Praise For: SOT® Pediatric Online Certificate Program
Hear directly from our students about the benefits of our program.
- Wendy Coburn, DC
- Kathryn Cantwell, DC, DICCP, CSP, CSCP
- John McAtamney, DC
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Lim Pui Yi, DC
“To hone my examination and adjusting skills, more particularly towards infants. I definitely feel more confident and comfortable delivering the highest quality of chiropractic care to children in my practice.
Cranial work is not just great for pediatric patients, but also for anyone of any age groups, especially those with neurological indicators. This course has provided enough guidance when it comes to full evaluation and specific adjustments.This program has increased my awareness towards the importance of pediatric care, especially those who have undergone stress causing cranial distortions during birth.
My 3 year old nephew is autistic and I am really glad that he showed significant improvement in terms of development after cranial work.
Yes, I would recommend this program. Drs. Rosen and Watson are very detailed in explaining and the program itself proves apparent success.
After the course, I have applied the skills learned not only on pediatrics but also on older populations who are suffering from eczema and insomnia. The skill has helped tremendously in my practice, getting me more referrals and enabling me to help more patients in need.
Learning from professional Drs. like Dr. Watson and Dr. Rosen ensures you to get tons of hands on properly as they are very engaging on and off screen.”
Keila Nichols, DC
“This program filled in some empty spots in my cranial treatment and cleared up some questions on visual diagnostics, especially with the occiput. Cleared up some semantics from past SOT training (occipital sideslip/compression). Finally, I got a pedi brochure and exams formally completed. Required me to focus on improving and fine tuning my pedi cranial.
So many…. Most recently, my grandbaby had to be taken 3 weeks early by C section (such a violent procedure!) due to a complete placenta previa, so there was no other safe way out that we knew of. We had tried homeopathy, but it was too little too late. Anyway, the little peanut was falling asleep nursing, tearing up Momma’s nipples, and frantic while trying to latch. She had the classic Occipital Extension Presentation, low right frontal, intermaxillary ridging and wide open fontanelles – all of them; wide open all the way down the sagittal suture, too! While she was (painfully) nursing, I would shorten the Falx and widen the Tent, also working the jaw muscles and CRI. Her latch and sucking improved and all nursing pain would stop as long as I was actively doing this cranial, but would return later that day. After nursing I would work on the oral sutures. After 2 daily visits, 80-90% nursing issues were resolved. Baby opened wider to get a better latch, was no longer gnawing the nipple and did not exhaust so quickly while nursing. Just one of many, many.
I would recommend this program. This is so much more beneficial than those weekend pedi classes that give so little useful info. In infants, the cranium and dural meningeal system is 90%.
Prior SOT training would be helpful. Thank you for improving the quality of pedi care in our profession. No one should be treating peds without this training. Lots of love to y’all!!”
Sara O’Connell, DC
“I decided to take this course to further my knowledge and skills in caring for kiddos both in practice and at home. I wanted to grow my confidence and skill set in pediatric chiropractic care.
I found this program very in-depth and learned a lot of skills and info to add to my pediatric tool kit. Three takeaways were how incredibly important the first couple years of life are especially for development, how to specifically assess and correct cranials, and pain reduction techniques for kiddos using aspects of SOT® cranial and sacral techniques.
How has taking this program impacted your life, personally and professionally:
I feel much more confident in my assessment and care for kiddos both in practice as well as with my own littles at home.
I have used the palate exam and assessment and found a high palate. Using the techniques taught in this course I was able to work on the palate and allow baby and mama to improve their breastfeeding relationship.I would definitely recommend this course to others as Dr. Rosen is a wealth of knowledge and this is a very in-depth and intensive course. I learned a lot and will definitely review my notes from time to time as there is just so much incredible information.
I really enjoyed this course and as a business owner and mama of 3 littles, I really appreciated that it was virtual. I learned a lot and feel much more confident in my examination and skills when it comes to taking care of kiddos. Dr. Rosen is a wealth of knowledge and it was an honor to have the opportunity to learn from him.
This program was jam packed with so much knowledge and wisdom, I already learned so much and I know each time I reference back to my notes I’ll find even more tidbits and pearls! Thank you for all that you do”
Jenny Brost, DC
“I took the course because I was having a challenging time getting through the pediatric book on my own, and figured a structured class would help push me through it. I also wanted to provide the next level of care to my pediatric clients- as more challenging cases are always pushing me to learn more, as well as having a better explanation of why I do what I do for the parents who do not understand why they have been sent to me.
The overall setup is good. Breaking down the information into modules is helpful. Building up on the information through a practice perspective helps in applying the new information. Q&A’s is a great way to go into more detail and personally get questions answered. The app is helpful to take the program on the go (I listened to each new segment on Mondays on my way to the office).
This is a masterclass level. As such, there is definitely a level of independent study and focus required. I do not feel that I always had the focus needed, but it still provided me with valuable insight into my current practice, areas where I need more practice, and areas where I still need more education. It also helped me realize how much I already do know, and some of the finer details within the class definitely upped my in-office game and communication.
This year has had a lot of sinus/ears/congestion. The segments on cranial and drainage have been my most requested session offering- both in the adults and the older pediatric clients I have. My success with plagiocephaly has actually decreased, and I think that I was doing better when I was doing it more intuitively. However, with more practice, I know that the clarifications, the assessment, and CSF finishing will shoot me forward in the care I provide.I have recommended this course to a couple other chiropractors in my area. We desperately need more advanced pediatric chiropractors here. However, honestly, there are not very many that I feel are up to the level of independent study required for this course. I already have a strong pediatric practice. I have many clients that I can test out the new things being shared. For a new apprentice, or someone wanting to increase their pediatric reach…. I think this would be difficult.
This information is tremendous. Dr Rosen and Dr. Watson have truly pioneered this information into an actual course.
I appreciate what this course is going to do for pediatric care. I appreciate the ability to take this course from the comfort of my own home, after the kids are in bed, without having to travel, pay for hotels and be away from my family. It has been worth the time and monetary investment. I hope that my observations are taken as constructive insight, as I really do believe this course has a lot of value to our profession and our communities. Thank you for the opportunity to learn from you.”Alicia McDonough, DC
“This is a very thorough program with so much information. Be prepared while the information is technically actionable, it takes time to gain the necessary skills. Focus on the areas you already have a good base with and start with those areas as you learn new things. I think taking the in-person class in addition to the online would be beneficial.
Personally, it has given me tools to assess my own 2 children. Professionally, at times I have been frustrated with my lack of ability to “feel” things I am supposed to but watching as well as reading the transcripts gives me confidence that with (more) (a lot more) practice I will be able to get where I need to be.
I would recommend this course to others not only for in-depth presentation of information but also (even if not intending to work with children) because of the ability to work with tonal changes in people. This gives a niche that many chiropractors do not take advantage of.
I look forward to flushing out this course with some of the other classes as well as in person when the seminars come back to Boston.”
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The SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program
Demonstrate your commitment to your profession and patients, enhance your skills, and place yourself on the road to mastery in the art of chiropractic adjustment.