Praise For: Evaluation and Corrections of the Sphenobasilar

Hear directly from our students about the benefits of our program.
1-5 of 60 results
  • Dr. Kjell Georg Eilertsen

    “After many years of practicing SOT I know how important it is to be able to evaluate and treat correctly the sphenobasilar. Whenever I go back to the basics, I always learn something new.

    32 year-old cross country skier with constant headaches after a fall, correcting the sphenobasilar took care of the long standing problem.

    It is simply a wonderful way to learn SOT without the cost of in my case a transatlantic flight, time away from work and to be able to learn from the best. Like Nike says: ‘Just do it!’ :-)”

  • Dr. Tereshel Johnson

    “I took this course because I wanted an in depth understanding of evaluating and correcting sphenobasilar subluxations

    After learning these I use them on almost every baby. I had to no idea the sphenobasilar is so important. Chiro school did not cover this material.

    I really appreciate all the help and guidance.”

  • Stacey Lowe, DC

    The content is broken into small chunks of information. The diagrams and videos are helpful. Only the tip of the iceberg is what I feel I’ve been doing all of these years.

    I am eager to continue to utilize the techniques as I move to an only infant and mom practice.

    Luna aged 4. Has had multiple tongue revisions and still struggles with dysregulation, speech and sympathetic dominance. I used the direct approach on a lateral flexion restriction, felt the release and she sighed and looked at me:)

    Yes, I would recommend this course! Fills in the missing parts to many, many babies I have worked with who get better results symptom wise but still have obvious visual restrictions.

    I need more hands on. Struggling with the moving babies and obviously need more practice. That is one element that is hard to do online….feeling it on myself and to practice the different levels of touch. I appreciate the concise content….easy to follow and I definitely watched (and still need to) them repeatedly.

  • Dr. Alyssa Puorro

    “I wanted to take this course as I would like to primarily be taking care of newborns and young children and wanted to learn something specific like this and understand more about cranial adjustments.

    I applied this technique last week on a 5 year old boy with lots of sensory and anxiety-like concerns. After this mom texted: “He woke up at night but not nearly as fidgety and anxious and was able to get back to sleep fairly easily. He has been extremely calm and actually giving hugs and kisses..not like him at all!

    The course was great! I was able to learn and apply skills right away and got quick and helpful feedback from the instructor when any question came up. I also appreciated the extra information that came throughout the course on Facebook or the live Q&A.

    Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson you seem like wonderful and compassionate people and I appreciate you sharing your skills and knowledge. I hope to continue learning more. Thank you.”

  • Dre. Sophie Chabot

    “I wanted to improve my skills in matters of SOT technique.

    In the last month, I had patients suffering of headaches following concussion. I could immediately see a positive effect after adjusting cranial bones. I also applied the technique with newborns with facial misalignment and children with sinus congestion. I could see the positive results in a short time.

    It is the third course that I follow with Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson. I like the online program. I study when I have time. The homework’s helped me to have a better understanding of the theory I appreciate the fact that I had a personal feedback every time I submitted my ‘call to action’ answers. The SOT technique can really help with very young children clinical chiropractic conditions. It really helps me with patients suffering of dizziness and headaches. I wish I would have learned more about it before.

    I sincerely recommend the program to all my colleagues. We can feel that Drs. Rosen and Watson are really qualified and proficient. We can feel there motivation and interest in teaching and communicate their knowledge. Thanks. I will certainly take other classes.”

The SOT® Pediatric Certificate Program

Demonstrate your commitment to your profession and patients, enhance your skills, and place yourself on the road to mastery in the art of chiropractic adjustment.