Cranial Facial Distortions and Their Impact on Childhood Development
Dr. Rosen, Dr. Watson

Cranial Facial Distortions and Their Impact on Childhood Development

Have you ever noticed something developmentally different about a child but your concerns fell on deaf ears? It is not until the situation becomes obvious that proper intervention is recommended. Knowing before the situation or condition escalates is paramount to achieving a more efficient, less stressful (both to the child and family) resolution.

It is important to note that these developmental “glitches”, while they may be common, are not normal and can affect proper neurological development (milestones, primal reflexes, and pre-programmed feedback loops). They can also manifest as only mild symptoms early in life and progress to more severe ones as the child reaches age 4 or 5.

Much has been written about milestones and primitive reflexes and their effect on developmental potential. What we are offering to you is the missing link to optimal childhood development – the effects of cranial and facial distortions on human potential.

In this online program Drs. Rosen and Watson will walk you through an understanding of normal childhood growth and development and the structural distortion patterns to look for that may be signs of developmental challenges.

Skills You Will Learn

✓ Developmental anatomy, physiology, and neurology of the developing nervous system

✓ How to recognize developmental “glitches” in a child’s development

✓ Specific conditions such as, torticollis, plagiocephaly, missed milestones, retained primal reflexes, tongue-tie, and cranial facial distortions are discussed

✓ What you as a parent or health care provider can do when you suspect something is wrong

Resources Provided

✓ Video class modules

✓ Evaluation & technique presentations

✓ Practical demonstrations

✓ Calls to action (CTAs)

✓ Live calls with instructor

✓ Interactive private Facebook group

✓ Complete PDF workbooks

✓ Email access to Dr. Rosen & Dr. Watson

Course Contents

10 Modules | 10 CTAs

Class 1 – The Structures Beneath

Class 2 – The Developing Brain

Class 3 – The Nervous System

Class 4 – Dural Meningeal System

Class 5 – Developmental Milestones

Class 6 – Primitive Reflexes

Class 7 – Shape of Things: Plagiocephaly and Torticollis

Class 8 – Tongue-Tie

Class 9 – What’s Wrong with this Face?

Class 10 – What Can You Do?

Meet the Instructors

As early as first quarter in chiropractic school they were attracted to each other’s commitment to chiropractic and the pursuit of excellence.  Their combined 80 years of personal and clinical and teaching experience, in delivering the chiropractic adjustment is unparalleled in the chiropractic profession.  Their international outreach through teaching, writing and lecturing has been a driving force in their personal and professional careers since their first seminar taught together as students, in 1979.

Their years of experience have taught them what works and what does not work to create a successful practice and lifestyle. The more competent and comprehensive your expertise you will find that more patients will seek your services and your practice will grow exponentially.

Feedback From Our Students

  • Dr. Lisa Geiger

    I wanted to take this course online so it could fit the ebb and flow of my life time-management-wise. I hoped to get out of it in more detail on topics Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson had touched on in classes I have taken, and also to experience it being broken down at a different pace and rhythm than the other classes I have taken, It did not disappoint.

    Having taken classes in person and online with Peak Potential Institute, and having watched the program develop and deepen over that time, three takeaways include: These classes are extremely well made and thought out. With so many simple talking-head videos passing for online courses out on the web, these classes provide transcripts, slide shows, and regular assignments. Love that. Kajabi provides a robust platform that has not lagged or skipped in my experience and I love that. This legacy of education is priceless. I also appreciate that some of the classes offered, like this one, are geared towards not just chiropractors, and that broadened the usefulness as it was considered and included information that helped me be more effective and agile with parents.

    My niece’s son was just born with a fracture in his skull due in no small part to birth trauma and birth idiocy on the part of the hospital. My thought process in treating and evaluating MJ as well as how I communicate with my niece and sister have been impacted and we all benefit from that.

    Well done. Your programs just get more and more robust and luscious!

  • Dr. Kelly Fortier

    I took it to gain more knowledge on specific facial patterns I see on the daily to help me identify what’s going on better. It was more entry level than I thought, but I gained some basics that will help me relate to parents.

    This is a general course that gives you a broad awareness of cranial distortions and why is important. It’s given me some tools, but I’m going to build on this through working through some of the previous course material to help me correct the distortions I see on the table

    I would say I’m more show and tell on the table with parents and can help them understand the importance of what I’m seeing that is often not why the parent brought their child in, but relates to it so much. I really enjoy learning this work.

  • Dr. Maybelle Heng

    The main purpose of taking this class is to understand more about cranial distortion and the impact on childhood development. Also I hope to learn more about the normal development of an infant through the early years. What to look for in terms of the abnormality.

    That 90% of the brain cells are formed during the first year and the adult myelination is present by the end of the second year. That’s quite mind blowing to me. That the first 6 years of the childhood programming will pretty much affect that child for the rest of his or her life. It makes me reflect on my own and my siblings’ childhood. That common abnormal in child cranial distortion should not be overlooked or brushed off as normal.

    The knowledge that I know now will impact how I will look for my own child in the future and professionally it gives me more confidence to advise clients that just have their own child about their development.

    Checking and explaining to my new mom and the information about her child development was really appreciated by her. She commented that her pediatric wasn’t as thorough as me. And as a result, she refers more clients in.

    Thank you so much for taking time putting this course together. The information is really cool and I don’t see it in other places.

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