Why Early Treatment is Crucial for Concussions

Why Early Treatment is Crucial for Concussions

Why Early Treatment is Crucial for Concussions Concussions have recently gained widespread attention, especially in sports, due to their potentially severe, long-term effects on cognitive, emotional, and physical health. However, while the diagnosis of concussions is becoming more accurate, the standard medical treatment often remains limited to rest and monitoring. This approach may help prevent…

The Impact of Cranial-Facial Distortions on Childhood Development and Neurological Function

The Impact of Cranial-Facial Distortions on Childhood Development and Neurological Function

Understanding the Difference Between “Common” and “Normal” In the early stages of life, a child’s brain and body are undergoing rapid development. During this time, even subtle imbalances or distortions in the structure of the skull and face can have significant effects on a child’s growth, neurological function, and overall health. Cranial-facial distortions, while often…

Tummy Time – A Crucial Neurodevelopment Process

Tummy Time – A Crucial Neurodevelopment Process

Tummy Time – A Crucial Neurodevelopment Process For the purpose of this article we are going to focus our discussion on tongue-ties. Infant developmental milestones are monitors of how the child’s nervous system is developing and adapting to its environment. During the first two years of life 80—90% of the groundwork for the developing nervous…

Tongue-Tie and Palate Evaluation Procedures

Understanding Tongue-Tie: What It Is, Its Implications, and Treatment Options

What is Tongue-Tie? Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a congenital condition where a short, thick, or tight band of tissue (the lingual frenulum) tethers the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth, limiting its range of motion. This can make it difficult for a child to move their tongue freely, which can affect activities…