EP.11: The First 2 years of Life – A crucial window for your child’s Neuro-Development with Dr Martin Rosen, Chiropractor
In today’s episode I am honored to interview Dr Martin Rosen, who wrote 2 books and is a leading expert in chiropractic pediatrics and cranio-sacral work with over 40 years of experience in this field. His most recent book “It’s All in the Head”, was written to inform and bring awareness of the implications that cranial distortions can have in the initial stages of childhood growth and development. He shares this wisdom with us as we go through common misconceptions and myths as well as the importance of prevention. Finally, we go over how changes to the Developmental Milestones by the CDC were made, the difference between “common” and “normal”, what this means for our children and of course, what to do about it.
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