Praise For: Evaluation and Correction of Atlas/Axis Dural Meningeal Restriction

Hear directly from our students about the benefits of our program.
1-5 of 46 results
  • Beth A. Reddy, DC

    “I took this program because I see a lot of babies, and I thought that this would be a really good course/review. AND…. it was!

    I have a 6 month-old baby who rarely poops. I have been seeing him for a few weeks, but not so much has changed. I adjusted him this way last week, and he had a massive BM before leaving the office.

    I would recommend this course. We all can benefit from this knowledge, and from the understanding of the meningeal system. This is a good starting point. I appreciate that online format, and am hoping that I can watch these again and again….Thank you!!!!!”

  • Dr. Kelly Schubert

    “I was searching for SOT seminars that were available online and found this seminar.

    I’m practicing the leg check on all of my patients and find that I can more specifically treat my patients in the upper cervical area. I look forward to checking babies using this technique too. I would recommend this program.

    I really like how the lessons were divided up. I could absorb a lot more information this way than going to a 2 day all day seminar. I believe this technique can help patients with persisting, recurring problems by releasing the dural fixation.

    This is my 1st online course and I really enjoyed being able to do the lessons each week whenever I had free time. The Facebook group is very valuable for answering any questions, along with the live Q & A sessions. Overall, I can highly recommend this seminar and plan to take more in the future. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer all of my questions and offering these online seminars so more chiropractors can benefit from learning new tricks to help their patients”

  • Dr. Eileen Keenan

    “I would like to see more babies confidently in my clinic and want to have a good protocol to check for dural tension

    The course was concise and easy to follow, a great starting point for assessing and treating babies.”

  • Student Name and Title

    “I decided to take this course because I know how essential upper cervical assessment is for the infant, especially with the way birth commonly goes today. I wanted to have more confidence in assessing dural dysfunction.

    I used this technique on an 8 month-old child that was going through sleep issues as well as a recent fall where they hit their head. The results I saw after using this was a significant change to their sleeping habits, sleeping longer stretches and falling asleep with less resistance.

    I really enjoyed this course, I liked that it was online and you could move at your own pace. The videos were great and it was nice to have the workbooks included for more information. I would definitely recommend other chiropractors to add a different approach to their practice. I loved this course and I cannot wait to take another course from the Peak Potential Institute!”

  • Dr. Joshua Shideler

    “I love the Rosen/Watson/Major D. course-work. When I heard that a course on the cranio-cervical junction was offered, I signed up.

    I used this technique with an infant case with a presentation of acute torticollis completely resolved within a few office visits.

    All of the Rosen/Watson workshops are well done. I will continue to use Peak Potential Institute for future chiropractic training and advancement.”

The SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program

Demonstrate your commitment to your profession and patients, enhance your skills, and place yourself on the road to mastery in the art of chiropractic adjustment.