Praise for:
SOT® - The Three Categories Course

“I have been using SOT technique for years and I wanted to brush up on my knowledge. I love Dr. Rosen’s teaching methods and this class: SOT 3 categories has confirmed that. Dr. Rosen is precise, accessible and his experience in practice clarifies aspects that can be puzzling when you’re in the office. I am so glad I took this class. I learned something new in each module. My confidence benefited it and my business has grown! Thank you Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson!

Dr. Doreen Day Holloway

This SOT Categories online course is a wonderful refresher or first time course. I chose to do it as a refresher and now feel as though I can incorporate the basics of SOT into my practice in a confident way. It is comprehensive and delivered in a methodical way to enhance retention. I look forward to doing more courses from Dr Rosen and Dr Watson.

I needed to refresh by SOT skills. I had a cursory knowledge of SOT and felt like I needed to know exactly how some of the tests/adjustments are performed, such as the psoas release and arm fossa test. Dr. Martin covers the theory very well and is highly articulate, the video demonstrations are clear and easy to follow, and the material is repeated throughout the course to enhance retention. I loved the program and intend to do all of the programs you offer over time when/if I’m financially able to do so.

Dr. Keiran Dinnie

“I wanted a better understanding of the 3 categories in the SOT protocol. I wished to gain more clinical knowledge to educate other doctors and patients in the future.

Dr. Marty & Dr. Nancy make themselves available and really break the content down into digestible tidbits that make it easier to understand. Years of expertise that Dr. Marty & Dr. Nancy are invaluable!

I hope by creating an understanding of SOT that I can professionally help teach others in the future through chiropractic college elective course work.

I have applied some of the Pediatric program into my office application. Recently an infant was brought to my office with moderate to severe cranial distortions. She was not crawling and was on the verge of being referred for a helmet. With consistent cranial care we were able to get cranial measurements in a mild range and closer to normal helping avoid expensive helmets. Infant began to meet additional milestones as well as felt comfortable during tummy time.

Keep being a source for chiropractors! You are quite the pair! Let’s get you back to Nebraska soon!”


This was my first experience with SOT. I started implementing bits and pieces into my practice and my patients started seeing better and better results. I received a voicemail from a lifelong chiropractic patient after running her through the system for the first time. She told me that was the BEST she had ever felt after an adjustment. By the end of the course, I had completely changed my entire exam and adjusted protocols to fit the 3 category system. Drs. Rosen and Watson do a wonderful job of explaining and simplifying complex biomechanics and neurology. If you are looking to standardize your analysis and adjusting protocols, while still maintaining a high level of individualized care, this class is for you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Dr. Nick Novakoski

“I wanted to fine tune my skills with the categories and organize my procedures more in line with SOT.

My three takeaways:

  1. Good organization of the indicators with each category
  2. Understanding of the difference in each category relating to the adjusting procedures
  3. Great refresher and reminder of all that SOT can cover.

I feel more confident with my SOT procedures and continue to witness the miracle of the body and Chiropractic. In particular I have a better understanding of the R+C procedure and have made significant progress with eliminating those indicators.

I appreciate your teaching style, especially with the online program. I like the bite sized pieces of information that I can take back to the clinic and work into my procedures.”


“I took SOT Europe’s first three modules at the beginning of the year (Cat I, II, II and extremities). Lots of questions arose as I started using SOT with patients.

The program was well structured, ensuring that participants can comfortably absorb, comprehend, and put into practice the concepts taught.  This program answered so many questions, I’m so grateful for having taken part in this course. I am feeling more confident using SOT. In the clinic, patients with chronic complaints have finally started to heal.

I have been treating a patient for about 2 years. She presented with left buttock pain. I had gone far further than previous chiropractors in helping her. However, her pain remained. It was only when I started using SOT and identified a category 2 subluxation pattern that I was able to clear her pain completely and get her back to running and practicing martial arts. She is still a stable category 1 patient now and I see her for maintenance every four weeks.

Thank you for answering all my questions. I am looking forward to the CMRT course. You always made me feel welcome with my many questions, and I really appreciate your help and kindness.”

Dr. Ricardo Abrantes

“I entered Dr. Rosen/Watson’s SOT 3 category program to better understand chiropractic clinical presentations I see in everyday practice.

I learned how to address:

  1. Acute presentations caused by body breakdown in response to chronic primary subluxation.
  2. Compensatory system unwinding.
  3. Primary Subluxation

I have gained a better understanding of the body’s response to subluxation and how to address it. Better understanding builds confidence which crosses over from professional life to personal life.

I started implementing CAT II protocol as soon as the video was up. I loved how the SOT 3 categories program’s doctor share/live Q&A made distant learning seem not so distant. I would definitely attend an in-person class in the future.”

Dr. Joshua Shideler

“I took this program because I was hoping to truly unlock the basics of SOT and understand the 3 differentiating categories. I wanted to include it and slowly start incorporating blocks into my practice.

My three takeaways are:

  1. Each category has been clearly explained and the tests shown
  2. SOT does require a lot of testing but it does not need to take long to do it
  3. The importance of the testing in your diagnosis

This course has helped broaden my scope to be a better chiropractor for my patients.

I have especially used category three as I have a lot of acute patients that visit me-I have seen a massive change in approaching them more specifically, with correct block position and by using the basic cranial move. Very happy to understand this category to help speed up healing.

Thank you for giving me some extra time to work through all the videos. I have made plenty of notes to go through and revisit as I go along. Thanks for your brilliant knowledge and exceptional expertise in this field.”

Dr. Kelly Hutchison

“I am looking for new ways to help patients with chronic issues that keep recurring and want to incorporate blocking as a more gentle technique approach.

My three takeaways are:

  1. Identify ascending/descending patterns in order to address the prominent issue first.
  2. Check for and remove atlas/axis dural restrictions.
  3. Awareness of positive muscle control and the idea that not every ‘fixed’ joint should be adjusted as some are compensations for a hypermobility problem.

Professionally I feel I can help my patients further and explain better why they have the issues they have and how the healing process will be.  I have noticed an impact of removing atlas dural restrictions in several patients. It’s been very interesting to observe the changes patients report. The CCC also is a good educational tool as patients notice that raising the legs becomes easier or more difficult with cervical compression.

It’s the best seminar I’ve ever taken! So much information that I’m a bit overwhelmed but I learned so much that I’ve been able to immediately start using it in practice. Dr. Rosen was amazing in his explanations and I now understand SOT so much better!”

Dr. Kelly Schubert

“I took this course to further understand SOT and to be able to have another technique that was easier on my body as I get older.

This is an in-depth study on SOT that really digs into the three different categories. I would purchase an occipital fiber chart to have handy in your treatment room. This course is a step-by-step to help you to determine which category you’re dealing with and to help you take better notes in determining the category.

This course has allowed me to better assist my patients that do not like osseous adjustments that would rather have a more gentle approach. It has also helped me to get those that are in chronic pain some relief.

I have been incorporating more cat 3 protocols lately in my office and helping patients find relief because of it.”

Dr. Hailey Burpo

“I wanted to learn more about the techniques I learned in the Pediatric Program. Prior to my courses with Peak Potential I had not utilized SOT in my office. I had not taken any classes in it since chiropractic school.

SOT category adjusting has been a wonderful addition to my practice. The doctor sharings brought up questions that lead to a deeper understanding of the techniques and material presented. I plan to continue to ask more questions as I incorporate using the Categories in my practice and love having the ability to reach out about those questions.

Learning about the Categories has helped me take a different approach to some of the cases that have entered my office and some of my patients that have often presented with similar patterns. I love having the indicators to follow to witness the more subtle shifts and changes as the patient progresses through their care plan. Also it keeps me from chasing everything that is hurting them at this time and focus on stabilizing with my category 2 patients.

My husband sent a chronic low back pain patient to me he had hit a plateau with. This patient had a similar experience with other chiropractors in the past. Through the analysis I learned in this class I was able to find he was primarily a Category 2. I blocked him and he has been continuing to progress well with his care.

It was a fantastic program!”

Dr. Katherine Hoffman

“I am a recent graduate and was introduced to SOT through a DC that I was working under for a brief moment. Being a recent graduate, when I started working in a practice, I found that I was somewhat disorganized, and lost the way I was taught to approach, examine, diagnose, and structure a care plan for patients. Having to see how SOT was used in the practice by another DC had piqued my interest in the system which led me to sign up.

My three takeaways are:

  1. Flexibility of online modules
  2. Clear, planned out and well-explained concepts that were split up into videos that were not too long.
  3. Q & A sessions and call-to-action quizzes

Since starting, professionally I have applied the SOT system into practice and utilized all the components to improve my assessments, diagnosis and care for my patients. Personally, I have become more intrigued with the Philosophy of Chiropractic itself and spent more time asking and challenging what I learned at University.

I had a patient who came in acute on chronic onset of LBP with neuro signs. After going through the assessment and determining that it was a Category III, I followed the blocking protocols and had awesome improvements after a few visits.

The course has been awesome, Thank you Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson for spending the time to set up the course and help upskilling chiropractors around the globe with their experiences and knowledge.”

Dr. Binh Le

“The SOT categories course in Australia was on weekends that I was unable to attend in the past couple of years. Studying online gave me the ability to learn the categories.

The course is set out in bite sized pieces, the information is logically presented in a systematic way, and the information is well presented through video and workbook.

This course has given me the Ability to help more people through chiropractic. It has made me more confident as a chiropractor and given me more enjoyment in practice.

I’ve learnt ways of testing through the category indicators to understand what subluxation patterns are present. It has given me more certainty in what and how to adjust.

I really enjoyed the program and am inspired to learn more and dive more deeply into SOT.”

Dr. Justin Chau

“I decided to take this course as I have recently returned to practice after a big break and wanted to give myself some more structure and work in a way that involved indicators.

The program gives a good base of knowledge for SOT categories, it is helpful if feeling a little lost in practice as gives clear indicators to work with, and I like that the content could be worked through in my own time

This program has given me motivation to improve my processes and procedures in clinic, as well as motivation to really start to understand and implement SOT.

I used the seated lumbar adjustment on someone in a lot of pain, difficulty getting on table and it worked really well. I feel like I need a few more weeks to integrate and take the time to make sure my exam procedures and forms are in good enough shape to start using with patients.

Thank you both very much for taking the time to create the course, it was very helpful/insightful and I really like that you made yourselves available for Q+A. As someone who is fairly new to SOT I did find the second half of the course had quite a lot of information, compared to the first half which I easily kept on top of. I also found it a little challenging to follow along in the workbook as it didn’t always follow the order you spoke about in the videos etc. I can’t wait to start implementing more of this in practice and will continue to study and improve my skills. Thank you.”

Dr. Rebecca O’Kane

“I took this program because I wanted to refresh my memory from what I learned in school and the SOT club.

The program is very detailed about how and why of the SOT protocols. Explains why and when we have to do all the steps.

After taking this course I feel more confident in my skills when it comes to adjusting my patients, to not just adjust the same areas again and again.

I had a patient who was having difficulty sleeping, after doing a psoas release the patient was able to sleep well, was very amazed.

I love your energy, thank you for sharing your wisdom.”

Dr. Giselle Santana-Perez

“I took this course to improve my skill and learn new techniques.

My takeaways are that one complaint can hide something that has been there for longer than the complaint.  The importance of considering the body as a whole and the strong relationship between the cervical and the pelvis.

The course has enlarged my view on chiropractic care, and taught me a new way to approach a complaint.

Great class.”

Dr. Bertille Poussard

“I took this program to learn a more indicator base technique to make better decisions on patient care and to keep myself more interested.

With this program, you will learn very specific ways to handle different types of patient presentation. You will learn exactly the steps to take proper care of patients based on their presentation. You will be able to communicate the need for longer term care and wellness.

The course challenged me and stimulated passion to help more patients. I used sot methods to help existing patients and got feedback that what was done helped more than treatment in the past.”

Dr. Mark Betsill

“I took this program for a greater understanding of SOT categories and their management.

My three takeaways are:

  1. SOT is not confusing, just detailed.
  2. The 3 categories are the foundation.
  3. SOT is not difficult to apply.

This program has given me another practical tool to use in patient care.

I had a new patient with a hot discogenic pain. Category 3. Pain went from 8 to a 3 during first treatment. 6 sessions to a 0/10 pain.”

Dr. David King

“I know there is power in the SOT treatment protocols. I am getting older and am using a more gentle technique these days.

My three takeaways are:

  1. The program is very detailed and goes into extensive explanation.
  2. Presented in an easy-to-understand method.
  3. Applicable the very first day.

I have enjoyed learning this program and it is easier on the doctor and the patient. The patients are very curious and excited to have different styles of examination and treatment.

I love checking the trap fibers and making spinal corrections. The patients are very surprised and confident in the treatment

Using SOT is enhancing my practice and drawing a more appreciative and committed patient base.”


Dr. Tamara Lund

“I took this program having been in practice for 35 years.   I really needed a refresher course. Loved the Show and Tell videos.

Personally I have been struggling with lower back and SI problems from injuries which have not responded to the traditional spinal manipulation issues, and my intuition led me back to the SOT protocols.

Using the SOT protocols, ie. Category 2, my patient have been holding their adjustments much better for their wellness Care.”

Dr. Lucy Rambacher

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SOT® - The Three Categories Course

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