Dr. Rosen, Dr. Watson
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Chiropractic Cranial Immersion Program

This is the course you have been waiting for. We have heard your requests to learn specific chiropractic cranial adjusting techniques to move your practices to the next level. We have responded, with the most comprehensive chiropractic cranial adjusting course available online.

In this online comprehensive pediatric spinal and cranial eThis 38-week course covers the A to Zs of cranial adjusting. It is not for the faint of heart or those without prior cranial adjusting knowledge. We cover everything from external cranial corrections, CSF balancing techniques and intra-oral cranial adjusting protocols.

This is the unique experience that you have been looking for to perfect your cranial adjusting skills, serve more people more effectively and efficiently and be able to access the other 80% of the CNS with a specific skillset not offered by all chiropractors. It will allow you to serve your patients better and at the same time, grow your practice with consistent referrals from patients and other health care practitioners.

Skills You Will Learn

✓ Complete evaluation of cranial physiology

✓ A deep dive into cranial examination and chiropractic cranial adjusting TM procedures

✓ External and intra-oral chiropractic cranial adjusting TM techniques

✓ 6 specific indicators to help determine the major cranial bone subluxtion/s

✓ CSF balancing, sphenobasilar correction, specific cranial bone corrections, symptom specific techniques, and more will be covered in detail in the class

Resources Provided

✓ Video class modules

✓ Evaluation & technique presentations

✓ Practical demonstrations

✓ Calls to action (CTAs)

✓ Live calls with instructor

✓ Interactive private Facebook group

✓ Complete PDF workbooks

✓ Email access to Dr. Rosen & Dr. Watson

Course Contents

38 Modules | 38 CTAs

Class 1 – Anatomy of the Cranium

Class 2 – Sutural Palpation Exercise

Class 3 – Key Continuities and CSF

Class 4 – Ventricles and CSF

Class 5 – Cranial Bone Motion

Class 6 – CSF Palpation Exercise

Class 7 – Basic Adjusting Guidelines

Class 8 – CSF Techniques

Class 9 – CSF Techniques (Continued)

Class 10 – Parasympathetic Balancing Techniques

Class 11 – Sphenobasilar Evaluation and Correction

Class 12 – Fruit Jar Techniques

Class 13 – Symptom-Specific Techniques

Class 14 – Symptom-Specific Techniques (Continued)

Class 15 – CSF Directing and Closing Techniques

Class 16 – Cranial Examination

Class 17 – Correlation of Clinical Findings

Class 18 – Live Demonstrations: Part 1

Class 19 – Live Demonstrations: Part 2

Class 20 – Live Demonstrations: Part 3

Class 21 – Anatomy and Physiology of the Cranium: Part 1

Class 22 –  Anatomy and Physiology of the Cranium: Part 2

Class 23 – Cranial Mechanics

Class 24 – Visual Analysis

Class 25 – Cranial Adjusting Guidelines

Class 26 – Intra-Oral Contacts Correction of Occipital Extension and Flexion

Class 27 – Temporal Bone Internal and External Corrections

Class 28 – Frontal Bone Internal and External Corrections

Class 29 – Maxillary Palatine Sphenoid Corrections

Class 30 – Sphenoid Corrections

Class 31 – Occipital Correction Demonstration

Class 32 – Temporal Bone Correction Demonstration

Class 33 – Frontal Bone Correction Demonstration

Class 34 – Sphenobasilar and Sphenomaxillary Suture Correction Demonstration

Class 35 – Palate Corrections and Sagittal Suture Release

Class 36 – The Palate

Class 37 – Guidelines for Cranial Adjusting

Class 38 – Primitive Reflexes – Combined Neurological Process

Meet the Instructors

As early as first quarter in chiropractic school they were attracted to each other’s commitment to chiropractic and the pursuit of excellence.  Their combined 80 years of personal and clinical and teaching experience, in delivering the chiropractic adjustment is unparalleled in the chiropractic profession.  Their international outreach through teaching, writing and lecturing has been a driving force in their personal and professional careers since their first seminar taught together as students, in 1979.

Their years of experience have taught them what works and what does not work to create a successful practice and lifestyle. The more competent and comprehensive your expertise you will find that more patients will seek your services and your practice will grow exponentially.

Feedback from Our Students

Testimonial: Dr. Karen Ferguson

“Before taking this class, I was doing cranial adjusting from what I learned through KST. I wanted to dive into intraoral work and understand deeper how to decrease dural tension and increase CSF flow.

I wish every chiropractic school would put as much emphasis on cranial adjusting as they do upper cervical analysis.

1. This program elevates the level of service that I and any chiropractor who takes this class can give to their patients. There have been dozens of people who I have cared for over 28 years that for the first time I have found other neurological imbalances and addressed it.

2. The online program is perfect for the practicing chiropractor since one can view a short video and practice it right away. A weekend seminar provides through information, but for me would be too much to process and integrate. This is a slow drip method that one can do at their own pace and they can watch and rewatch over and over again.

I have seen an array of cases of the past 28 years yet there was still room to broaden my scope to be able to help more complicated neurological cases. The 12-year-old boy with Rett’s for instance was up out of his wheelchair and put pressure on his feet with the help of his mom for the first time in 2 years after only 2 cranial adjustments!!! Before coming to the office, he would have a seizure every time he urinated and that is gone too!!! Those results are priceless and will open the door to see others like him whose parents are looking for solutions. Personally, that has brought me immense joy to have that kind of impact on a family who has to give this sweet boy 24/7 care by easing their stress and giving them some hope. An added message…When the mother took her son to his neurologist the other day, she told him what I was doing with her son and he looked me up on my website, social media, and reviews and then explained to her how this technique I was doing was helping her son!! That was a WOW to me and is soooooooooo much more rewarding that just helping someone’s back feel better. Our office is about family wellness, so by sharing this testimonial with other people we serve, we will attract more new people with cranial issues that we can successfully address.

Another example would be instead of just adjusting someone’s TMJ as I would in the past, I now am addressing cranial distortions that are causing the TMJ to many of my patients. This is bringing more long lasting results.

YES!!! I would recommend this program. Everyone has had an impact to their cranium (chiropractors too) and unless it is addressed, it will continue to affect the physiology of their body. No matter what technique one uses, this course will only maximize results and better function for their patients.

The two of you are masters at cranial work and I appreciate feeling like a beginner at something even after 28 years of practice that I feel is a game changer to making what we offer even more special and unique than the medical profession and what other chiros in my area are doing.”

Testimonial: Dr. Jeanne Sandheinrich

“I decided to take this course because I wanted to perfect my skills and get deeper details to take my CC exam through SORSI soon.

My takeaways are that the finishing techniques are very important. The sphenobasilar can clear out a lot of cranial distortion. And lastly, that there is a hierarchy of cranial correction related to the brain-occiput (sphenoid for kids), temporal, frontal.

This program has helped me add more cranial corrections to my practice. I have gained more confidence in this work.

I have added better skills in using visual analysis for pediatrics. My frontal bone corrections have become more specific related to the head tilt. I have seen the cranial shape improve a lot and the head tilt disappear right there.

I would absolutely recommend this course. I love how deep, but also bite size the information is. I have been doing cranial work for 12 years and still got SO much from this program.

The Cranial Immersion program is one of the best comprehensive cranial courses that I have taken. It covered most aspects of cranial work and went into the basics that some of us that have been doing this work for a while skin over.

The fact that it was dropped slowly forced me to focus on some of the topics that it’s been awhile since I have learned. Some of the topics that I didn’t realize were so important were taught in an easy way showing me the importance and I implemented them in practice right away and saw increased results.

Thank you so much for putting this together. I’m excited to keep learning from both of you!”

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