Praise for:
Evaluation and Correction of the Atlas/Axis Dural Meningeal Restriction

“I took this program to improve my knowledge of pediatric adjusting and offer skills beyond what other doctors are offering in my area to help set kids on the right course for life. I treated a 4 month old last week using the techniques learned in the online module and the in person module in April in Longmont. It was my first time trying to implement some of the techniques and the baby was subluxated and fussy so I was not able to complete everything I wanted to and clear the upper cervical the way I wanted. I was at least able to do a psoas release for her chronic reflux that she is being given daily medication for and release her sacrum which she smiled about while I was doing. If a doctor cannot make the in person seminars, I would definitely recommend this course. It gives you the information in small, bite size pieces that you can re-watch if you felt like you missed some information. SOT techniques are not something widely taught in chiropractic school (that I know of). I went to Palmer where it was only taught as an elective and I had considered it during my time as a student but could not afford the extra course. I wish I had found a way to pay for it then! The science, art and philosophy of this technique is incredibly valuable and provides a whole new perspective on how to help patients. It makes sense why I would see the same subluxation pattern over and over in a patient and how I could help with the dural tension that causes it. I would love to be able to take the full course offerings with Dr. Rosen!”

Dr. Kelli Westhues

“I took this course to deepen my knowledge of the dural meningeal system, deeper understanding of its relationship to the upper cervical spine, analysis of it, and correction. I used the leg length test to determine restriction on a 17 yr. old. Following the protocol I released that tension, which revealed a change in short leg. Using the analysis I learned from Dr. Marty at a previous live seminar. I diagnosed and corrected an Occipital restriction AND then was able to clear sacrum and reduce mid & low back pain from a constant 6 to an intermittent. I would recommend this course.  It is an advanced look and correction of a fundamental topic. I believe in perfecting your art. To constantly get better. This course helped me do that in the area (Dural Meningeal system) in the most complex and important area of the spine. I very much enjoy your seminar series. The topics are ideal for me. I love Dr. Marty’s experience and breadth of knowledge. It is easy and cost effective for me to expand my SOT knowledge and expertise. Thank you!”

Dr. Tom Fastiggi

“I was searching for SOT seminars that were available online and found this seminar. I’m practicing the leg check on all of my patients and find that I can more specifically treat my patients in the upper cervical area. I look forward to checking babies using this technique too. I would recommend this program. I really like how the lessons were divided up. I could absorb a lot more information this way than going to a 2 day all day seminar. I believe this technique can help patients with persisting, recurring problems by releasing the dural fixation. This is my 1st online course and I really enjoyed being able to do the lessons each week whenever I had free time. The Facebook group is very valuable for answering any questions, along with the live Q & A sessions. Overall, I can highly recommend this seminar and plan to take more in the future. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer all of my questions and offering these online seminars so more chiropractors can benefit from learning new tricks to help their patients”

Dr. Kelly Schubert

“I work with a lot of newborn and babies. I didn’t feel confident enough to properly evaluate the atlas/axis. I usually just do a muscle test or ROM.

I performed the leg check and adjusted the atlas /dural restriction with a 5 year old boy while lying supine. His Mom stated he slept a little better that night.

The Atlas/Axis Dural Meningeal Restriction course is a MUST if you work on little ones. This course will give you the confidence to help the new nervous systems deal with stress. Moms and Dads will love you!!!

Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson’s seminars are by far the BEST out there!!!”

Donna R. Callaway, D.C.

“I decided to take this course to reinforce my cranial and upper cervical skills for my pediatric patients. I’m always looking to add to my skill set. I was hoping to get more tonal corrections than I currently have.

I had a new pediatric case (3 month old) in which the mom reported that she had a difficult birth. Both mom and midwife reported needing excessive pulling to assist with delivery. Adding the tonal work to the cranials immediately after birth seemed to decrease the bruising that was appearing and regulated his varied and low oxygen levels.

Dr. Rosen sets the standard for cranial and upper cervical within the pediatric patient populations. Every chiro who wants to care for infants and kids should absolutely complete training with Dr Rosen.

Great course!”

Dr. Megan Cox

“I’m retired but keep on working at my son’s clinic and love to read and learn more every year, it’s my passion. Haven’t worked with SOT but it looks interesting and I think I will take more courses with Peak Potential Institute.

A very good arrangement with both written information and films, moreover you also have meetings with Q & A. When I got sick they gave me more time to complete the course, which I appreciated a lot.

I think that Drs’ Rosens have a lot of knowledge to share and recommend both younger recent graduates and those who had worked many years to sign up for the courses; they are well designed and very interesting.”

Dr. Michael Johansson

“I took this course because I have always enjoyed your emails and the way you discuss the care of your practice members, and your deep understanding of anatomy and the chiropractic approach to care. I have been checking infants, and working to gently release the atlas and axis. I have recommended the course to fellow chiropractors. Dr. Rosen exhibits in depth knowledge of the spine, and anatomy like no other. He has great love for helping fellow doctors become better providers of excellent chiropractic care. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with our profession.”

Dr. Jeffrey Benezra

“I took this course to enable me to more specifically identify and correct the dural tension it causes.

I used this with a 3 month old baby with congenital torticollis and a lot of dural stress. It was completely crooked and the arm on the affected side was completely flexed, without relaxing. She couldn’t sleep straight, her head was crooked, which led to plagiocephaly. With just one adjustment, using what I learned in this course, she remained in the baby comforter and slept for more than 2 hours after the adjustment. She managed to stand up straight, her arm completely relaxed and she was able to sleep on the other side. The parents cried a lot and told everyone that I transformed their lives.

It is very important to learn how to be specific in correcting high necks not only in babies, but in adult patients. This course was incredible and very enlightening. It’s so worth it!”

Dr. Lilian Aliberti

“I took this program to understand the importance of Atlas/Axis subluxation in the early years of life, how to correct it and how to educate patients on it. I have spoken to mothers with children under the age of 10 years old about the long-term effects this can cause their children during the growth process of their nervous system and the dysfunction it will cause. I would absolutely recommend this program.  It is knowledgeable and a lot of people don’t understand the statistics or the effects this subluxation can cause long term. I believe that increasing the ability to understand the neurophysiological process of the body will only allow you to help and educate your patients more and then you are able to broaden your horizon with helping all of your community and not just a certain age group.”

Dr. Jazmine Warden

“I took this program because I was looking for additional ways to assess some of my kiddos that aren’t responding the way I would like. I have a newer ADHD kid that wasn’t stabilizing. I applied this new technique and mom reported a change the next day. I would recommend this program. It is so easy to add this assessment into your protocol. I wish I would have learned it sooner.
This online course is laid out concisely so you can efficiently learn a new assessment and correction. I like that I was able to replay the videos until I committed it to memory. Thank you.”

Dr. Kami Hansen

“I took this program primarily because of my grandchildren and to gain facility with evaluation and correction of newborn and young children’s dural restrictions.

I have used the great information/techniques to work on my own grandchildren with very good results!

My practice has historically been focused on adults. While I have adjusted my own two sons since birth, this course has significantly increased my skill set.

Thank you both for an excellent course presentation! I believe that any doctor whose practice has been mainly focused on treating adults, as mine has, will greatly benefit by adding to their skill set. Thank you both again!”

Dr. Jim Applegate

“I took this course to expand my knowledge of taking care of kiddos in the crucial upper cervical region.

I was using a lot of MC2 and thermal checks for adjusting kiddos and have enjoyed especially on kids with plagiocephaly and torticollis using this method of turning the head to check for C1 or C2 restriction. It is also nice to show Mom/Dad this way because they can see the changes in real time.

This course is huge for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge and a must for those wanting to take care of kiddos. Having more ways to find subluxation is crucial for pediatric chiropractors. Dr. Rosen does a stellar job in breaking down the info so it is super easy to apply in the clinic.

Thank you for helping further the profession for the better!”

Dr. Francois Montbrun

“I took this course to have more helpful techniques to work with my pediatric patients.

I had a 3 week old with significant dural tension. I used these techniques and found it was a C2 restriction. Had immediate results with this patient that the parents were able to visualize as well

This class has been extremely helpful in my pediatric population. Very grateful for Dr. Rosen and his expertise.

Thank you!!”

Dr. Melanie Burkhalter

“I took this program to have another tool to evaluate and correct subluxation in babies and children.

Early assessment and intervention in childhood may help address potential issues before they become more significant problems. By evaluating the dural meningeal system, we aim to identify and address issues that may affect a child’s health and development. Taking this course will add another tool to your toolbox to manage cases that can be more complicate to solve using the approaches we learned in college. Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson explain this very important technique in a practical, detailed and easy way to learn it.”

Dr. Carlos Eduardo Duarte Moraes

“I took this program because I see a lot of babies, and I thought that this would be a really good course/review. AND…. it was! I have a 6 month old baby who rarely poops. I have been seeing him for a few weeks, but not so much has changed. I adjusted him this way last week, and he had a massive BM before leaving the office.
I would recommend this course. We all can benefit from this knowledge, and from the understanding of the meningeal system. This is a good starting point.    I appreciate that online format, and am hoping that I can watch these again and again….Thank you!!!!!”

Beth A. Reddy, DC

“I took this program to learn more about chiro adjusting techniques.  These techniques have helped with chronic headache and head tilt.   I would recommend this course for its good info in a short period of time.   It is a good short course that is easy to apply in the office. Thank you for your continued mission to support chiropractic profession”

Dr. Alicia Loaiza

“I want to learn more about the upper cervical. I will use this technique on children and hypermobile patients.
I would recommend this course for colleagues that works with children. It is a good course for pediatrics.”

Dr. Kenneth Anderson

“I decided that the need to treat more pediatrics was upon me and I did not feel entirely equipt at evaluation and treating. I was hoping to get that knowledge and confidence. The first time I used these techniques was on my 6 month old! Practice but of course I adjust my children. Leg length prone, short right side – he naturally was turning his head side to side which was helpful and turning to the right evened his leg length out. I was like a-ha! Atlas restriction, turned head to the right posterior arch and zygomatic arch.
I would definitely recommend this program.  Loved how I could do this at my own pace. If you are looking for more tools in your toolbox this is the first place to start! This sets the foundation to build on. I feel confident in evaluation now and treatment of that pediatric patient that comes in. Work on the fascia and then the structural restrictions! Great content and video. Thanks!”

Dr. Cortnee Whipple

“I took this course to learn a proper way to diagnose the distortional pattern in the upper cervical region and the dural meningeal system, and how to correct it. I would recommend this course because being specific and knowing what to correct is the key for us chiropractors. This is my second course with the Peak Potential Institute.  Their courses have always been giving us new perspectives yet practical skills to be applied clinically. I would definitely attend more courses with them.”

Dr. Lok Yan Joanne Cheng

“I am a tri 8 student and mother to a 20 mo old boy. I have been so blessed with a dream home birth and healthy boy hitting his milestones, colic free, and rarely gets sick. I want to learn everything I can about infant and toddler adjusting to help other mom’s experience the blessing of God’s incredible design for our babies to heal and tend towards their normal state of wellness.

I don’t have any small infants to practice on yet, but on my son and on my patients in outpatient, I’ve seen awesome results. Even when adjusting a normal supine atlas on an adult, I try to visualize the zygomatic falling over my contact, and that has helped me reach lock out in a state of ease vs tension and really upped my adjusting game.
I would recommend the course. The videos are concise and to the point! I love the accompanied assignments and copy of the transcript.

This is a must attend course for finding ease and understanding the dural-meningeal system. My patients, of all ages, are now in a state of complete ease as I thrust, instead of the tension sometimes associated with “lockout”. This is such a powerful tool for removing stress from the nervous system, resetting it, demonstrating what “ease” looks like!”

Dr. Carly Cameron

“I took this course because I have been treating babies for 10 years and find my results inconsistent – I love helping families have a good entry into parenthood and would like to feel more confident in my ability to provide results.
I had an 8 week old who was a very squirmy baby with an overactive startle reflex who I had been treating for 4 weeks with no change to this reflex or his squirminess. The Axis adjustment technique notably calmed him during the appointment.
I would recommend this program. Assessing and treating the dural -meningeal system is not part of our current training. I love that the videos are short and sweet, with good science and practicality – the bite-sized classes make it manageable in a busy schedule and the delivery is clear and easy to understand. Really enjoying it!”

Dr. Sarah Wild

“I took this program for a new perspective on C1-2 evaluation and correction.  I used these techniques on a patient repeatedly presenting with the same subluxation pattern in the UPR. CSP was able to maintain correction for longer when this method was employed.

I would recommend this class because it is easy to follow and implement in practice.”

Dr. David King

“I was hoping to gain more confidence in atlas/axis adjusting on squirmy children and infants
A lot of the information on brain development has been super helpful to share in my ROFS to parents
Drs. Marty and Nancy always have great tutorial videos that are super clear and thorough. If you are able to study with them in their in person seminars, their hands on training approach is bar none. So generous with their time and walking you through the steps so that you leave with way more confidence.”

Dr. Courtney Neill

“I decided to take this course because I know how essential upper cervical assessment is for the infant, especially with the way birth commonly goes today. I wanted to have more confidence in assessing dural dysfunction.
I used this technique on an 8 month old child that was going through sleep issues as well as a recent fall where they hit their head. The results I saw after using this was a significant change to their sleeping habits, sleeping longer stretches and falling asleep with less resistance.
I really enjoyed this course, I liked that it was online and you could move at your own pace. The videos were great and it was nice to have the workbooks included for more information. I would definitely recommend other chiropractors to add a different approach to their practice. I loved this course and I cannot wait to take another course from the Peak Potential Institute!”

Dr. Versai Murphy

“I took this course to further my skills and understanding of the atlas/axis dural meningeal system. My daughter no longer has a right atlas every time I check her! It also has helped a lot with torticollis of a new baby in the office.
The Rosens have so much knowledge! It was great that the course was broken down into smaller parts to be able to fully digest the information.
You all are such a dynamic duo. Thank you for all you do for the profession!! I do think it would be helpful to see some videos of this in action. Turning a baby’s head on que (or having parent assist) is not always easy, so seeing this in action would have been great! Thank you!”

Dr. Anne-Marie DiNardo

“I took this program to better assess subluxation for pediatric patients. I used the assessment of C1/C2 prone, also information about traction versus restriction. Well done by both Doctors. Thank you!”

Dr. Laura Rehmer

“I took this course to improve my assessment and adjusting technique.
I have a set of twins and one responded really well to chiropractic and the other was not responding as well. After using the information learned in this course, the other started responding better.
The course was laid out in a great way and easy to follow. Information was top notch and I’m sure I’ll be back for another class. Great course.”

Dr. Drew Jamison

“I took this program to further my cranial work understanding of the dural meningeal system. I used this and cranial adjustments with a patient with Arnold Chiari Malformation along with a shunt. Their headaches went away after the first appointment. This is the second class that I have taken with Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson. They have been practice changing courses! Thank you!”

Dr. Anna Leonard

“I took the three categories course and I wanted to dive deeper into the why behind the atlas and axis dural restriction protocols. This program was a great refresher and gave me a lot more certainty. An 8 year old boy with ASD had his first adjustment and his primary issue was an atlas dural restriction. He slept for 10 hours after his first adjustment!

This class was a great refresher for me! After learning this technique during Dr. Rosen’s hands-on classes, it was very nice to be able to go back and review and practice my craft.
Love working with you guys!”

Dr. Nicholas Novakoski

“I would like to see more babies confidently in my clinic and want to have a good protocol to check for dural tension

The course was concise and easy to follow, a great starting point for assessing and treating babies.”

Dr. Eileen Keenan

“I took this class to have more understanding about the structure and function of the dural system.

I was working with an older patient having decreased ROM in the cervical spine. In a prone position using heel tension with ROM work. Patient Improved ROM and no pain.

The presentation of the material was great. Keep up the great work you both are doing.  It’s a great class.”

Dr. Jean Squire

“I decided to take this course after working with a child who has significant dural restriction. I have been looking for more ways to help release his dural tension.

I have tried using this technique with the patient mentioned above, although at just under 2 years old and with behavioral issues, it is nearly impossible to have him comply with lying down and turning his head to each side. I have tried this technique with a six-year-old patient (who does not have behavior issues) and had success with balancing his leg length. I turned to this technique when I was having difficulty balancing his leg check at one particular visit.

I think it is crucial to address dural tension, especially in children, as dural tension can lead to significant dis-ease in the body and can keep children from holding their adjustments.”

Dr. Kelly Kimball

“I took the course because I wanted to shift into more gentle adjusting.

I applied the technique to a patient that was having daily migraines. The tension off her system has decreased her frequency of headaches by 60%.

I enjoy being able to digest and process the information on my own timeline.

Thank you for this.”

Dr. Erin Clifton

“I love the Rosen/Watson/Major D. course-work. When I heard that a course on the cranio-cervical junction was offered, I signed up.

I used this technique with an infant case with a presentation of acute torticollis completely resolved within a few office visits.

All of the Rosen/Watson workshops are well done. I will continue to use Peak Potential Institute for future chiropractic training and advancement.”

Dr. Joshua Shidler

“I took this course to learn more ways to help infants.

Just last week I used both the axis and atlas dural meningeal restriction evaluation and treatment. In both cases movement improved and tension reduced directly after treatment. Both sets of parents were very excited to see immediate improvement.

Taking this course helped me see a different way to treat the upper cervical region. I now have more tools in my toolbox to make a difference in people’s health and lives. Thank you!”

Dr. Susan Barrett-Naccarato

“I took this course because I was hoping for more info regarding dural meningeal tension.

I used this technique on a 3 week old male patient diagnosed with colic.

This course helped me to better evaluate my pediatric patients. I was very confident using what was taught the next day in my clinic.

Wonderful program! Highly recommend it.”

Dr. Melanie Burkhalter

“I decided to take this course to enhance my clinical skills and increase my confidence with the desire to make a greater impact on my patients.

By sharing with a patient what I have learned about the brain development in this class she has since started her young son who is on the spectrum and in danger of being kicked out of daycare due to his behavior. I am pleased to say that what I have learned in this class and the sphenobasilar class he is doing better. Both the daycare people and his mom and dad have noticed a significant difference in his behavior.

The modules were concise and the videos with demonstrations were easy to follow and the call to action after each video were thought provoking and acted as a way to continue to review the material after the course if done. I would highly recommend this course.”

Dr. Laura Godfrey

“I took this program for improvement of assess and treat upper cervical.

I love the format, and the videos. Dr Watson and Dr. Rosen are always there to help. Classes are in small pieces to practice over the week.”

Dr. Silke Laub

“I took this program to better my understanding of the upper cervical meningeal system.

I am better able to visualize the tension pattern as well as vectored input/adjustment.

This is a great course.  Thank you.”

Dr. John Johr

“I took this course as a refresher.

I used it on a Newborn and the mother saw her baby relax as the adjustment was being performed.

The courses you provide give bite sized pieces of information which enables the doc to implement and build techniques.”

Dr. Norri Collier

Learn more about the
Evaluation and Correction of Atlas/Axis
Dural Meningeal Restriction

“I took this course to learn more ways to help infants.

Just last week I used both the axis and atlas dural meningeal restriction evaluation and treatment. In both cases movement improved and tension reduced directly after treatment. Both sets of parents were very excited to see immediate improvement.

Taking this course helped me see a different way to treat the upper cervical region. I now have more tools in my toolbox to make a difference in people’s health and lives. Thank you!”

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