Scoliosis Ancillary Adjusting Protocols and Home Care
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Scoliosis Ancillary Adjusting Protocols and Home Care

Do you have patients with abnormal spinal curvatures that looking for non-invasive ways to manage and reduce these imbalances? In this 5-week course we will discuss the various types of scoliosis, their causes, evaluation protocols, measurement procedures and ancillary methods of adjusting and managing them. The most common types of scoliosis include: Idiopathic Scoliosis, Congenital…

CSF: The Lifeblood of the Central Nervous System
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CSF: The Lifeblood of the Central Nervous System

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is contained within the ventricles of the brain and the subarachnoid spaces of the cranium and spine. It performs vital functions, including providing nourishment, waste removal, and protection to the brain. The constant secretion of CSF contributes to complete CSF renewal four to five times per 24-hour period in the average young…

Occipital Fiber Analysis and Soft Tissue Reflex Techniques (CMRT)
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Occipital Fiber Analysis and Soft Tissue Reflex Techniques (CMRT)

How would you like to learn a technique that supports your adjustments and helps stabilize chronic subluxation patterns? Would you like a specific indicator system to pinpoint the type and location of the vertebral distortions present and support protocols to remove and keep it from returning?  Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT) is the answer. In…

Evaluation and Corrections for Vagus Nerve Involvement
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Evaluation and Corrections for Vagus Nerve Involvement

The vagus nerve plays an integral part in maintaining balance in the autonomic nervous system. Have you noticed an increase in these symptoms with your patients? Digestive issues Sympathetic dominant patterns: anxiety, stress, fight or flight responses, insomnia or loss of focus. Difficulty swallowing Infants with colic or other digestive disturbances, nursing issues, sleep problems,…