“1.- Clarify that Chiropractic care and management in scoliosis is not only in the office, but also at home. 2. – Understand that there is no ‘magic formula’ and that scoliosis care must be defined on a case-by-case basis. 3. – I learned more precise methods to evaluate scoliosis and thus be more specific when adjusting the spine.
Personally, it is an expanded vision that leaves the usual repertoire for the management of scoliosis, which gives you another look when evaluating, since it provides more tools. Professionally, the changes that I previously achieved are now faster in time and with less effort. The fact, in addition to including guidelines to be followed at home, positively impacts the patient since it empowers them more in resolving their condition.
Patients with extreme sensitivity, where it is not possible to apply force for a traditional thrust adjustment, appreciate being able to receive chiropractic using less aggressive elements such as the use of blocks or the Dutchman roll.
Yes, I would totally recommend this course. There are care protocols that, at least in my case, I did not receive in basic training. In addition, everything learned can be used the next day in the consultation, with total confidence and security.
In addition to the professional level, the willingness to always clarify doubts both during the course and in the community on Facebook is appreciated. The demonstrations of the protocols and settings are very clear.”
Cesar Segura, DC
“My three takeaways from this program:
1. The blocking procedures, none of the doctors in our office knew how to do that so we just adjusted our scoliosis patients. This gives us a chance to help those patients more. 2. The home exercises and blocking procedures. We have a lot of patients asking if there is anything they can do at home so now we have more information to give them to help when they are not in the office. 3. The adjustment procedures focus on T11-T12. We would always just adjust side posture into the convexity of the curve and that was it.
This program has impacted my life professionally because we see a lot of scoliosis patients and now I have more ways to be able to help those patients instead of doing what I was before. This will be able to help them more. Personally it helps me understand why I am doing the adjustment and blocking procedures and how it is helping these patients.
I have a 15 year old with a 35 degree curve to the right. It is an inferior tippage curve and since using this adjustment and the blocking techniques on him he has noticed more relief than just the adjustment I was doing before.
I would recommend this course to others because the course information is very helpful and it is put in a way that is understandable and easy to follow.”
Leanne Tressler, DC
“Very informative and interactive accessibility to information and instructors for feedback and questions. Applicable takeaways. The information was very well organized and manageable.
Refresher of information and clarity of the information taught giving confidence to handle scoliosis in children at a younger age as well as being able to apply the blocking information to a couple of patients who have rods
I have a patient with pelvic unleveling and a high right hip! The home stretches in which you cross the legs slide them over and then walk the legs back has really helped relieve patient’s knee pain
Yes, I would recommend this course!
I loved the flexibility of the program that I could do at my pace for my schedule while staying on track week to week. The information was well organized and easy to apply in practice. The added live classes really added to the experience. I was unable to be in them live due to conflict with office hours but the replays complimented the course nicely and added an additional layer of depth to the information. I loved the accessibility and response time Dr Rosen had to questions and comments. I also loved the group responses to individual questions so we all could learn.”
Jill Slutak, DC
“My three takeaways are:
Information is there to review and view in your time schedule.
New ways to analysis scoliosis and varieties of ways to adjust
Home exercises to give patient
After using this technique on my 82 year old patient, it relieved the pain in her feet and she sent me a video of her in heels dancing with her son, she has not been able to wear heels since 2004 – the wonders of Chiropractic. We both were thrilled, and I am so thankful to have been able to take this course.
I would recommend the course to others because it specifically identifies the scoliosis and different ways to adjust the spine, the home exercises are a bonus to you and your patients – great results.
Thank you, my eyes are open to a different way of handling scoliosis, now I can bring my practice to a higher level. My results have been nothing short of a chiropractic miracle – to date all the courses I have taken have given me the chance to better serve my patients and receive spectacular results in using these techniques.”
Celeste Mattia-Cattie, DC
“It’s always amazing to learn from this couple. I love teaching, always being willing to answer any questions and for adding so much to my practice.
Learning from this couple makes me increasingly want to transform lives and shows me the best way to do this with my patients.
I have a patient with a very severe degree of scoliosis; she wore a brace 23 hours a day, felt a lot of pain and was bullied at school. After I started applying what I learned in this course, she improved a lot! She no longer feels pain, breathes better, sleeps better and now only wears the brace for 4 hours outside of school. Her friends now play with her more and she is very happy.
I always recommend all of Martin and Nancy’s courses! They transform my practice and my life and for this reason, I always take all online and in-person courses. In my opinion, they are the best in the world!
Thank you for everything! You are my mentors and following your teachings helps me to be better for my patients and become a better person. You are my inspiration. God bless your lives immensely!”
Lilian Aliberti, DC
“My three takeaways from the program are:
I feel as if I can treat scoliosis patients with more confidence and give them more things to do at home to improve their curves.
I have been using the roll more with patients under the pelvis to open up t11 or t12 depending on which has inferior tippage and which is more tender.
I recommend this program. It’s a great refresher course at the beginning and it gives great detail into blocking protocols and exercises that I have not learned before.
Thank you for all that you and Nancy do for our profession.”
Hailey Burpo, DC
“My three takeaways from this program:
1 -The earlier we are able to detect and correct the spine unbalance, more effective and easier the treatment will be.
2 – Depending on how long the scoliosis is present, there will often be disc and bone degeneration occurring on the concave side due to the piezoelectric effect.
3 – Those blocks and exercises are very important to stretch muscles and restore the normal curves.
This course amplified my knowledge about scoliosis and I’ll be more confident and able to help more people.
I would absolutely recommend this course. These classes are awesome and many Chiropractors could improve their practice with this learning.
Thank you so much for the learning and email replies. Very helpful.”
Matheus Gomes, DC
“When learning about scoliosis in school we never got very in depth on specific adjusting techniques. This course has provided me with new skills to handle each scoliosis case with the tools to provide the correct adjustment in office, home exercises and more education for the patient on their condition.
I feel more confident in talking with patients about their scoliosis while providing treatment to help them reach their goals.
I have a father and son with scoliosis and have always felt I wasn’t providing them with the care they needed for their adjustments. They love having tools they can work on at home together and really feel a difference.
Yes I would recommend this course. It’s important to keep our skills and knowledge up. Never stop learning and improving.
Thank you for a great course and the support offered.”
Tricia Marquez, DC
“My three takeaways:
If I can help scoliosis patients more, my practice will grow more. But one patient who is 70s seems to be getting better after 2 visits. This should be a good start.
I’m looking forward to using this technique for my patients more and seeing the outcomes of them.”
Shigeto Toyama, DC
“My three takeaways from this program:
Now I have a better foundation to use when seeing patients that have scoliosis.
I definitely would recommend this course to others – as the protocols address scoliosis.
Great course, thank you!”
Gerald Galvin, DC
“This class was a great resource for additional treatment options for my scoliosis patients. I enjoyed learning techniques these patients could continue at home to block themselves to work on the balance through their spine. Addressing the T11-T12 are specific to the type of scoliosis was also helpful.
I have more confidence now in options for our scoliosis patients. I have just started implementing what I have been learning with one of my patients. So far she has been responding well to what I have learned in previous SOT classes and as I continue through the blocking I hope to bring even greater relief to her chronic pain and tension
I would recommend this course. This is information I have not received elsewhere.”
Katherine Hoffman, DC
“The information is very practical. So much so that I was able to implement it on day One. I love logical content. It was broken into easy to learn steps. It has already helped me in multiple cases.
It’s helped me with my confidence in sharing chiropractic for scoliosis patients.
I have a younger patient who is concerned about developing scoliosis and it has helped me assess, put together a plan and develop confidence with her parents.
I recommend everything above this course. It’s an amazing course. Easy to understand and the knowledge is off the charts.”
Ron Robinson, DC
“This course helped me to have more of an understanding of the different kinds of scoliosis, familiarizing myself more with the various usages of the blocks, and lastly, I loved the home exercises. Patients are always looking for something they can do at home.
Historically, I’ve not been confident with scoliosis correction, but now I would like to see more patients with scoliosis. The other day, I was able to confidently block someone with a mild scoliosis.
I would recommend this program. It was easy to follow and not daunting to implement.”
Courtney Neill, DC
“This program gives you how to deal with scoliosis patients how to adjust and how to use blocking
It gave me insight on scoliosis protocols
I would recommend this course. It was well put together with very little wasted time or information that was not important.
Great course thank you for providing it to us”
Joone Lee, DC
“The blocking procedures, muscle balancing and the corrective exercises all are a great way to apply specific corrective adjustments to the scoliotic spine.
I look forward to being able to better care for my patients who have scoliosis.
I was able to start the conversation with patients with confidence that I will be able to correct their curvatures
Yes I would recommend this course; the course gave me a more solid foundation in understanding how to treat patients with scoliosis.”
Bryson Wilbanks, DC
“My three takeaways from this program:
I have applied: Inferior tip-off vs rotational thoracic adjusting.
I would recommend this program. Keep learning and growing.
Thank you
Lauren Whittaker, DC
“My three takeaways for this program:
This was a great refresher on scoliosis and I learned some new things especially on inferior tippage. The home exercise techniques have been a great addition to my scoliosis patients.
Yes, I would recommend this course. It’s a great short course that had some great info for an area that I think many chiropractors don’t actually know that much about.
Every class I take with you I learn something new and am always able to immediately apply it to my daily practice.”
Angela Taylor, DC
“My three takeaways from this course are: The protocol in treating stubborn scoliosis, home care method, adjustment technique for scoliosis.
Scoliosis is a disease concerning people since their teenage, and would create a disturbance in their appearance, this lesson allows me to treat scoliosis.
The protocol can allow patients to take care of their own at home. I would recommend this course as the content is very clear and detailed.”
Tai Hong Andrew
“My three takeaways for this class:
T12/T11 importance, Rotation vs. Inferior tippage, blocking for scoliosis.
Somewhat (I don’t see many Scoliosis patients) simply because I lacked the skills and confidence. I’m glad I’ve done the course nevertheless, it’s given me skills I didn’t have and also does not overcomplicate the process.
I would recommend this course. It provides a protocol for addressing this – normally handled by physios only using exercise. I think it is valuable knowledge for all chiros to have.”
Adam Cullinan, DC
“Blocking protocol was very interesting, Home care was really good; it was a good overall course.
I would recommend this program, it’s an easy to understand course and very practical.
Great program thank you for putting it on!”
Matthew Noji, DC
“My takeaway from this program Blocking and stretching with blocking.
I am now giving more attention to people with scoliosis
I currently have two patients with scoliosis and one of them is doing well with at home blocking and is easing up daily pain.
Yes, I would recommend this program.”
Amy Gates, DC
“This course was a good review of things I’d forgotten. I learned new info to help folks day to day. Loved the home care info given.
I always love to grow. It was a good review and lots of new information that can be applied to any practice.
You guys are awesome.”
Kim Stetzel, DC
“Very useful information that can be applied to your patients right away. Hands on applications and demonstrations. Easy to understand and very straightforward.
Improved my ability to better serve my patients and community who have scoliosis.
I would recommend this course. Everything you do is gold!!
Amazing…as always!”
Stephanie Rittenour, DC
“Identifying scoliosis, office treatment and home treatment of scoliotic curves.
This program will help me better treat patients with scoliosis.
I shared the at home protocols with a few patients. They were thankful they could actively work on reducing their curvatures.
Great course for helping patients with scoliosis.”
Sara DeHart, DC
“I like the bite size content. It is user friendly and very applicable to practice.
I enjoy up leveling my practice to better help my community.
I am currently working with a 10 year old patient and applying these protocols.
I would recommend this course because of the application and user friendly techniques.”
Cindy Frazier-Abdessalam, DC
“Home study is cost effective. This is presented in several levels so suitable for all.
I’ve been looking for a scoliosis course for a long time. This was very useful.
I would recommend this course as it covers the topic well.
It’s great to have these courses available. Thank you.”
Julie Dropinski, DC
“The scoliosis program gave me background information on scoliosis as well as corrective procedures. It was nice to learn blocking techniques to help calm the musculature down to reduce the curve. I also really liked the at home exercise recommendations.
Now I will be able to easily add in extra for my patients who have scoliosis.
I would recommend the course as it is a unique approach to scoliosis.”
Jeanne Sandheinrich, DC
“Even after 29 years of practice there is still room to learn. The convenience of online learning and being able to practice the technique at the office that day or the next day. There is feeling the support from others who have studied with you or who took the same program.
This has helped bring more relief to the patients I care for.
A patient with severe scoliosis, I adjusted her transitional segments and opened up the spine…she could tell a difference. Her relief lasted longer than after other adjustments.
I would recommend this class because it’s easy to add to your current techniques.”
Karen Ferguson, DC
“This program gave me great strategies to analyze and help correct a scoliosis. It also gave great home care procedures to assign patients!
It made me more confident in treating my patients with this condition. Had a patient with rotational scoliosis come in the same week the course began. I was able to put into practice the methods learned in this course right away!
I would recommend this course for anyone wanting to enhance their analyzing and adjusting skills!
Thank you!”
Kristen Denette, DC
“My three takeaways are:
This program has impacted my life in that I have a lot more confidence in my abilities to serve my community with efficient skills for specific scoliosis presentations.
I am currently working with a new patient on these techniques and it is going well.
Yes I would recommend others take these courses so we have a greater network of like-minded chiropractors with optimal education to refer other patients to.
I like the videos so I can slow the audio down to listen to Dr. Marty. Having the transcript is also great. Good for my learning style. The repetition of content is great with a video, PowerPoint and a worksheet.”
Kirra Randolph, DC
Peak Potential Institute
Wellesley, MA
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