Evaluation and Corrections for Vagus Nerve Involvement
Dr. Rosen, Dr. Watson
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Evaluation and Corrections for Vagus Nerve Involvement

The vagus nerve plays an integral part in maintaining balance in the autonomic nervous system. Have you noticed an increase in these symptoms with your patients? Digestive issues Sympathetic dominant patterns: anxiety, stress, fight or flight responses, insomnia or loss of focus. Difficulty swallowing Infants with colic or other digestive disturbances, nursing issues, sleep problems, irritability, or inability to calm themselves.

In this online program, you will learn the anatomy and physiology of the vagus nerve, where the most common areas of impingement or traction occur and how to evaluate and correct interference to the function of the vagus nerve. The demonstrations, workshopping and lecture format will give you the ability to implement these protocols Monday morning in your office. You will be able to help more people and become the go-to expert in your community.

Vagus nerve dysfunction is endemic in our society. Sympathetic dominant disease patterns are everywhere. This course will allow you to work with these patients and address the key cause of their problems, instead of chasing the symptoms. Your referrals will increase from patients and other health care providers as you begin to implement these protocols into your regular office procedures.

Skills You Will Learn

✓ Clinically applicable A&P of Vagus nerve

✓ Specific evaluation protocols to determine Vagus nerve involvement

✓ Cranial, spinal, and soft tissue corrections for Vagus nerve involvement

✓ Primary organ balancing

✓ Upper cervical dural/tonal correction techniques

Resources Provided

✓ Video class modules

✓ Evaluation & technique presentations

✓ Practical demonstrations

✓ Calls to action (CTAs)

✓ Live calls with instructor

✓ Interactive private Facebook group

✓ Complete PDF workbooks

✓ Email access to Dr. Rosen & Dr. Watson

Course Contents

10 Modules | 10 CTAs

Class 1 – Anatomy and Physiology of Vagus

Class 2 – Jugular Foramen

Class 3 – Evaluation and Correction of Vagus Nerve Involvement

Class 4 – CMRT Demonstration

Class 5 – Atlas Dural Meningeal Restriction

Class 6 – Atlas Correction

Class 7 – Temporal and Occipital Corrections

Class 8 – Demonstration on Older Child

Class 9 – Demonstration of Vagus Nerve Evaluation

Class 10 – Review

Meet the Instructors

As early as first quarter in chiropractic school they were attracted to each other’s commitment to chiropractic and the pursuit of excellence.  Their combined 80 years of personal and clinical and teaching experience, in delivering the chiropractic adjustment is unparalleled in the chiropractic profession.  Their international outreach through teaching, writing and lecturing has been a driving force in their personal and professional careers since their first seminar taught together as students, in 1979.

Their years of experience have taught them what works and what does not work to create a successful practice and lifestyle. The more competent and comprehensive your expertise you will find that more patients will seek your services and your practice will grow exponentially.

Feedback From Similar Courses

  • Dr. Daniel Chenier

    I decided to take this course because I had already studied the importance of having proper vagal tone but I desired more clinical tools for assessing and correcting vagal tone.

    My three takeaways:
    1. The colon subluxation patterns that affect the vagus nerve.
    2. The cranial application that affects the vagus nerve.
    3. The most CMRT applications that influence the vagus nerve.

    Taking this program has increased my confidence in assessing and correcting for vagus nerve imbalance in adults and infants, and allowed me to better serve my patients and family.

    I applied the techniques that I learned in this course on a two month old infant with severe head rotation and head tilt…cranium was very flat on one side with severely internally rotated temporal bone on that side. Within the first 3 to 4 visits the infant regained full active ROM in cervical spine and her cranium started to become more symmetrical.

    Thank you Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson for teaching this amazing work with such precision.

  • Dr. Diane Dinh

    I took this course to gain a deeper understanding of how chiropractic adjustments can enhance and support the vagus nerve specifically. I feel that in the last few years I have seen a lot of unqualified health practitioners/life coaches, etc. throwing the term ‘vagal tone’ and downplaying its role by listing vague exercises that people can do to enhance it without any assessment or understanding of it. Sometimes I have parents that come in and say they’ve googled things to help their child develop vagal tone etc. As a chiropractor that stresses the importance of a well-regulated nervous system and having the knowledge and tools to do so, it made sense for me to do a course specifically dedicated to the vagus nerve to benefit my clients.

    This course has given me more clarity and depth to how chiropractic adjustments specifically address where the vagus nerve may be irritated. In particular, I’ve found it more helpful with explaining to Mums when they bring in their bubs, how a small adjustment at the correct place can change a whole host of symptoms that bub is presenting with. You don’t need to correct everything head to toe, just spend more time trying to locate the area where the irritation is. I’m even spending less time in the session as I’m looking for certain findings. The course has given me more specificity when assessing clients and adjusting with a plan and how to recheck after the adjustment instead of relying on Mums reporting the issue is improving.

    I’m applying the knowledge from this course more with my paediatric clients. From applying my SOT knowledge, it was common for me to perform dural releases, clear out the occiput (normally traction or posterior), sacrum and HH and ICV releases. It was the first time I had heard of to also check the 1st rib/clavicle and anterior Atlas. It makes sense when you follow the vagus nerves path along the osseous structures! This assessment is part of my adjusting protocols now and I have found that with every paediatric client that the results and alleviation of symptoms are much faster. i.e. I’m seeing faster results in the visit and by the 2nd 3rd visit already. I was getting good results before but now I know and am seeing even better and faster results. The assessment and corrections for the vagus nerve makes sense, is clinically relevant and parents get it.
    Thanks for creating a great and well thought out course for chiropractors to learn and benefit from. It’s very versatile and can easily be incorporated into care regardless of technique preference.

  • Vagus: Erin Crank

    My three takeaways:
    1. Lots of valuable information.
    2. Weekly videos and course content but allowed to go at their own pace.
    3. Next day clinical application.

    In taking this course, I’ve realized that I utilize several of the techniques taught but didn’t realize they were all correlated to the vagus nerve. It opened up new clinical thinking and targeted more vagus nerve involvement in practice.

    Specifically, checking for 1st Rib and Clavicle involvement on a 36 year-old female using the testing shown in this course. Not only did it allow the patient to ‘see’ there was involvement, but after adjusting she couldn’t believe the difference in her ROM and ability to breathe.

    I would recommend this course because it was great information presented in an easy to understand format. I fell behind but was able to continue the study and still get the information and utilize it in practice the next day.

    Thank you for sharing your time and wisdom with us!

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