Chiropractic Books

Pediatric Chiropractic Care &
It’s All in the Head available now!

It's All In The Head

In this 120-page book you will get insights in your child’s proper neurological development, how their nervous system works, what signs and symptoms may point to abnormal developmental issues and what to or where to go when you have questions or concerns.

As health care practitioners with a combined 80 years of clinical experience we have discovered that there’s a missing piece in the standard evaluation protocols when it comes to infants.

There is a confusion between what is common and what is normal. Common, by no standards is an acceptable norm, especially when it comes to the health and well-being of our children.

As chiropractic pediatric specialists we wrote this book for you the parents and other health care professionals to help guide you in determining what is truly normal and what warning signs you should look for that may be affecting your baby’s current health or their future health potential.

Whatever phase of parenting you are in, whatever developmental stage your child is in, this book was conceived to contribute to the health and well-being of your child, your family and your community by allowing your child to reach their full potential, physically, mentally and emotionally.

If you are a concerned parent with a child that you think has challenges, or just a parent who wants the best for your child we hope this book will be a positive addition to your parenting goals.

Listen to Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson discuss their latest book with Doug Stephan and Radio America Network

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Are you looking to grow your pediatric practice and improve your ability to take care of more children? Are you finding it difficult right to take time away and attend a seminar? Dr. Rosen’s book: “Pediatric Chiropractic Care” may be the answer.

This is Dr. Rosen’s most comprehensive pediatric evaluating and adjusting book to date. It comprises over 35+ years of clinical and teaching knowledge and includes: anatomy, physiology, spinal and cranial evaluation and adjusting protocols all in one location.

You can now have, at your fingertips, a comprehensive guide to improve your pediatric adjusting skills and grow your pediatric practice.

This comprehensive book is a complete guide to pediatric spinal and cranial evaluation and adjusting procedures. It can be used to supplement your current practice paradigm or as a guide to develop an effective and comprehensive approach to pediatric chiropractic care. There are over 200 pages filled with pictures, charts, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions for dozens of spinal and cranial adjusting and evaluation techniques.

If you are new in practice or a seasoned chiropractor this book will be a valuable addition to your pediatric practice.

“Consider this book your pediatric bible. Dr. Rosen is a wealth of information, and this is a must have for your office!”

~ Shara Posner – Back to Health Center

Atención Quiropráctica Pediátrica - Edición en Español

¿Está buscando hacer crecer su práctica pediátrica y mejorar su capacidad para cuidar a más niños? ¿Le resulta difícil tomarse un tiempo libre y asistir a un seminario? El libro del Dr. Rosen: “Cuidado quiropráctico pediátrico” puede ser la respuesta.

Este es el libro de evaluación y ajuste pediátrico más completo del Dr. Rosen hasta la fecha. Comprende más de 35 años de conocimiento clínico y docente e incluye: anatomía, fisiología, evaluación de la columna y del cráneo y protocolos de ajuste, todo en un solo lugar.

Ahora puede tener, al alcance de su mano, una guía completa para mejorar sus habilidades de ajuste pediátrico y hacer crecer su práctica pediátrica.

Este libro integral es una guía completa para la evaluación pediátrica espinal y craneal y los procedimientos de ajuste. Se puede utilizar para complementar su paradigma de práctica actual o como una guía para desarrollar un enfoque efectivo e integral para la atención quiropráctica pediátrica. Hay más de 200 páginas llenas de imágenes, gráficos, diagramas e instrucciones paso a paso para docenas de técnicas de evaluación y ajuste espinal y craneal.

Si es nuevo en la práctica o un quiropráctico experimentado, este libro será una valiosa adición a su práctica pediátrica.

“Considere este libro su biblia pediátrica. ¡El Dr. Rosen es una gran cantidad de información, y esto es imprescindible para su oficina!”

~ Shara Posner – Regreso al centro de salud

“Este es un libro que debe tener en su biblioteca si está trabajando con niños. Este libro es sencillo, lleno de ilustraciones y fácil de entender. Muy feliz de encontrar un libro con refinamiento de técnicas de ajuste para pacientes pediátricos. Gracias, Dr. Rosen, por compartir 32 años de su práctica. Este libro está repleto y repleto de valiosa información.”

SH – Quiropráctico, DC Chiro-Santé-Vitalité Inc.

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Peak Potential Institute

Wellesley, MA
