections and within a few hours of me using the protocol on him, he would clear the infection and feel completely fine. It was absolutely incredible to watch!


I absolutely would recommend this course to others. I think it’s vital for any chiropractor who sees children to take it. If chiropractors aren’t checking the cranium and adjusting with incredible specificity then it is doing their community a disservice.

I absolutely loved this program and I look forward to taking more of your courses in the future. One thing that i think could be a really phenomenal addition to this course is case management information. I love that I know so many more techniques now; however, I’m not sure I would be able to answer patient questions as to how long a child will take to see shifts and changes with their health, or the best and most effective treatment schedules. Maybe doing some case studies where you show what a patient presents with, how you managed their case clinically throughout their care and what specifically you adjusted on them, and how long it took for them to achieve optimal results. I think this would help me boost my clinical confidence even more. Thank you so much for creating this course! I’m so incredibly grateful to have found you both!”

Kristin Moore, DC

“1. Dr. Martin and Dr. Nancy’s knowledge in pediatrics is just spectacular and profound and they can make difficult concepts easy to understand. 2. This 10-month course covers topics especially cranial adjusting which is very niche in the chiropractic world and extremely helpful to kids with special needs nowadays in the modern digital world. 3. The support such as FB group and live Q&A session which can deepen our knowledge and experience.

Since I have started this program, I have encountered more patients with cranial problems and I can use those skills I have learnt to help them. Some kids come to clinic with agitation and cranial techniques is very helpful.

I work in a pediatric clinic and most kids aged over 3 come here for postural problems like slouch back and scoliosis. Nowadays more kids with special needs like autistic and ADHD and I have been using primitive exercises and spinal adjustment to improve their health. Now I can use cranial technique to make my adjustment more complete. In Hong Kong, most of kids spend long hours on phone and gaming and I feel that their brain development, emotion and spinal health are getting worse.

I would strongly recommend this course to chiros which have interest in seeing more kids and babies and want to change the dynamics of brain to improve common conditions like allergies, snoring and bruxism.

This is a fantastic course.”

Yat Sang Jacky Chan, DC

“My three takeaways from this program:

  1. Help gain confidence in checking and adjusting paediatric patients.
  2. See more positive impact in practice.
  3. Improve communication skills with parents and family.

I have gained more confidence and incorporating cranials and seeing more positive outcomes.

I recommend this course, especially if you have been unsure or ‘stuck’ with helping paediatric patients.

Thank you for all the help and useful content.”

Diyana Hassan, DC

“Complete, Interesting, No waste of time!

This program has given me so many tools to help babies. My treatments are way more complete and the efficacy is really there.

I have had some issues treating babies with strong digestive issues. With the occipital fibers, it is way easier to target where the major subluxations are and have results sooner.

I have already recommended this course. It is a must if you want to include babies and children in your practice. It gives advice and ways to handle pediatric conditions.”

Laura Rioux, DC

“My three takeaways from this program:

  1. This is the most in-depth continuing education you will do (most likely) and it will take a lot of time to properly use/integrate into your practice.
  2. Be ready for some pushback from parents as far as working intra-oral contacts. As confidence in speaking about why you are doing specific techniques improves, this will get better/easier.
  3. Contact the Drs. and ask questions. They are very helpful and truly care about helping you grow your confidence and skill set.

Having 2 kids under 3 years of age myself and running a PX office over the last (almost) year, this course has been a life saver for tough cases. I am so thankful for having taken this course.

We had a 2 week old kiddo enter the practice with colic. Parents had slept about 1 hour each per night consistent since the baby was born. All 3 were completely exhausted and the parents expressed how they felt as though they were unable to enjoy being 1st time parents. After using several of the techniques in this course, the baby is much calmer. We are still searching for the primary/root cause as it seems to be changing frequently, but the parents stated “this is the best investment I have ever made.”

100% I would recommend this course to anyone who deals with the pediatric population frequently in their office. Once again, this is the most in depth course I have ever taken. It gives step by step directions to help even the toughest cases.

You both have been so understanding with the time it took me to catch up on the course through opening a practice and having a baby. I appreciate your patience with me and the knowledge you have provided me. Thank You.”

Robert Kasperski, DC

“In my community there aren’t many pediatric chiropractors and being one of the few, I promised myself that I would do my best to learn as much as I possibly could to better myself as a pediatric chiropractor. There’s no better way to do that than by learning from Drs. Rosen and Watson who are experts in the field of pediatric chiropractic. Three takeaways I received from this course:

  1. Proper chiropractic care in the pediatric population cannot be underestimated especially because that is when the body system is most vulnerable and developing very quickly.
  2. Craniosacral and SOT® are very highly effective techniques when it comes to treating the pediatric population.
  3. Less is better.

 I feel like I still have much to learn from the course. With that being said though, I do feel like taking this course has given me a different perspective and ability on how I do my evaluation and treatment on the pediatric population. Thus, slowly building my confidence and skills.

In my practice I deal with many tongue tie and lip tie issues. Currently I had a 3 month baby get a revision done but continue to have difficulties with breastfeeding which left the mother hurting and discouraged. After doing some intra oral correction and the fruit jar procedure, we were able to get a significant improvement in the baby latch and feeding which created less pain for the mother.

I would highly recommend this course to other chiropractors. Dr. Rosen does an amazing job of explaining, simplifying, and demonstrating the methodology behind his evaluation and adjusting protocol. Which in turn inspires you to want to get to that same level of expertise.

You don’t realize the lack of knowledge and skills you have when it comes to treating the pediatric population until you go through this course. I’m very thankful to Dr. Martin and Dr. Watson for taking the time to put this course together to help other chiropractors like myself become better and successful in treating the pediatric population. It’s truly an honor to learn from Dr. Martin and Dr. Watson!”

Denise Miranda, DC

 “I serve a large pediatric population that comes in with plagiocephaly, breastfeeding issues and colic. I wanted to gain expertise in being able to help them on a more profound level. I wanted certainty that I could correct the subluxations and release ideal tension.

The course lays the groundwork on performing an examination. All the tools that were presented were able to be implemented in the office the next day.

It was great to know that there were other professionals around the world that were also dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others abs improve their professional mastery. I was able to spend time on myself and learn, which is one of my favorite activities. I loved that I could do the course at my own time abs when I wanted. I was able to re-watch the videos to have a deeper level of mastery.

The fruit jar was a technique I had known from taking the ICPA SOT® course years ago but I had not reapplied it until this year. I routinely used the fruit jar to help those who had “chronic” sinus discomfort that would not drain get relief. I also used it routinely with many who were undergoing Invisalign who were able to increase their results in a quicker amount of time.

I would absolutely recommend this course if someone is wanting/willing to really work. It is a great time commitment but it gives so much information that has direct application! The videos allowed time to re-watch for further mastery. The QA format allowed for greater understanding and application. The Facebook group allowed for questions to be looked up seeing how others hassle the same questions and concerns.

I appreciate the understanding of the completion of examination, assessment, indicators, adjustment and follow up care. The communication was pivotal for sharing the importance of the care and the whole package was important for clinical application. Many times we have learned bits and pieces and without the full picture it is difficult to bring it home to the clinic.”

Erin O’Daniel, DC

“I took this course to deepen my knowledge and understanding of the world of pediatric adjusting and chiropractic. I had heard the level of skill that Dr. Marty teaches is unmatched in the profession today. I had to get plugged in somewhere!
My three takeaways:
1. My certainty in communicating the need for chiropractic intervention early.
2. The complexity of the cranium and its impact on the developing health and wellbeing of the pediatric patient.
3. Better clinical exam for pediatrics from newborn to child, and determination of findings to better know progress in a child and their care plan progress.

Personally, this program has given me a different perspective with approach to my own children. Professionally has helped me with certainty and continuation of learning how to be the best doctor to my patients but set myself apart in the community.

I have used the balance of the sphenobasilar junction on a regular basis with our patients and even some adults who suffer from chronic issues. It’s almost like we haven’t had a pediatric patient NOT respond to our care since implementing even just a few of the protocols taught here.

There is nothing like this in the profession. While the content is thick and heavy at times, If you want to truly understand the complexity of the pediatric patient, then this is the only course to take you there.

This program with Dr. Marty and Dr. Watson is at an unmatched level. Thank you all for the work you have done to make it so easily accessible. I look forward to attending in person seminars and training.”

Adam Smith, DC

“I decided to take this course to refine my adjusting skills for the pediatric population. I was hoping to simply gain more knowledge and feel more comfortable with that population.

Online access makes it easier to go at your own pace and is more convenient to balance family, work and education. Very informative and supportive group throughout the program.

I am definitely more comfortable with cranials now as my knowledge prior to the program was very minimal and I have also started implementing some of it on the adult population. I also stepped up my game in spinal adjusting with the pediatric population.

I have a child with ADHD who came due to issues with sleeping. He would wake up in the middle of the night and go join his parents every single night. I have been adjusting him and doing cranial and while he still wakes up in the middle of the night, we still have been seeing improvements. He has been falling asleep faster, he has now transferred to the couch instead of his parents’ bedroom and he is sleeping longer. We are slowly working our way towards better sleeping habits.

I think there should be a disclaimer that a big part of the program is intra-oral adjustments. As a chiropractor working in NYS, I will not be able to use any of these techniques and I feel like my money was wasted in some kind of way. It is very informative, but I think the program is too long. I feel like it should be given in bouts with some “resting” periods so that we don’t lose track or interest due to the heaviness of the material.

Chiropractic school does not teach us enough about pediatric adjusting and I think this program is a great addition to our training.”

Sara-Maude Demers, DC

“When I first started taking this course I was working for a doctor who was seeing a lot of pediatric patients at the time. I wanted to be able to help with these patients if need be. I saw what she was able to accomplish with my son the previous year and knew what a difference it made in our lives. I wanted to be able to provide that type of care for others as well. Since starting the course I ended up transitioning to my own practice.  It has been a big change going from being an associate to a solo business owner. I ended up working with a lot of Amish babies who needed cranial work.

Self-paced can be great but it also does not allow for quick clarification or hands on feedback. Less is more with any form of chiropractic. Be precise. Don’t force something you’re working on… go with the least amount of resistance.

I have been able to see how important getting care early on is with babies in so many aspects of development that I didn’t even begin to comprehend beforehand. I can appreciate the work put into a pediatric practice and also know it’s not what I want to be doing right now. I can definitely still help babies and children more now than I could before which I am grateful for. I have experienced how this work can help all generations of life.

I have used the fruit jar technique and maxilla internal and external rotation with a lot of my patients. It has helped with draining and sinus issues. I have also seen TMJ issues improved and resolved in one case with the specific finger placements. I’ve seen ears drain within seconds after doing cranial work and overall improvements in patients reporting more calmness and less stress after CSF balancing.

I would recommend this course because all chiropractors should have some basis of CSF, cranial and exam work regarding babies and children.

There is so much to be learning in this course that you could take it 5 times and still be learning new things from it. It really shows how much dedication, experience and time that has been put into the field of pediatrics and how little we are taught in school. It is unfortunate we do not have this course worked into our curriculums in school.

The dedication of Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson to sharing and teaching the knowledge they have gained over the years is humbling.”

Dr. Lynn Allen

“I would have loved to have taken the in person but due to personal reasons I could not. So I was thrilled to see you offered an online course that I could basically do at my own pace. I was hoping to sharpen and widen my skills to help more complex cases in the pediatric practice.

This program is very in depth, thorough but also you are an amazing teacher to teach these complex topics in a way that we can actually understand and turn around and utilize inside our practices.

This program has helped me navigate certain issues with my own kiddos and professionally we are able to help young kids in cases where other offices have gotten none or minimal results.

I utilize an array of the techniques, but the internal cranial work has been very effective when dealing with cases of GI upset/colic/reflux.

I would absolutely recommend this course. It does take time and commitment. And I’m still always referencing the material because it is very in depth; however once you start implementing a little at a time you will see a shift in how your patients respond.

This is mostly a self-paced learn at home course. Dr Rosen is the best person to learn cranial and pediatric work from in my opinion. His passion shows and he is able to break the material down in a way that is digestible for you. You are even able to implement these lessons the next day in practice

I think the material is amazing. I would have loved to take the in person course. I hope these courses have been beneficial to you both to teach. More chiros need these courses. I hope they continue for a long time.”

Dr. Johanna Hartley

“I took this program to gain better proficiency in my job.

The range of problems taken care of by the techniques in the course is the ultimate in chiropractic or any other body science. I do not know anybody else teaching this material as thoroughly as Dr. Rosen. Omitting the cranial and sacral techniques is a recipe for failure.

I am more confident in my treatments, it has awakened an interest to deepen my study, I can charge more.

Feeding issues and crying babies have been helped better than pediatricians ‘wait and see’.

This is no other course as thorough as this. It is expensive but worth it.

If you do not get familiar with cranial technique you are missing a lot of opportunities helping humankind! Continuing education is a must for anybody in the health field.

Keep up doing your excellent work!”

Dr. Berit Antman

“I signed up for this course to take my training as a pediatric chiropractor and craniopath to the next level.
My three takeaways:
1. Clear, concise instruction via video and handouts in an organized fashion.
2. The ability to study the course content on my own schedule.
3. Pre-recorded videos allow the student to repeat the material to better understand the content.

This program upleveled my practice’s ability to serve families in my community.

Since my craniopathy training was mostly applied for adults, receiving a deeper understanding of correcting cranial subluxations in the infant and toddler population has been valuable for the large number of young pediatric patients seen in the practice.

Any chiropractor wanting to help more children and families would benefit from the content presented in this course. Easy-to-digest pediatric chiropractic/craniopathy material that is broken down into manageable sections to allow the student time to learn and practice their new skills without requiring travel time or expense.

Thank you Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson for your commitment to the chiropractic profession as well as to the future health outcomes of the next generation.”

Laura Brayton, DC

“Infants are harder to help than they used to be. Having been in practice over 30 years I need more tools and different options as I evaluate a child. Have always dabbled in cranial on infants and I wanted to expand my knowledge (Dr. Rosen is great at teaching this).

Three take away from the program: Loved the detailed presentations on cranial adjusting. The videos and demonstrations are excellent. My education was very minimal in the cranial area and SOT® courses over 30 years ago. If I had taken this in person I would have hit overload very quickly, the shorter weekly lessons gave me time to digest, re-watch and learn a new language, then work on the techniques taught. The spinal Evaluation procedures will help when I get stuck and need to come at something a different way than my normal.

Don’t do too much too fast. Dr. Rosen has a very systematic approach as he teaches and some things are multistep; part of me wants to follow exactly and do all, but reality is that I need to pick 2-3 corrections at a time and improve those and not try to do all. If need be, clear with what I know then go back to notes and add a new correction next time. Watch, submit questions , participate in the Q&A, so good! Repetition but some invaluable nuggets (see below). Loved learning from Dr. Marty and Dr. Nancy are a great team and have SO much knowledge we can benefit from.

A specific instance where I used these techniques: New patient under 5 months, neither parent are patients but great grandparents are. Initial visit lots of cranial distortion very visible, MD talking helmet. I was a bit nervous in that I knew some but we were still proceeding through techniques. But I kept it simple, spinal adjustment then a couple of specific cranial releases (my mind wanted to “do” more but “don’t do too much too fast” came to my hands so I did a couple of the cranial/CSF finishing techniques we had covered, and Stopped! 2nd visit: I sure wish I had taken day 1 pictures! This infants head was a totally different shape, it was beautiful! Parents saw the absolute change and some of the subjective symptoms that were there had improved as well.

I believe it was in one of our Q&A sessions that Dr. Rosen covered a hyoid question from a doctor: I have an Adult patient who has improved greatly with his subjective complaint. He was very non chiro. initially but we have helped him greatly. We got to talking about his cervical spine surgery at least 3 years prior and that when they intubated him something went wrong. Since that time he has difficulty swallowing and more throat related issues. This Q&A session was within the 2 weeks prior to this conversation so I did the maneuver. Totally Great Response! I was stunned patient thrilled. We continued to do it a few treatments in a row, it feels different to palpate it now and will just check as needed. He quizzed me about how I knew to do what I did and It was one of this moments I told him that the good Lord had to have just placed him and my education in the right place at the right time as two weeks prior I would Not have known this maneuver and he had never told me about the swallowing problem until now.”

Nancy Hinders, DC

Learn more about the 10-Month Online Program

“I decided to take this course after hearing about it from my friend Dr. Amy Spoelstra. She has been caring for my 3 year old daughter who initially presented with significant developmental delays. My daughter has seen amazing results and I knew I needed to improve my skill-set as a chiropractor to not only help her but also other children. When I registered for the course my goal was to become more confident in my analysis of pediatric patients as well as become more familiar with SOT® and cranial work.

The first takeaway would be that I wish I would have learned this technique and analysis before graduating from chiropractic school. The second takeaway is that everything I learned during these 10 months was easy to implement in practice and we’ve been able to help more complex pediatric cases. The third takeaway is that I’d like to continue learning from Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson!

This program has helped me analyze and care for my own daughter who has had significant struggles neurologically and physically. I’m so thankful to feel confident and to be able to address the nervous system imbalances she has faced. Obviously I’ve also been able to apply what I’ve learned in practice as well and I’ve seen great results in our pediatric patients.

The first baby I was able to help using these techniques was a 4-month-old who had difficulty nursing. She was not latching well and was not gaining weight. Within a few adjustments the baby was nursing well.

I would absolutely recommend this course to others as a way to become better equipped to deliver quality care to the pediatric population. I wish I had known this before graduating school.
Thank you both!”

Erin Sousley, DC

“I just want to thank you for creating this online program for so many reasons! To help me grow as a practitioner to help more kiddos and families, (helping adults too), helping me stay engaged and learning, (a passion to always g row and learn), during this crazy season of no gatherings and travel. This course has been inspiring and I wish I could imprint all the teachings in my brain and re-watch the videos when I need insight. I know asking questions too will help! This course has also shown me to share more with parents about their child’s physiology and not avoid details. Parents are more engaged and interested in hearing about the dural meningeal, CSF, sphenobasilar respiratory connection, the cranial sacral, and the neural system and how it pertains to findings and corrections versus speaking about subluxation and its impact on function and healing. Like attracts like. I’m analytical, so why would my patients not want to know the details. Thank you for showing us how to communicate – the doctor shares were so important And I apologize I was not in person for almost all of them. I am grateful they are recorded to go back and learn more! I love the format of watching, reading and engaging as it solidifies concepts and someday soon hope to connect in person!

Thank you for all you do for our profession and the community of patients you and Nancy serve. This was a wonderful opportunity to learn.

Q: How has this program helped your practice?

I love the science the why the how and the opportunity to help my community more. I first decided or rather my decision was solidified to become a chiropractor when a doc I worked for while doing my undergrad helped a young boy that had been adopted, (no health history), with plagiocephaly. It’s always been a passion to pursue but somehow been held back – mostly belief in myself – now I know more and understand so much more – I hope I get the opportunity to make an even bigger difference to help kiddos and families start life and live life at an entirely new level.

Q: What are three takeaways from the program?

a) Helping parents understand the different areas we look at in a child’s physiology when adjusting them. The CSF, Respiratory mechanism, ascending and descending pathways, sutural integrity/motion, nerve system impact, the dural meningeal system – to help them see it’s not just about symptom “X”. b) The importance of the sphenobasilar synchondrosis joint in our youth. c) I have so much more I want to learn as the human body is so incredible and innate is amazing when it has no interference!

Q: How has it changed your practice?

I’m checking everyone’s skulls, whereas before I was only checking school age til great grandparents from the occiput to the coccyx. How much more I can help kiddos with more thorough assessments and provide more care versus only using some craniosacral I had learned along the way, (only the tip of the iceberg). I’m excited to share more, write more, teach my community more as I continue to grow and learn! I’ve noticed some adults with troublesome migraines being relieved faster. I’ve seen littles whom have come in fussy, (under the age of 1), settle quicker, sleep easier and rest and digest better. I hope to be able to share more so I can serve more from the age of 1-101. I too have seen a couple of my concussion clients respond much quicker as well and last longer between visits. I am grateful for this course and inspired by our profession even more! I am hoping through this my communication is stronger and more people grab on to a better understanding of chiropractic for them and their families within our community and outside of our community!”

Dr. Wendy Coburn

“I took the course to further my understanding and ability to treat pediatric patients; knowing the SOT® model of addressing the entire body when doing cranial work, I hoped to gain a set of tools to help complement my pediatric cranial practice. My three takeaways:
1- The pediatric certification program is extremely thorough, even for those of us already doing SOT®;
2- the course teaches a holistic approach, not a technique;
3- this course is not anyone looking to take a weekend seminar to pick up a few new tools, it’s a deep dive into understanding and delivering pediatric care.

Within 1-2 months I was able to help my patients more than before the course, and it has helped me understand how much treatment I was leaving on the table – and that other pediatric specialty chiro’s I’ve been co-treating with aren’t taught about much of this either!

I recently adjusted a 4 year old to address chronic hearing issues (all tests normal) and fluid in the ears. Later that night his ears ‘popped’ while hiccuping and he asked if they had turned the TV up and why was everyone talking so loudly.

Not all pediatric courses are equal – which I’m unfortunately learning as parents come to me from highly regarded ped offices near me and yet I’m seeing foundational things left unresolved or even unaddressed.
In chiropractic school it seems we get enough pediatric training to not be dangerous, but we have no idea how unprepared we really are. I would highly recommend the course for anyone wanting to thoroughly understand why and how pediatric care needs to be different from treating adults. I recommend this course specifically because the cranial adjusting being taught here is in its truest, safest, and most effective and complete form. It’s a huge commitment, but there’s also huge support and guidance.

Ten months is a long time for a course, however I’d almost say the amount & depth of the material might be better over 12 months. As my clinic Dr. at Palmer said, ‘SOT® is a technique for people who really REALLY like to think.’ I’d like to thank you both for continuing to grow this institute. I give presentations every year about what I do (which now feels like a sliver of what you guys do), and the physicians I’m educating are always surprised and disappointed there isn’t an SOT® chiro near them, especially peds.”

Kelly Hibler Wells, DC

“My practice is currently very maternity focused, and I wanted to upskill to offer a similar level of competence and confidence to the newborns.

My three takeaways from this program: A) it is VERY content heavy, so make sure you’ve got your concentration cap on!! B) It is extraordinarily thorough in terms of content and delivery. I was concerned about doing a purely online course in a hands-on based discipline, but the thoroughness of the materials presented really alleviated that concern. All bases were covered, and to be honest, I probably absorbed more of the information than if it was presented live at a seminar. C) Do the homework as it’s presented! I decided I wanted to review the material before completing the CTA’s, but I ran out of time and ended up stressing myself out!

This program has most definitely given me more confidence in my work, both in a pediatric and adult patient base. This confidence has also impacted my personal life in a positive manner, although I think my husband may be a little sick of hearing me talk about ‘the new baby that I saw today’!!

I had a 4 week old brought into me, lethargic, constipated, and generally flat. After clearing the spine, I used the Hypofunction technique on him, and the change was phenomenal. He loved the technique itself, you could just see the way his whole body relaxed, and his Mum reported multiple dirty nappies a day afterwards, and a more alert, engaged and happy baby afterwards.

Without a doubt, I would recommend this program. The content delivered is exceptional, and has the potential to set you up as a leader in the Pediatric field. The value for money is fantastic, and the program delivers the information in a very ordered and considered manner.

Right from the get go I was excited about this program. The content is so well put together and delivered, that it really affords a deep dive into chiropractic pediatrics, and especially cranial work. The videos were cleverly done, and really allowed you to see the contact points, and the basics of the movements required. I’m not actually convinced that I would have gotten more out of the program if it had been an in person seminar (or series of them!), and the opportunity to go back and watch and re-watch the cranial techniques was gold in terms of gaining a proper understanding of the technique, and confidence in applying them.

Thank you so much for the time you have both taken in putting together this program, and in making yourselves available to answer questions and clear up concerns. I have thoroughly enjoyed this program, and look forward to gaining proficiency and then hopefully mastery of the techniques, which is most definitely going to take longer than the 10 months we’ve already spent!”

Meggan Gregory, DC

“I have a growing number of kids in my practice and when speaking with midwives and lactation specialists I saw a growing need to improve latch through improvement of the cranial vault.

I took your ICPA cranial seminar years ago and was able to apply and start practicing some of the corrections at that time. I feel that that base of development allowed me to learn and apply more of the adjustments and cranial/palate corrections right away. Without that, I feel that I would have struggled through the content. The amount of repetition in the course is very helpful and allows the student to move on before mastery and still be able to understand and apply specific corrections as they come up. If I wasn’t currently treating 10+ babies per day I do not think I would have been able to leave this course with the confidence I was seeking. It is my opinion that this course is for an experienced chiropractor who has had a large portion of infant and adolescent patients for greater than a year.

I have grown significantly in my knowledge and confidence when it comes to cranial correction in infants. This has provided greater, faster results and I have seen that population grow faster than I ever expected. I have also grown greatly in the way I am able to examine and communicate the importance of care for the child to parents. I know that I will need lots of time and practice to master all of the corrections but I feel like I have accomplished a great deal these last 10 months in my professional skills and I am very proud of myself and thankful to this program.

Just the other day, I had a 5 day old come in that was set to have a tongue tie in a week and the parents had been told to see me before the procedure. Baby presented in a tense primitive fetal position with very little stretching out or head movement reported. Mom said that the baby was very hard to dress and seemed very uncomfortable. I assessed, and did an occiput and sphenobasilar correction, palate work and facial fruit jar after, and released psoas on the left. I saw the baby 2 days later and she presented with her neck able to extend, her arms and legs relaxed, and parents reported more content and much easier to dress! I will continue to see her until her tongue tie and help her to heal and acclimate to the release.

Yes I would definitely recommend this class to others! It is very organized and repetitive to help with understanding the deep dive into SOT® and pediatric modification. The instructors make themselves fully available for questions and the course assignments are very helpful with application of each module.

Anyone looking to dive deeper into evaluation and correction of cranial distortion will benefit greatly by joining this study! It was a challenging 10 months, but it was very rewarding for me and I came out with an incredible confidence to better care for the infants and children in my practice.
Thank you both for an excellent course!”

Dr. Cassandra Conry

“My goal was to become more proficient and detailed in my care for youth athletes in particular. I also like being able to take care of babies when the opportunity presents itself! The level of detail in this program is astounding and far beyond anything we learned “Advanced Pediatric Technique” in school.
My three takeaways:
1) Commitment to Chiropractic will determine your success
2) Chiropractic care is so much more comprehensive – and this class gives us so many tools!
3) The cranium is an integral part of neurologic health.

Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson are so passionate about chiropractic – you can’t help but get excited with them! I am beginning to implement some changes with my youth athletes to address their care even more comprehensively than before and interest them in their nervous system health overall. I was able to adjust my 3 month old nephew and help relieve some digestive distress.

I absolutely recommend this course to anyone interested in growing a pediatric practice! The level of detail and comprehensive nature of the course leaves you certain that you can make a significant change in these children and set them on a path to optimum function!

Take full advantage of everything this program has to offer! The course is laid out in a very organized fashion and the CTA’s are very helpful in integrating the information. This program is so comprehensive and will allow you to take care of pediatric patients with much more confidence and certainty!
The information and format are fabulous. Thank you so much”

Veronica Jucknies, DC

“I took the course because I was having a challenging time getting through the pediatric book on my own, and figured a structured class would help push me through it. I also wanted to provide the next level of care to my pediatric clients- as more challenging cases are always pushing me to learn more, as well as having a better explanation of why I do what I do for the parents who do not understand why they have been sent to me.

The overall setup is good. Breaking down the information into modules is helpful. Building up on the information through a practice perspective helps in applying the new information. Q&A’s is a great way to go into more detail and personally get questions answered. The app is helpful to take the program on the go (I listened to each new segment on Mondays on my way to the office).

This is a masterclass level. As such, there is definitely a level of independent study and focus required. I do not feel that I always had the focus needed, but it still provided me with valuable insight into my current practice, areas where I need more practice, and areas where I still need more education. It also helped me realize how much I already do know, and some of the finer details within the class definitely upped my in-office game and communication.

This year has had a lot of sinus/ears/congestion. The segments on cranial and drainage have been my most requested session offering- both in the adults and the older pediatric clients I have. My success with plagiocephaly has actually decreased, and I think that I was doing better when I was doing it more intuitively. However, with more practice, I know that the clarifications, the assessment, and CSF finishing will shoot me forward in the care I provide.

I have recommended this course to a couple other chiropractors in my area. We desperately need more advanced pediatric chiropractors here. However, honestly, there are not very many that I feel are up to the level of independent study required for this course. I already have a strong pediatric practice. I have many clients that I can test out the new things being shared. For a new apprentice, or someone wanting to increase their pediatric reach…. I think this would be difficult.

This information is tremendous. Dr Rosen and Dr. Watson have truly pioneered this information into an actual course.

I appreciate what this course is going to do for pediatric care. I appreciate the ability to take this course from the comfort of my own home, after the kids are in bed, without having to travel, pay for hotels and be away from my family. It has been worth the time and monetary investment. I hope that my observations are taken as constructive insight, as I really do believe this course has a lot of value to our profession and our communities. Thank you for the opportunity to learn from you.”

Jenny Brost, DC

“I decided to take this course to further my knowledge and skills in caring for kiddos both in practice and at home. I wanted to grow my confidence and skill set in pediatric chiropractic care.

I found this program very in-depth and learned a lot of skills and info to add to my pediatric tool kit. Three takeaways were how incredibly important the first couple years of life are especially for development, how to specifically assess and correct cranials, and pain reduction techniques for kiddos using aspects of SOT® cranial and sacral techniques.

How Has Taking This Program Impacted Your Life, Personally And Professionally?: I feel much more confident in my assessment and care for kiddos both in practice as well as with my own littles at home.
I have used the palate exam and assessment and found a high palate. Using the techniques taught in this course I was able to work on the palate and allow baby and mama to improve their breastfeeding relationship.

I would definitely recommend this course to others as Dr. Rosen is a wealth of knowledge and this is a very in-depth and intensive course. I learned a lot and will definitely review my notes from time to time as there is just so much incredible information.

I really enjoyed this course and as a business owner and mama of 3 littles, I really appreciated that it was virtual. I learned a lot and feel much more confident in my examination and skills when it comes to taking care of kiddos. Dr. Rosen is a wealth of knowledge and it was an honor to have the opportunity to learn from him.

This program was jam packed with so much knowledge and wisdom, I already learned so much and I know each time I reference back to my notes I’ll find even more tidbits and pearls! Thank you for all that you do”

Sara O’Connell, DC

“To hone my examination and adjusting skills, more particularly towards infants. I definitely feel more confident and comfortable delivering the highest quality of chiropractic care to children in my practice.
Cranial work is not just great for pediatric patients, but also for anyone of any age groups, especially those with neurological indicators. This course has provided enough guidance when it comes to full evaluation and specific adjustments.

This program has increased my awareness towards the importance of pediatric care, especially those who have undergone stress causing cranial distortions during birth.

My 3 year old nephew is autistic and I am really glad that he showed significant improvement in terms of development after cranial work.

Yes, I would recommend this program. Drs. Rosen are very detailed in explaining and the program itself proves apparent success.

After the course, I have applied the skills learned not only on pediatrics but also on older populations who are suffering from eczema and insomnia. The skill has helped tremendously in my practice, getting me more referrals and enabling me to help more patients in need.

Learning from professional Drs. like Dr. Watson and Dr. Rosen ensures you to get tons of hands on properly as they are very engaging on and off screen.”

Lim Pui Yi, DC

“Have you ever listened to Dr. Rosen speak and think, ‘Wow, that was incredible and I only got 23% of what he said – I wish I could replay that!?’ Well, now you can. My first course with Dr. Rosen was early in practice when I was going through the ICPA’s series – it was overwhelming and amazing. A couple years ago I attended another of his classes and learned things I was able to bring to practice that week, but even with a stronger foundation going in, it was still a lot to process. The online course was a perfect solution to go in-depth on the information in a very user friendly manner. One of the main things I was excited about going into this was the ability to pause, replay, and replay again when I needed to slow down or hear something again to better understand it.

Taking this program has given me more knowledge on cranial adjusting, a system to determine when to use the techniques, and ways to better communicate with parents not only the findings, but the importance of this work to their developing child.

I think every person, but certainly every doctor should continually be learning and finding avenues to better serve their community. Professionally, this course has added to my toolbox and provided even more ways for me to care for my patients. Personally, this course was an investment in myself and a reminder that with persistence and determination I can accomplish something as great as this, even when life is crazy and I give birth to twins in the middle of it – but hey, I have two adorable craniums to practice on now!

I had a 2-month-old little guy come in recently who never had an issue feeding, but after a quick movement when he lifted his head and it flopped down, he was crying when awake, wouldn’t nurse, and by the time I saw him 5 days after the incident, wouldn’t even take a bottle and was being syringe fed pumped milk. They had taken him to two pediatricians who reported everything looked fine. After adjusting upper cervical, sphenoid, and doing the fruit jar technique, he drank 3 oz. from a bottle on the way home from his first adjustment. After the next visit he was back to the breast!

This course was designed with you, your experience, and your success in mind. The videos cover the material in detailed, yet consumable segments of time. The calls to action give direction and encourage application of the knowledge gained. And Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson are there every step to answer questions, share insight, and inspire.

I’ve mentioned the mountain of knowledge that this course holds, but I think what is also important to note and has been my experience is that Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson have a passion for this work and a desire to help other doctors learn it. When I had my twins and got off track from the timeline, they reached out to check on me, ask if there was anything they could do to support my study, and were genuinely encouraging. And that is something I will never forget!

I am so appreciative of the work you have done in chiropractic the last 40 years, and that you have taken on the labor of love of passing your knowledge and experience on to other chiropractors. The lives you have impacted because of that are countless; I know everyone in my practice is grateful I’ve had the opportunity to learn from you!”

Josiah Hackney, DC

“My three takeaways for this program are:

  1. An incredible amount of information and wisdom to understand the why, what and how to help pediatric patients & their families. 2. It’s reassuring to know that the completion of this course is only just the beginning of a new chapter in my Chiropractic career. 3. I feel more equipped and supported to help the children in my community.

I have wanted to embark on learning more how to help children and the pediatric population and now I have more tools in my toolbox to do just that.

The eustachian tube technique is one that I have begun to use with a patient who has a long history of blocked ears. The situation hasn’t resolved very much with her yet but we are still working on it.

Yes I would recommend this program. It is very in depth and thorough.”

Bernadette Vecchio, DC

“I love working with kids and pregnant ladies. I strongly believe that forming a good foundation is much easier than solving the problems later in age. I hope to get a set of tools in hands to serve the paediatric populations in Asia, having more kids to grow functionally healthy is my vision.

The programme is systematic and the group is being very supportive. The contents of the course are eye-opening to me, as a beginner in the field of paediatric chiropractic in South East Asia.

I’m more confident to deal with kids in my practice, and the case sharing sessions provided me with great insight when we come across difficult / rare conditions. My adjustment style has changed so much from more mechanical based to neurological based.

My favourite is CSF balancing technique for the majority of my patients, including adults. It’s incredibly useful in Singapore, such a stressful city. Besides that, I started to attract newborns into my practices. I’m having a hearing dysfunction newborn under my cranial treatments.

Definitely would recommend this program. It’s an excellent skill set to have in hands and I love the systematic content structure that comes along with group discussion.

Personally I love the systematic content structure that comes along with group discussion. As a beginner in paediatric care, I would say it is comprehensive yet beginner friendly. The Dr. Sharing sessions provided me with practical advice from senior chiropractors. Most importantly, I feel supported to practice such a unique technique far from the US.

Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson, I am grateful for your guidance and wisdom! I’m so happy that the course is available online which I could access without physical barriers”

Min Lei Chong, DC

“I decided to take this course because I was looking to further understand the dynamics of the dural meningeal system and the cranial movement patterns associated with brain nutrition and CSF flow. The ultimate goal was to gain a better understanding so that I could do more cranial work with my clients.
My three takeaways:
1. Dynamics of the dural meningeal system and cranial bone movement patterns
2. The importance of a properly functioning cranium for optimal brain development
3. Correction of common cranial dysfunctions.

Personally, I understand the importance of the cranial system further and it’s also made me realize how LITTLE I knew. Professionally, I feel better equipped to share my experience with parents and talk to them about the importance of cranial dynamics.

I’ve used the fruit jar techniques on kiddos and adults to help with earaches and tinnitus.
There is more content in this program than anywhere I’ve ever seen. The videos have easy to understand demonstrations and it’s easy to follow and broken down into short, palatable chunks.

If you want to know more about how the primary respiratory mechanism in the body works, then you MUST take the course. I believe this course leads us to identify more primaries and give a deeper level of care to anyone at any age.”

Dr. Daniel Kimbley

“I have been using SOT® in clinic for a number of years and I wanted to become more proficient with incorporating cranials into the way I practice. I wanted to understand why my own child has the cranial distortions she has which is why the course was a bit hard for me.

Three takeaways: By the time a child gets to the age of 2, they have developed 80% of the adult gray and white matter volume. If there is stress in that system, it will affect the ability of the grey matter to develop, and it has lifelong consequences. If we minimize the cause of that stress on the system, that removes the primary subluxation in that 1st year of life and allows for normal neuro-development and ultimately optimal function of the nervous system,. Less is more. Use all of your skills when assessing a patient, not just the orthopaedic. We underutilize the things that sets us apart as chiropractors from other health professionals and that is our ability to palpate. Use this to feel more than just musculoskeletal, use it to feel fascia, tone, breath, CSF, CRI. Look beyond the secondary subluxations; find the underlying cause, the primary subluxation of the dis-ease for longer lasting relief for the nervous system, allowing optimal and normal developmental growth patterns.

This course has increased my understanding as to why and when I should implement adjustments at particular times and increased clinical clarity. I have a more effective and efficient evaluation of not only my paediatric patients but everyone under my care. I am changing the way I explain what chiropractic is and stop dumbing it down by minimizing explanations based on my perception of what they can understand, with the air to allow the patient to have the full understanding of the power of the nervous system. Some of the content was triggering for me due to PTSD from the birth trauma of my own daughter’s cranial distortion patterns. Prior to the birth of my daughter, I would have said that I was confident in basic cranial adjusting. After her birth, I lost all my confidence. I am not back to seeing paediatric patients and the number of them I am seeing is increasing dur to patient referrals.

Last week: mum of a 4 week old baby boy came to see me just for a spinal checkup because that’s what all her friends do with their kids. During the exam discovered that breastfeeding was extremely painful to the point she is considering quitting but would prefer not to. Evaluated and adjusted bub (absent left suck reflex, wasn’t using tongue effectively, mum has never seen him raise his tongue, right TMJ restriction), mum fed directly after and was in tears because that was the first non-painful feed she has experienced. Second visit in the week bub was poking out his tongue, lifting it comfortably, suck reflex bilateral was great, TMJ no longer restricted. Whilst we have more balancing to do mum was so happy that she can see the path to a long breastfeeding journey now. For me it really reinforced the power of chiropractic, minimal but focused adjustment to facilitate optimal and normal growth patterns. My place in my community is to support mums, raising a child is hard, but so much harder when their nervous system is less than optimal.

I have already recommended this course to a number of people in my network. In particular those in my clinic, not only for their further education but hopefully to continue to refine my skills and understanding when we have our own team education staff meetings. There are some fantastic clinical pearls throughout the whole course. When you’ve tried adjusting in a certain way, I like how you’ve offered what you should be looking at next to help balance the system and look beyond symptom relief, focusing on the primary subluxation. I found that really helpful, guiding me to what I should be looking for in my patients when I am not seeing the desired outcome. I have attained my basic & advanced certification here in Australia, which allows me to table educate for categories and CMRT events. I have attended many of the advanced cranial seminars offered in Australia, including intra-orals, TMJ, suturals, cranial specifics and non-specifics ( some of these multiple times). I think for SOT® practitioners in Australia who have undertaken the seminars available in Australia that your course offers a next level of understanding as to why and when we should be implementing particular SOT® techniques.

As a first time mum returning to work, it helped me with clinical clarity and confidence when working with the paediatric population. I really liked the platform it was presented in, the app allowed for easier re-watching when I couldn’t get a concept to stick, the booklets and transcripts helped to reinforce the trickier aspects of the theory components that my post-natal brain struggled to retain. As a chiropractor who is nearly 10 years in the workforce, the course has guided me to search deeper for the cause not just symptoms. And as an SOT® practitioner your course offers a next level of understanding as t1o why and when we should be implementing particular SOT® techniques.

The content was great. I struggled at times. I think if it were not for the course having set deadlines I very well could have stuck my head in the sand. I look forward to doing more courses with you in the future. My confidence has really picked up with your course and we are planning a second baby so on a personal level, your course has helped in unintended but positive ways, thank you.”

Kathy Johansson, DC

“My practice is predominantly mums, infants and children. I have completed many short paediatric courses, with a long term goal to attend the seminar series in the US. What a joy to be able to partake online!

Thank you for multiple pathways for learning the content. Videos, transcripts, workbooks, and Q&As have all helped bring the content together. There is a lot of content! Sometimes I found it overwhelming, then I would be checking a child and realize I had done something I learnt in this course without having to check my notes!

My skills and confidence in paediatric chiropractic care has grown significantly! I love working with families, particularly infants, and have developed a thriving SOT® practice based on referrals from Mums, IBCLCs, midwives and doulas. There are very few chiropractors in my community who check and adjust more than spinal issues with children. This course has enabled me to offer so much more in my practice, and to educate the practitioners who refer to infants and children to me.

I recently helped a 5 day old do their first poo! Mum brought bub to see me as a last resort before medical intervention to remove the meconium. Using the skills learnt in this course, I checked bub, releasing the dural pressure and allowing her body to relax. I then cried happily with Mumma as bub pooped!!

I recommend this course to all chiropractors working with children. Many courses are focused on spinal adjusting; this course covers cranial, visceral, common pathologies, and spinal. It’s essential information for paediatric chiropractic.

The format of the course is achievable for all, an hour a week online to learn, and then apply in practice. The bonus of Q&A times with Drs. Nancy & Martin were fantastic tutorials. I will continue to read through my notes for many years, to gain more experience to help my community.

Thank you both for creating this online course. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning and implementing the skills. This is the most comprehensive and well-structured chiropractic course I have taken. The care, wisdom and skills, matched with your accessibility and compassion is second to none. Thank you.”

Kirstie Kendrick, DC

“I have been seeing an increased volume of infant and pediatric clients, and I realized that my knowledge and skills were limited. I was hoping to gain more confidence, clinical certainty and effectiveness in helping these kids to a greater degree.

Understanding cranial motion is absolutely essential for properly providing chiropractic care to infants and babies. Many of the subluxation patterns that I so often see in adults have actually been in place since birth. It is imperative that those of us interested in adjusting babies become experts at doing so.

I have gained significantly more confidence and certainty when working with my young clients, especially infants, babies and toddlers, as well as my ability to relate to the parents the importance of proper chiropractic care.

I have now had two cases where a child was delayed in motor development, one with crawling, the other with walking, where I was able to identify that the issue was primarily due to top-down interference, and was able to correct subluxation effectively enough to get the children making developmental leaps within the first week.

This course provided me with a much deeper understanding of where, when and how subluxation shows up in the early stages of life. It also provided me with a deep, complex understanding of the infant cranium and what proper development and motion SHOULD look like, as well as a plethora of adjusting techniques I can use to help address the signs of subluxation safely and effectively in young children. Taking this course fills a heavily overlooked gap in both understanding the cranium AND understanding infants/baby adjusting, in general.

I did find it difficult to follow along with the intense amount of information and to apply it all as I went. I think it was understated that we should plan to attend a hands-on seminar, either beforehand, midway through or afterward, to help integrate and apply the info. Additionally, and perhaps more easily, I think it would be of great benefit to spend more time going over cranial motion dynamics. I know that this was done early in the course, but I often felt, if only I could visualize the mechanics of the cranium more closely, I’d have understood how to apply some of the more challenging techniques more effectively.”

Dan Continenza, DC

“Bueno, decidí tomar este curso primero por la vasta experiencia del Dr Rosen y su profundo conocimiento en el cuidado pediátrico, a esto se agrega la capacidad de enseñar de manera detallada y específica cada elemento del programa de pediatría, pudiendo notar esto en la entrega que pone en cada una de sus clases, aclarando conceptos y dando ejemplos sobre cómo abordar en cada caso.

Además de todo esto, sentía que me faltaba un conocimiento más profundo sobre el manejo pediátrico, más allá de la formación de pregrado y los seminarios de fin de semana. Buscaba una formación con Certificación que fuese lo más completa posible y a la vez accesible desde un lugar tan remoto como Chile. Todo esto lo encontre en este programa del Dr Rosen y aún más.

1. Es un programa muy completo, que incluye manejo craneal y espinal, además de ofrecer demostraciones claras y precisas sobre las técnicas junto con ordenar de manera clara el contenido.
2. Permite el tiempo suficiente entre clase y clase para digerir el conocimiento así como también la posibilidad de aclarar dudas a través de las sesiones regulares de preguntas y respuestas.
3. Tiene una gradualidad temática muy ordenada, pasando de conceptos básicos, al análisis, ajustes y demostraciones hasta terminar en casos de razonamiento y condiciones específicas.
ha cambiado totalmente la forma de trabajo en mi práctica, ya que si bien se enfoca en pediatría, ofrece herramientas que puedes aplicar desde el mismo dia que las aprendes también en adultos, a través de un abordaje más suave, menos resistido, de tipo tonal con respuestas más rápidas y duraderas en los pacientes.

Recuerdo un caso de un paciente con iliaco PI persistente que luego de los estudios con el programa, note que en realidad el problema de fondo era un sacro AI, aplique técnica sobre el ligamento Sacro-tuberoso y fue increíble como se fue notando la baja en la tension del ligamento así como la modificación de los indicadores a nivel de ligamento nucal. después de ese ajuste no hubo mas alteraciones en la zona Sacroiliaca. en el caso de niños, me ha tocado mas de un bebe con problemas de cólicos que resuelve tras el ajuste espinal.

Solo dar gracias al Dr Rosen y a la Dra Watson por su entrega, por su pasión al enseñar, por su paciencia para educar, por su esfuerzo en cuidar cada detalle, y espero, humildemente poder tener algo de esa chispa que brilla en los ojos de ellos cada vez que hablan de Quiropráctica, Dios les bendiga y sigan enseñando a muchas generaciones mas esta hermosa profesión.”

César M. Segura Pantoja, DC, CSSPP

“I chose to take this course to enhance my experience of what I already know w/CST and adjustments. I also wanted to have more experience applying SOT® techniques for my pediatric population. Three valuable things I would share w/colleagues: 1. Attention to detail in recognizing difficult problem areas and how to solve them. 2. Understanding in-depth anatomy is a must. 3. Excellent job at tying all the concepts together. I have been a physical medicine specialist for almost 17 years. This course has helped me to find my niche and really educate not only my patients but my students how important it is for us to articulate and help our pediatric population in a different way without overwhelming them with drugs – showing that hands on modalities can help w/healing processes. While it took me a while to get through this course, the biggest take off for me recently was after Class 4 working w/the concept of sphenobasilar junction correction after I do a frenectomy release. Feeding coordinations have improved significantly post frenectomy. I was doing CST prior to release but when I fine-tuned it after the class; I noticed a big change post frenectomy w/improved latch. It doesn’t matter how long one has been practicing or doing similar work. You can always learn more but even better enjoy a different perspective to help enhance your skills. I have found this class to be invaluable to me. I never stop learning. And Dr. Martin and Dr. Watson made this class very user friendly! For me, I am the first ND (I believe) to take this course w/physical medicine background. I feel more providers need this course that are working with the pediatric population. When we look at environmental factors as well as internal factors, there’s so much more we can do with touch. I would encourage this class to be open to NDs, chiropractors and osteopaths. I just want to say thank you both for being patient with me getting through this course. While the videos were difficult to lip read, I found the transcripts to be helpful and going through the modules and exercises was a fantastic reminder and tool to process the information given in the course. I would like to make only one suggestion – in some of the transcripts, there were [inaudible] comments put in. Would it be possible for someone to correct that for a future deaf doctor to read? I appreciate the accommodations you made to make this class accessible for me. Thank you both again so much!”

Jill Ghormley, ND

“I felt limited in my knowledge and skill set when dealing with the pediatric part of my practice. I loved working with babies in particular and have been getting more referrals over the years from Mm and baby groups, midwifery offices, etc because I had been helping them. But I could see distortions (especially cranial distortions) but didn’t know how to address what I was seeing. I also didn’t know what to do next with those babies whose issues weren’t totally resolving. I did Dr Rosen’s module with the ICPA and though I found it helpful. I felt like there was a lot more to it. I also wanted to have more knowledge about when a tonal vs structural adjustment was appropriate.

The program is very thorough, Drs. Rosen are incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about the material. I have more confidence to try more of the cranial techniques outlined.

I definitely need to continue to go over the material over and over as I gain more experience, but I feel like I have more to offer my patients.

Recently, one of my little patients who I have seen off and on since his birth (he is now 18 months old) came in with sinus congestion for over a week. I adjusted him as I usually do and then did the fruit jar technique cranial adjustments on him at the end, He won’t lie down and I have to adjust him while he is sitting on mom’s lap so I have to adapt my approach. At the next adjustment, mom reported that 15 minutes after leaving my office, his nose/sinuses just started pouring out mucus and he had not been congested since.

I would recommend this course to other DCs who have an interest in deepening their technique and confidence in working with the pediatric population and who would like to add cranial work to their practice.

Though the time commitment to do this course has been pretty intense for me, it has been well worth it. I feel that my knowledge depth and confidence has increased. I do feel that now the real work begins whereby I add and refine the techniques I have learned into my day to day practice. I expect I will get better with more practice and experience. It feels like a lot right now and that I have definitely not retained everything but will continue to evolve as I put more and more of the information I learned into practice.

Thank you for putting together this great program. Honestly I don’t love online format learning generally but I would not have had access to this program otherwise. Being a chiropractor with 23 years’ experience, I definitely got more out of the cranial section of the program which I loved. I will need to go back over many things to get more organized in my head and in my day to day practice. Overall it has been excellent!”

Alicia Steele, DC

“I felt like I was limited when I saw babies and I adore working with them so I needed a way to upgrade my knowledge.

This program is very accessible and well done and complete. I think it is the best course I have taken in the last 20 years. It is complete, it is interesting and we can implement it right away in our practices and it makes a bit difference in the results we get. It gives more confidence and many more ways of helping our little ones. I loved it.

Personally this course gave me a lot more confidence, and professionally it made me feel like I am legitimate to tell my patients to take their family in so they get the best chiropractic care as soon as they are born. That is priceless.

I had a 10 year old that came in because her mother thought her posture was not correct. I did a first evaluation and she had internal strabismus when I tested eye movement. She complained of cloudy vision on that side. She also had an increased lumbar lordosis and anterior head carriage. After adjusting her upper C’s, I did some of the fruit jar techniques and I wrote to Dr Rosen to ask about this case. He recommended working on the occiput and sphenobasilar, which I did. After 5 – 6 visits, her mom said she went back to the ophthalmologist and she did not have to wear glasses and they had said she was going to need them. The eye doctor said that her eyes were great and she never again had that feeling of blurry vision.

I strongly recommend this course to any chiropractor that simply wants to have more ways of helping their patients. It is a really great experience, it is complete and the videos are explicit and the notes are complete. Whenever I had a question, I had an answer very rapidly and I was blown away with the efficiency.

I signed up for this class to improve my care to children and, at the end, it did a lot more than that for me. The class has taken me to another level of confidence regarding children’s spinal and cranial care. I had never done such a thorough exam on children and babies before. From the beginning of the classes, we can already apply what we are being taught because it is well explained but also because of the support you get from the group. They answer quickly and specifically to all our questions. That is amazing. We always have a lot of encouragement. When you hear Dr Rosen and Dr Watson share their knowledge and experience, you feel their enthusiasm and it is contagious. I felt like I belong to this wonderful chiropractic family and I recommend it to every chiropractor. Thank you so very much for all that you are.

I want to say thank you for all of your help, your guidance, your confidence in me and your encouragement.”

Sandra Genest-Boudreau, DC

I took this course originally to help my own kids because I knew there were things I was missing to help them better, now I can help even more kids!

My three takeaways:

1) Confidence in assessing children and babies.

2) Confidence in understanding how to explain things better to parents

3) A renewal in philosophy.

This program has improved my confidence even after being in practice for 10 years my confidence wasn’t that high.
The biggest change was in my daughter’s face, I worked on all areas of her skull and my family started commenting on the change in the shape of her face. Every time I do a big cranial session she sleeps soooooo well!

I would absolutely recommend this course to others, the amount of information and access to you guys is incredible (even if we don’t utilize it as much as we should) Hands down the best cranial/assessment approach for kids/babies to boost confidence and knowledge.
I appreciate the time and effort you put into creating this course!

Sliding in and getting finished just in time; I LOVED the content in this course. Overwhelming at times but that’s my own fault for not being consistent like I was advised to be. The amount of information that I have already been able to apply in my practice is amazing. I will be reviewing the information to continue to grow and utilize in my practice for the rest of my practice career. Thank you for putting this course together!

Dr. Keltie Warren

I took this program to improve my ability to take care of the pediatric patient and offer superior care while continuing my knowledge over the years of practice.

1. Pediatric care is vital with cranial growth and development in the first two years of live, we have to set these kiddos up for success in their nervous systems.

2. We must continue to grow and develop our own profession past adjustments to the spine only, cranial work is powerful and much needed.

3. Working with children allows us to make such profound changes and these principles can be applied to our adult patients as well.

I feel that I have worked on my own children in a much different way as well as seeing a much better outcome in my own patients and quicker results.

Plagiocephaly is a very common condition I see in my office. We have much higher success rates and less cranial helmet referrals after implementing all the cranial work.

I would recommend this program. We need to constantly continue to better ourselves for our patients and continue to grow our knowledge in the pediatric field. We should be required to take this in school.

This coursework is amazing and so powerful. This coursework offers pediatric care and is nothing short of amazing. To be able to see changes immediately in your practice and positive outcomes for kids is truly a passion and I love what this course has done for myself and my practice members.

Dr. Brooke Dresser

I decided to take this course because I wanted to learn more about SOT pediatric and also to have more tools to be able to treat babies and kids in my practice.

My takeaways:
1) How it is important to check out the cranial system
2) Look out for the dollar and crest signs
3) Everything is related
4) It is important to find the subluxation before for the age of 7.

This program made me focus more on the patterns than just the adjustment by itself. I learned that it is important to prevent and to educate my patients.

I saw a 15 day old baby come because she had difficulty turning her head to the right and wasn’t able to breastfeed on the right breast. Using the SOT protocol, after 2-3 treatments, the baby got better and the mom realised the difference.

Yes, I would recommend it because you don’t learn at school and SOT is a great tool to have.

This course helps me a lot about cranial work, about the way I should explain it to patients, how to better treat the baby and to connect with them.

I would like to thank Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson for the time, the material, the clear explanations and their help.

Dr. Kunnaker Lung-Tor

“I wanted to learn more about cranial adjusting and this course exceeded my expectations.

I would recommend this course to any chiropractor. I have expanded my knowledge of the SOT technique, the pediatric spinal exam and adjustment, and cranial adjusting. I have been able to put this into practice immediately and I am pleased with the results.

I have been able to look at a person with a new perspective and system of analysis. It has helped me with new knowledge and new adjustments. That always improves my life and the lives of my patients.

I have been wanting to learn the sphenobasilar junction adjustments, which is why I signed up for this course. A couple of months after starting this course, a mom brought her 7 month old in for care, concerned his anterior fontanelle was too small. He was extremely subluxated in the upper cervical spine and cranium. After clearing his upper cervical spine, I adjusted his sphenobasilar junction, and when he came back for a follow up visit, his head shape was noticeably different, and his mother was extremely happy.

I have recommended this course to multiple others. I tell them they will learn more in this class than any other class they have taken.

There is so much information to learn from this course. Dr. Rosen has it designed in a way to make it as easy as possible. You can watch a video and put it into practice the same week. The weekly videos make it easier to learn than trying to cram it all in a weekend course. I highly recommend it!

Thank you both so much!”

Dr. Miriam Mosley

“I recently graduated and work at a practice where no one has any knowledge of pediatric chiropractic care.
I wanted to learn more to be able to provide the best care possible for infants and kids.

My three takeaways:

1. It’s so important to learn the WHY behind pediatric chiro care and be able to convey that to families.
2. Cranial work can be so incredibly powerful.
3. The pediatric exam is so important and can give you a huge amount of information to guide you in a care plan.

This program has given me a starting point for creating a pediatric practice as well as some confidence in examining and adjusting kids.

I have been using some of the CSF balancing techniques on a patient with conversion disorder which has been helping him to have fewer “episodes” and sleep better than he has in a while.
This course was definitely overwhelming for me having no experience with SOT or cranial work, but I like that I have access to all the information to dive deeper into it whenever I am able and to understand it better over time with practice.

I think that any pediatric chiropractor should take this course to gain a better understanding of the cranium and the neurology behind the cranial adjustments. Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson have such a vast knowledge of pediatric care and have been so helpful throughout the course to answer any questions I had about techniques or cases I had in practice.

I think it was a great experience for me and I so appreciate the guidance and generosity of the knowledge Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson have!”

Dr. Kari Breuer

“I decided to take this course because I’ve been practicing with a focus on pediatric and prenatal care for 16 years and wanted to have more tools in my toolbox. I’ve wanted to take the course for a long time but it just didn’t fit in my crazy schedule and it finally did.

My 3 takeaways are:

  1. Kids are not simply small adults, we have very specific techniques to help them best.
  2. SOT cranial work not only helps to resolve symptoms that kiddo’s present with but also to reset their nervous system and set them up for optimal health and development.
  3. It’s important to watch for a pattern and not simply what’s happening on a single day.

This program has impacted me as a doctor in the manner that I assess babies and kids as well as the techniques that I use. It has helped my adjustments create faster results and a more comfortable adjustment.

I had a kiddo with a severe ear infection that was not responding to antibiotics. Mom was a nurse and her friend referred her to us. When the kiddo came into the room, his ear was bleeding and he was in a lot of pain. I used the techniques that you taught in this course to do cranial work, sinus drainage and cervical adjusting. Within a few minutes after the adjustment he was smiling and his color was coming back to normal. There was no obvious bleeding and the mom was in awe.

I would recommend this course to others because it gives you tools that help so many kids that you can’t get anywhere else.

The course is set up in a fantastic format for busy doctors. You can take it at your own pace but still have the very intricate training as if you were in person. Dr. Rosen does an amazing job by video in playing out and explaining each technique and the reason for it. After 16 years, I feel that I have a great toolbox of techniques for children but this expanded my abilities dramatically.

I really appreciate all of the work you did to put this program together and I’m thankful. I do wish the certification was automatically part of it because the extra cost is not easy for all of us doctors. I also wish there were continuing education credits associated with it so that it increased its overall impact with credentialing each year. Thank you so much!”

Dr. Ashley Jones, DC

“I decided to take this course in order to better understand movement of cranial bones and how to correct patterns. Easy to follow. Small enough information each week to stay on top of it and not fall behind. Great for learning in depth about each cranial bone and how they move.

This program has taught me a better way to observe and action steps for how to correct what I do find.
I recently had a little one come in with torticollis causing plagiocephaly. I was able to apply the exam protocols to figure out the main issue, address it, and keep the little one out of a helmet!

I would recommend to anyone who is wanting a better way to assess and care for the pediatric population, specifically in the realm of cranials.

I enjoyed the depth that this program offers. I have been interested in learning more about the cranium, how to assess and address certain issues and this program offered great resources to do so. I am so grateful for the information I’ve gained and will continue to apply what I’ve learned in practice.

I thoroughly enjoyed this program. I liked that it was broken up into sections each week that were manageable and easy to stay on top of. I am only in my second year of practice so some things were very hard for me to grasp and apply, but part of that was because I am a kinesthetic learner and thrive on immediate feedback. My main goal with this program was to get a better understanding of cranial work and I definitely did.

I know it is impossible with online programs to give personal feedback to each person and I appreciate y’all’s willingness to help us and offer the live doctor Q&A’s. Thank you so much for this program and the work you put into it!”

Dr. Hannah Boone

“I wanted to build up my confidence in treating the pediatric population so I was hoping to learn effective adjustment techniques and also learn when to use them.

1. Everything you learn is comprehensive from the first visit, ROF, exams, and adjustments.

2. Learning the indicators gives you so much knowledge about how to effectively evaluate a patient’s nervous system and helps you determine which adjustments to use.

3. Everything you learn in this program is a huge confidence boost to you as a practitioner. They give you everything you need to improve your skills and feel confident in using them in your practice.

This program has given me more confidence overall both personally and professionally. I feel like I’m a better practitioner now, which improves your life in both a personal and professional way.

I started using the Ortho-bionomy techniques on various patients and saw immediate results and relief from the patient which was very encouraging for both of us.

I would definitely recommend this program. You learn so much that overall makes you a better doctor.

I had a great experience learning from both Drs. Rosen and Watson. They are both extremely knowledgeable in this technique and clear on communicating it to others. They were also always available and responsive to any questions you had about the material. Their hands-on seminars combined with this online program really helped solidify my knowledge in learning and using this technique..
One of the most thorough programs I’ve taken. I learned so much and it was worth the investment!”

Dr. Jillian Porter

“I decided to take this course after my son had his tongue/lip ties revised after birth and needed cranial adjusting.

  1. Pediatric training is way more involved than what we are taught in school. This course was amazing at going into the details.
  2. This course teaches spinal adjusting as well, not just cranial. As well as examinations (I don’t feel this is taught well enough in chiropractic school).
  3. These techniques taught can be the missing piece in many cases where pediatric patients have improved but then hit a plateau.

This has opened my eyes to how many kids can be helped with pediatric adjusting. I wasn’t confident in my adjusting even though I have been trained under a pediatric chiropractor but having learned these techniques I feel much more confident.

I had a patient come in with a side preference as well as having just had a tongue and lip tie procedure. He wasn’t nursing well and was overall tense and fussy. Using the cranial adjusting taught in the course, specifically sphenoid, the baby has made a complete improvement. The parents now describe him as an easy baby to me who rarely fusses and he sleeps well.

Yes, I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to work with pediatric patients in any capacity. It has opened my eyes to how in-depth pediatric adjusting is (they are not ‘mini adults’ and helping the tougher cases sometimes goes beyond standard spinal adjusting).

I think other chiropractors would benefit from studying with you because I don’t believe many colleges teach enough about pediatrics, even basic adjusting, in their curriculum. Thank you!”

Dr. Claire Tambellini

“I took this program to get more confidence analyzing and adjusting the pediatric population. I was hoping to gain more insight into more specific evaluation techniques for this population.                                      

This program is a great way to really enhance your knowledge of the pediatric population as well as a great way to increase your skills and confidence caring for this population.

This program has really helped me to begin to great a more consistent system of analysis for infants and kids.

Before taking this program I did not have much experience with cranial work. Because of this program I was able to co-manage with a LC for a baby who was really struggling to latch. By talking with the LC and hearing what she was seeing with the infant and by applying what I learned in this class, I was able to do some cranial work and baby began latching easier! The LC was very pleased and now we have a good working relationship. The infant continues to latch and nurse well which makes all os us very happy.

I would recommend this course to anyone wanting to serve the pediatric population! The program is well paced and very thorough. This program provides so much information!

I really appreciate all the time and effort put into this program!”

Dr. Kaitlyn Rice

“I have just finished the Pediatric Certificate Program and I have to say that it has been a truly wonderful experience and has added so much detail to my understanding of the biomechanics and treatment protocols. I have been in practice for 39 years and I am well versed in Applied Kinesiology as well as many other techniques and treatment protocols.

I continue to study with Michael Lebowitz DC, Dr. Datis Kharrazian, Dr. Chris Astill-Smith in Epigenetics and of course the late Wally Schmitt DC.

I am pleased to be able to add Drs. Rosen and Watson to my list of mentors. I have signed up for more of Drs. Rosen and Watson’s seminars due to the fact that they provide such comprehensive and extremely important material that all chiropractors should be taught while attending chiropractic school. This seminar has added so much more understanding and depth to my practice.

I have treated all ages throughout the years but since I have taken this seminar my pediatric clientele has definitely increased. I am so looking forward to continuing with all the upcoming programs that they offer. I highly recommend taking any of the seminars they offer as you won’t be disappointed!”

Dr. Theresa Gormly

“I have been practicing for 16 years with a focus on prenatal, pediatric and family care.

Our practice is tonal and neurological based and we see a lot of families who want optimal health and wellness for their families. In 16 years I’ve taken many seminars and courses for kids, pregnancy and families and I have to say that this is one of the most in depth and impactful programs.

Since taking the course I have implemented the additional exams and protocols and have seen an increase in optimal results from pain and symptoms to emotional, mental and learning outcomes. I love having ways to help calm and relieve over-stimulation for our kiddo’s in this overstimulated world. I really appreciate how much this is helping me as a practitioner and my patients overall experience.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with all of us so that we can help so many more families.”

Dr. Ashley Jones

“I wanted to further my education in pediatric care. There was a lot of useful information in this course that I have already applied in everyday practice!

My takeaways are to stay on top of the work and re-watch the videos numerous times to really break down the information and be open to learning and adjusting with different techniques.

This program has impacted our practice already with positive results helping numerous newborns.

We had one patient come in with ADHD and Autism. I applied some of the cranial techniques learned in this class as I previously did not do any cranial work. The results were pretty immediate in his behavior and decreasing emotional outbursts.

Yes, I would recommend this program.  There is a lot of information and tools to add to your tool bag to help those that come into your office. A greater understanding of cranial work and SOT in general. Knowing what to adjust first and using the indicators to be sure of what needs to be adjusted.

Thank you for your time!”

Dr. Arielle Lovell

“I took this program to gain knowledge in pediatrics and presentations that may be seen in practice.

This program is very good; knowledge packed with both theory and practical and love the subluxation/philosophical side.

Personally this program helped me to be more confident and also gave me more insight into areas that i can venture into when im feeling stuck in certain cases that I’d normally be wondering “what more can i do.”

It has definitely helped me with my daughter and her plagiocephaly, which I initially knew nothing about; but after learning the modules about it I’ve been confident in analyzing and addressing her when needed. Seeing tension release and slight changes occurring over time has been relieving especially as the mother.

Yes, of course I would recommend this program.. The knowledge gained is insightful and gives a deeper understanding especially clinically; as the saying goes everyone is different and it’s not a one size fits all.”

Dr. Taromi Taia

“I wanted to take this course to up level my ability to help the many pediatric (and also adult) members of my practice. I’ve taken a couple of your other courses and have really enjoyed implementing the things I learned to help some of my toughest cases begin to change in meaningful ways.

If you’re struggling with your spinal or upper cervical adjustments holding, cranial work can be the key to creating lasting change. Understanding how the cranium impacts nursing, development, stress etc. and how to gently correct imbalances is game changing for your effectiveness in pediatric practice. I learned so much here that isn’t available at school, and it has greatly improved my patient care.

I’m becoming known locally as the Dr who can help with things beyond back pain. Testimonials have become much more life changing and honestly performing the cranial work has allowed me to become more connected with my practice members.

I’ve been working with an entire family and two of their children have cranial distortions that have affected growth and development. Using the techniques learned in this class, we’ve been able to avoid a helmet for their youngest and their oldest is speaking more clearly and regulating much better than before.

SOT and cranial work in general often felt overwhelming to me because it was so different from diversified (the only technique taught at my school), but this course has broken it down into manageable and meaningful parts to be able to confidently use what you learn each and every week.

Thank you both for sharing your wisdom, I appreciate you and so do my practice members!”

Dr. Sarah Tremblay

“There is SO much wonderful information. The modules are well laid out and not too long – max 45 min which is great when you are running a business and learning in chunks. The Doctor Sharing is recorded for watching at times I can make it work.

More confidence, more knowledge and the more I learn the more I realize I don’t know. Has helped with imposter syndrome, many things I do already but I also learned so much more for my tool box.

THANK YOU, I know I am not much at interacting, I watch and learn and observe, thanks.”

Joelle Johnson, DC

“This program was beneficial to the pediatric population but could be implemented with adults.  This is great value for the amount of content you get throughout the program.

Personally this program has deepened my drive for chiropractic, as a student I am still finding my footing. Professionally, I think this will bring so much depth to my future practice, I cannot wait.

Yes, I would recommend this program.   It has a great value and the content has been great.

It was wonderful, thank you. Maybe I will come to an in-person seminar sometime.”

Danielle Lewis

“Detailed content very comprehensive I would suggest having some basic pediatric, SOT, and cranial knowledge going into the course.

It greatly enhanced my overall knowledge of cranial adjusting and pediatric care.

Updated our exam and intake forms making new patient exams smoother and more comprehensive.   More cranial techniques in my toolkit has allowed for more change in my patients and results faster.

I would recommend this program.  It is very comprehensive. Of course there is always more to learn but this course goes over so much and gives such a nice base of knowledge to work with.

Thank you so much for providing such an amazing program.”

Jessica Garrison, DC

“I’ve been utilizing more cranium work with some of our hyperactive patients. So far not a lot of changes but it has only been a couple weeks.

Yes! I would recommend this program. It’s helped open my eyes to a more complete analysis as well as learned about stuff I didn’t think we could directly adjust (such as palate spacing, specific plagiocephaly work, etc.)

Thank you for the help and keep up the work!”

Jeffrey Knapp, DC

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