Praise For: Cranial Facial Distortions and Their Impact on Childhood Development

Hear directly from our students about the benefits of our program.
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  • Dr. Brian Douts

    I took this program for further understanding of infant health issues and ways chiropractors can adjust or help them.

    It was a great review of infant anatomy and health problems infants may have.

    It has refreshed me on the anatomy of infant development and I have learned more about infant health problems and signs to look for and I have more certainty in evaluating infants for cranial problems.

  • Dr. Heather Serpa

    I took this class as a refresher on facial distortion patterns and how to correct them. I was also interested in digging deeper into retained reflexes.

    This program reviewed how to do a baby cranial exam. It was a good reference for parents and other practitioners needing an understanding of how the baby can be helped with chiropractic care and it was a good review of reflexes and time frames for them.

    Thus course has helped me do better exams and helped me understand retained reflexes better.

    I have a baby that came into the office with failure to put on weight and constantly throwing up. He was tiny and grumpy and at 3 months had not put on any weight from birth. I did a more thorough exam than I might have before and started adjusting him and working with his cranials and he is not throwing up as much. He is getting bigger and thriving and his head is not flat on the right side any more.

    It was a good class. Thank you.

  • Jacob Fiamingo, DC

    I took this program because both of my children and me were tongue-tied. We all had them lasered off by Dr. Billiot or Dr. Kotlow. My son has primal reflexes retained, can be inconsolable at times, had very difficult time sleeping for the first 2 years of life.

    My three takeaways are:

    The importance of seeking professional help when parents notice an issue.
    1. How fast the brain grows the first 2 years of life.
    2. The quicker the issue can be corrected the easier the child’s development will be.
    3. Both my children seem to be congested when they’re not sick. My 2 y/o daughter is worse than my 4 y/o son. Both are mouth breathers but she is worse. I will dive deeper to further help them.

    I have a patient who has plagiocephaly (her bow on her head didn’t sit right/equal around her head) that I was able to help reshape their head. She became a “more pleasant” baby.

    Thank you for offering these courses.

  • Dr. Kelly Fortier

    I took it to gain more knowledge on specific facial patterns I see on the daily to help me identify what’s going on better. It was more entry level than I thought, but I gained some basics that will help me relate to parents.

    This is a general course that gives you a broad awareness of cranial distortions and why is important. It’s given me some tools, but I’m going to build on this through working through some of the previous course material to help me correct the distortions I see on the table

    I would say I’m more show and tell on the table with parents and can help them understand the importance of what I’m seeing that is often not why the parent brought their child in, but relates to it so much. I really enjoy learning this work.

  • Dr. Kunnakar Lung-Tor

    I wanted to take this course to learn more about SOT pediatrics.

    This course gives a nice refresher of the anatomy and a good introduction to SOT pediatrics and a good basic know-hows to what to look out for.

    I would recommend doing this course as an introductory course before doing the 10-month SOT Pediatrics course.

    I used the SOT techniques on a 3-month old premature baby and it helped to resolve his torticollis and plagio problems.

    It is always a pleasure to do your classes and to learn more about SOT. Thank you very much.

The SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program

Demonstrate your commitment to your profession and patients, enhance your skills, and place yourself on the road to mastery in the art of chiropractic adjustment.