Praise For: SOT® Pediatric In-Person Certificate Program

Hear directly from our students about the benefits of our program.
  • Jeanette Honig, DC
  • Jeanne Sandheinrich, DC
  • Laura Meredith, DC
1-5 of 65 results
  • Grant Lisetor, DC

    “I decided to take this program because in 2020 I had an infant come into my office with severe plagiocephaly. It was severe to the point that I knew this was outside of my training. I referred them somewhere else and began the process to ensure that won’t happen again.

    Having taken this program, it has increased our confidence in caring for peds and ensured a repeat of the situation in 2020 will not happen again. I recently used what I have termed ‘booger shaker’ on a 4 year old with an ear infection. She had been adjusted twice and it hadn’t resolved in a week. The visit after the booger hadn’t resolved over a week. The visit after the booger shaker mom informed us she was doing much better and not complaining about her.”

  • Dr. Liesel Orend

    “Having taken the online program, I wanted to see the techniques in person, and have more opportunity to practice.

    My three takeaways are:
    1. That preparation is really important for the classes, in order to be able to get the most out of them.
    2. That there is a lot of technical information, and it’s necessarily complex. It may take a while, but as it becomes clearer, there is enormous benefit.
    3. That you’ll use these techniques every day in your practice.

    This program has given me a much more technical approach to cranial work, as well as a system for approaching chiropractic that I resonate with.

    I use many of these techniques, and I often see dramatic changes in a short period of time.

    I think this body of work is a significant undertaking, so it’s best if you can devote some time to diving in deeply. At the same time, there are techniques that I was able to implement after just taking one weekend class, so know that you will receive something useful, no matter how you approach it.

    Thank you.”

  • Tyler Kuntz, DC

    “I wanted to gain further understanding on treating pediatrics, especially with evaluation and adjusting protocols. Pediatrics was an area I was interested in growing in to be able to provide this service that was lacking in my community.

    I think this course is full of information, so much so, that it would be beneficial to take this course multiple times to master the material. Great program to help gain confidence in communicating with the public that chiropractors should be the primary healthcare providers for any child with a neurological deficit. There is a good combination of theory and practical application with a lot of hands on during the course of the seminar.

    Taking this program has increased the amount of tools available when treating pediatric cases. I am finding that results are happening much faster with the new tools that I have been able to slowly implement into our practice. I have also used a lot of the general information learned in the seminar in spinal workshops that we offer to our patient to help increase their knowledge.

    Currently I am working on a severe plagiocephaly case in an infant who has a twin brother with normal cranial alignment. Progress has been made in the severity of the deformity. Mother has noticed significant improvement in the shape of the cranium and also in the head carriage positioning.

    Great course and thank you!”

  • Katherine Roose, DC

    “I decided to take this program again to improve clinical skills and serve the members of my practice. I have a better understanding of the dural meningeal system and improved competency in my pediatric cranial adjusting. I am better able to care for children, especially involved cranial cases. With a child with plagiocephaly and developmental delays, I was able to completely assess, plan and adjust.

    Great course, I will take it again and again and again.”

  • Evan Hughes, DC

    “This program has increased my enjoyment in practice and has excited me to practice for another 20 years.
    I’ve used elements of this course on every human being in my practice. The Lynch Pin adjusting philosophy has made me faster and more effective.

    Investing in your hands and knowledge is something that you keep for life. Being confident and having fun is a very powerful place in which to serve people. This seminar will help with both.

    The combination of technique, anatomy and philosophy makes Peak Potential a joy to do, and. helps anchor the information. It’s not a morning manual; it’s a living system that continues to grow with you as you use it.”

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The SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program

Demonstrate your commitment to your profession and patients, enhance your skills, and place yourself on the road to mastery in the art of chiropractic adjustment.