Praise for:
SOT® Pediatric In-Person Certificate Program

“I wanted to improve my skills in caring for pediatric patients. I have done care of children and cranial work with patients over my 40 years in practice and wanted to become even better and more skilled in my technique.

My three takeaways:
1. Specificity in the process of evaluating and assessing the nervous system of the pediatric patient.
2. Specificity in the force application in the spine and cranium.
3. Reinforcement of my desire to strive for clinical excellence.

This program has made me a better chiropractor technically and increased my confidence to know I am improving the wellbeing of my patients.

In a number of patients that I felt had plateaued in their progress, what I learned from Dr. Rosen, allowed greater changes of improvement in the spine and cranium. Every chiropractor should take this course. It will only enhance their clinical skills.

Dr. Marty over-delivers. The content and support allows every chiropractor regardless of their skills, technique or experience to walk away with greater skill and ability to improve how they serve.

Thank you for your commitment to excellence and elevating the service of our profession.”

Peter Kevorkian, DC

“I took this class series to learn even more about cranial work and pediatric adjusting. Though I’ve been in practice 23 years, there is always something new to learn, better ways to help patients, and so many ‘ah-ha’ moments.

Cranial work is very important to babies and we can really help these infants more if we are specific with our adjustments and communicate that to parents and other providers.

This program has just given me a bit more certainty and has helped when talking to others about pediatric cranial work and how it’s different from cranial sacral therapy.

Dr. Rosen is the guru in this area, and everyone can learn something to better help our patients. We always need to be open to learning more.

In-utero constraint and birth trauma is significant in our babies today. What may seem like a minor issue is really a major issue to a newborn/infant/child and we cannot overlook this.”

Dr. Pamela Stone

“I took this course so that I would feel more confident with my pediatric patients. I wanted to expand the way that I analyzed their nervous system and corrected their subluxations.

My biggest takeaways that I have shared with others have been:

1) The first 2 hours of each seminar when Dr. Marty dives into neurology and subluxation, along with where our world is today with healthcare and why it is so important for children to receive chiropractic care

2) There is nowhere else that I’m familiar with where you get this level of philosophy, technique, and clinical knowledge all in one

3) Everyone who takes this says that their confidence and skill with pediatric patients grew exponentially after this course

Personally, it was great to meet and connect with other chiropractors who share this philosophy and passion for pediatric chiropractic. Professionally, as I mentioned, this has boosted my confidence with pediatric patients and expanded my knowledge on neurology.

A pediatric patient came in because he was failing his hearing tests at school and at the pediatrician, so they recommended tubes. The mother was uncomfortable with this, and heard about us through another parent. The child presented with a noticeable internal temporal on the left. After around 5 adjustments of clearing the cervical spine, adjusting the internal temporal, and performing the sphenobasilar adjustment, he not only had noticeably improved hearing, but went on to pass his pediatrician’s hearing test.

I had an amazing experience. I was in a place both personally and professionally to immediately begin to incorporate this information and it has been very important to my growth as a chiropractor. In an ideal world, I believe any chiropractor who treats pediatric patients should take this course multiple times, but for now I’ll have to settle with sending as many people to it as possible.

You both are so respected and admired in our profession. Thank you for all the work you’ve done and continue to do.”

john redhead, dc

“I took this course to gain insight and proficiency in caring for my pediatric patients.

Having taken this program, my three takeaways are:

1. The hands on time, setting up on other participants, really helps to solidify the concepts being taught

2. There is so much more potential for neurological improvement with cranial adjusting than I had ever realized, having this new skill is transforming my practice

3. Taking the class in person rather than online is incredibly beneficial. Not just having the opportunity to get hands on, but also being able to network with other like-minded chiropractors and discover other ways to implement these techniques into practice is tremendously helpful.

Professionally, taking this course has helped me be able to serve my patients even better than I already have been. I recently used several of the cranial adjusting techniques on a young girl who had been fighting a virus, fever, congestion, cough, etc. for several days. Her mother said within an hour of the adjustment she was up and playing as if not sick at all.

I would recommend that anyone wanting to grow a pediatric practice take this course. The insights and techniques that are taught here have helped me become more well-rounded in my care. The extra tools in my toolbox help me have the confidence to care for a broader base of health concerns.

One of the reasons I would highly recommend taking this course is because patients appreciate the value of continued education. I had one mom say, “I love that you keep learning. It shows that you really care about our kids, you really want to help them heal and be their best.” It doesn’t get better than that!

Thanks, this has been a great course. I really appreciate what I learned in the cranial course specifically. I have applied many of the techniques already, and keep adding new ones each week. Can’t wait for the last course.”

Karolyn Surmont, DC

“My goal in taking this series was to have certainty in knowing what to look for, what to adjust, and how to communicate that with the parents and Dr. Rosen’s SOT® Pediatric seminar provides just that. The information is so in-depth and hands on that you will leave with more certainty, connection, confidence, and better communication. Taken this course has increased the referrals in my pediatric practice, so if you’re on the fence about taking the series, just do it. The knowledge and hands on experience will take your practice to the next level.”

Jeanette Goodwill, D.C.

“Having taken the online program, I wanted to see the techniques in person, and have more opportunity to practice.

My three takeaways are:

  1. That preparation is really important for the classes, in order to be able to get the most out of them.
  2. That there is a lot of technical information, and it’s necessarily complex. It may take a while, but as it becomes clearer, there is enormous benefit.
  3. That you’ll use these techniques every day in your practice.

This program has given me a much more technical approach to cranial work, as well as a system for approaching chiropractic that I resonate with.

I use many of these techniques, and I often see dramatic changes in a short period of time.

I think this body of work is a significant undertaking, so it’s best if you can devote some time to diving in deeply. At the same time, there are techniques that I was able to implement after just taking one weekend class, so know that you will receive something useful, no matter how you approach it.

Thank you.”

Dr. Liesel Orend

“I took Dr. Rosen’s class years ago through the ICPA and have been wanting to take more of his classes since. The timing and location worked out great for my schedule this year.

My three takeaways:

  1. This class is very hands-on! There are so many opportunities to practice everything you are learning and are able to get feedback from Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson.
  2. You can take what you learn and apply it the next day in practice.
  3. This program can absolutely change your practice for the better and help so many babies, children and adults!

After every class I come home motivated to be a better doctor and make sure to take better care of myself, personally. It is so amazing to connect with other like-minded people and learn from everyone in the room.

Allergy season has affected a lot of my patients and I have been able to apply what I have learned in class to my patients. I have so many people that will ask for cranial work because it makes them instantly feel better!

This course is not easy and there is a lot of information but it is so beneficial to take your skills to the next level! All three courses work well together and I encourage doctors that are interested to take all three of the classes. It can help your exam, your techniques and your communication skills to patients.

Thank you for taking the time out of your life to help other doctors learn and grow. It means so much to be able to pass the knowledge on to the next generation of chiropractors. I hope to continue taking your courses for years to come!”

Dr. Sarah Drake

“I decided to take this course as a recent graduate wanting to expand my knowledge in SOT specific pediatric adjusting programs. Having young kids myself with certain visual cranial subluxation patterns, I wanted to study from trusted instructors so that I would be able to implement my own techniques for my children and pediatric patients in practice.

If you have any desire to see a pediatric population in your practice, it is imperative to take specific courses geared toward chiropractic cranial and spinal adjusting and this course covers everything comprehensively in which you are able to implement the techniques into your office immediately after learning the techniques and analysis. It is absolutely worth every penny to travel and study with such highly experienced and talented doctors if you It is going to take thousands upon thousands of hours of study, patient encounters, and time spent perfecting craft with trusted colleagues to become an expert; however, it is possible and it is evident with the many doctors that show up over and over again to seminars across the country. Well, done to all!

The emotional healing I have experienced personally in watching my 2 year old daughter unwind from maladaptive cranial subluxation patterns and blossom into a vibrant, chatty, and wonderfully expressed daughter – due to the connection and patient care of a fellow colleague that has studied with Drs. Rosen and Watson – is worth more than gold to me. I am forever grateful personally. Professionally, I have seen craniums begin to balance with the processes that are learned in this program when implemented properly. Having graduated only years ago, I feel blessed to start my career off strong and confident in my clinical care for the pediatric population in my community.

I began care of an infant born with severe torticollis and sacral subluxation due to frank breech fetal positioning and watched this sweet baby relax and have a bowel movement shortly after her first adjustment and mother’s report that she latched well. She had been inconsolable and not feeding well since her birth the week prior. After creating a strong spinal foundation, I began to perform the chiropractic cranial adjusting techniques on this patient and watched her entire cranium and face reshape itself by truly focusing my best efforts on her occipital and sphenobasilar subluxations. The parents reported an incredible change overall in the patient’s entire demeanor, health, and sleep patterns due to her care.

I am honored and grateful to have been able to travel from Iowa to three different states to attend these seminars. It is an incredible amount of information and when supported with continued attendance and study of their ancillary textbooks, it is practice changing. After I started this program I watched my practice demographic thrive and grow in numbers. It is worth the investment to bring highly effective and skilled training to your community if you can. Your patients as little as days old —to walking into the office with a cane will be grateful for the techniques you learn overall in the program.

I want to reiterate to anyone considering studying and taking the programs Drs. Rosen and Watson have to offer, I highly urge you to take that jump! These two have been instructing for 40+ years and have a wealth of knowledge ready to share with the next generation of pediatric chiropractors!”

Dr. Melanie Schwitters

“The pediatric certification program is a gold mine of quality information. The depth of the pediatric exam is such that, when done, there will be no doubt in your mind what needs to be done and why. Clinical certainty is such an important part of practice, and the information gained throughout the program has significantly uplevel my clinical certainty. In addition to an in-depth overall exam and analysis procedure that’s taught, there are also several condition specific indicators that have also been impactful and helpful in practice. Daily in practice I’m able to apply the information gained through the certification to not only better serve my community, but also to feel good at the end of the day that we were able to offer our patients the finest of what’s possible in chiropractic. Thank you Drs. Rosen and I look forward to continuing on this journey!

Thank you, truly, for offering the program. It has made a big difference.”

Brendan Riordan, DC

“This was truly one of my favorite courses thus far in practice.

I can’t recommend Dr. Rosen’s Certified SOT® Pediatric Practitioner course enough! I work exclusively with pediatric chiropractic patients and this series has absolutely helped me become more specific and confident – even after almost a decade in practice seeing infants and children. Understanding SOT® Cranial adjusting has helped me elevate my examination and adjusting skills, especially with infants and the immense growth and change that takes place in the first few years of life. Drs. Marty and Nancy are an engaging and passionate team that make hands-on learning relatable and easy to implement. Their knowledge is invaluable.

If you care for infants and children, this seminar series is hands down the best for hands-on training. You will have the tools to bring your practice to the next level so that you can change lives and change the future.”

Dr. Brandi Benson, DC, CACCP

“Taking Dr. Rosen’s Pediatric SOT® series is one of the better decisions I have ever made for my practice. I first met Dr. Rosen while in school when I first took his ICPA seminar. The integration and depth of information were unlike anything I had experienced in any seminar. His certification series took that experience to a new level. I feel more confident and certain than ever before in delivering the highest quality of chiropractic care to children, especially infants, in my practice. That certainty has translated into more commitment for children and entire families in my practice than ever before.”

Anthony Pellegrino, DC, CACCP

“I took this program to learn about treating pediatrics and to have a better understanding of SOT®/cranial techniques.

This is a very comprehensive program that covers everything from techniques to conditions and using techniques for different conditions. The material learned helps a lot in everyday practice/cases and the notes are also very helpful because you have them to refer back to. You learn how and when to apply/use techniques learned in the course when you come across certain patients. Currently in my first year of practice as an SOT® doctor, this program has helped a lot when treating cases I didn’t know how to start or resolve. This course has helped a lot with treatment of conditions in children (and adult) that I had a hard time figuring out what to do. It’s taught me a lot of useful techniques that I’ve either forgotten and/or need a refresher on.

Currently I have quite a lot of kids coming from a pediatric dentists that have class II or class III that are severe. They’ve all been able to start coming out of their class II or III and j ust need a bit of bite fixing because of their growth of the maxilla or mandible.

There was one kid that was a severe class II and it didn’t matter what the dentist did, either using elastics or expander, he would not go forward in the upper palate and his mandible was also stuck. After working with him for 8 visits, he had almost no anterior head carriage. he finally started expanding forward. Afterwards, because he was 12 years old, they put in an expander in for two weeks to help and he had so much expansion in two weeks that they didn’t need to keep it in any longer. He also stopped tripping over himself in soccer practice and can run without hip pain.”

Tian Ying Rebecca Huang, DC

“I wanted to gain further understanding on treating pediatrics, especially with evaluation and adjusting protocols. Pediatrics was an area I was interested in growing in to be able to provide this service that was lacking in my community.

I think this course is full of information, so much so, that it would be beneficial to take this course multiple times to master the material. Great program to help gain confidence in communicating with the public that chiropractors should be the primary healthcare providers for any child with a neurological deficit. There is a good combination of theory and practical application with a lot of hands on during the course of the seminar.

Taking this program has increased the amount of tools available when treating pediatric cases. I am finding that results are happening much faster with the new tools that I have been able to slowly implement into our practice. I have also used a lot of the general information learned in the seminar in spinal workshops that we offer to our patient to help increase their knowledge.

Currently I am working on a severe plagiocephaly case in an infant who has a twin brother with normal cranial alignment. Progress has been made in the severity of the deformity. Mother has noticed significant improvement in the shape of the cranium and also in the head carriage positioning.

Great course and thank you!”

Tyler Kuntz, DC

“I took this program to deepen my knowledge in cranial adjusting, increase my tool box for babies and children and learn more SOT® protocols.

Three takeaways I would like to share about this program, are an in depth information of all common pediatric issues and adjustment protocols for treatment and more in depth cranial knowledge, learning the sphenoid and all its motions and how to properly adjust it and confidence in helping children and babies resolve their primary subluxations.

This program has impacted me as a provider by making me more confident in correcting subluxations and speaking to parents. It has impacted my practice by increasing the number of babies being served and getting relief from their issues.

Learning proper palate and intra-oral evaluations from this class and textbook, have increased helping more babies born in the birth community I serve with latching and TOTS. I had a case of treating a mom. The midwife went and clipped the tongue tie at day two of life.

Since I had established care with mom, I came to check her son. He had uneven palate and a sphenoid in extreme torsion. I was able to use SOR and help release his sphenomaxillary and sphenobasilar joints. Also applying fruit jars all helped with increasing his latch on one side. Mom also reported less pain and spit up. Continued care of him eventually had him functioning and cleare of his sphenobasilar restrictions.

I have enjoyed taking this course spread out and congruently with the 10 month online course. It is really putting the puzzle together. So thank you for what you guys are doing for the profession and grateful to study with you.”

Cecelia Mikles, DC

Learn more about the 48-hour Hands-on Program

“I’m very passionate about helping infants/kids and wanted to learn about cranial adjusting because I had heard about how beneficial it was but had never taken any courses.

I would recommend looking at the notes ahead of time. There’s a lot of information and its helpful to have seen the material prior. Ask questions and get clarity, otherwise you get lost. This is especially with the cranials, Don’t try to do it all in the beginning. It can be overwhelming and taking it one piece at a time helps make it more manageable.

I adjusted a sphenoid of a practice member and she reported at her next appointment that her headaches, that she’d been having “forever” improved significantly.

I really enjoyed this series and am planning on taking it again in the future.”

Katie Hulse, DC

“I decided to take this program because in 2020 I had an infant come into my office with severe plagiocephaly. It was severe to the point that I knew this was outside of my training. I referred them somewhere else and began the process to ensure that won’t happen again.

Having taken this program, it has increased our confidence in caring for peds and ensured a repeat of the situation in 2020 will not happen again. I recently used what I have termed “booger shaker” on a 4 year old with an ear infection. She had been adjusted twice and it hadn’t resolved in a week. The visit after the booger hadn’t resolved over a week. The visit after the booger shaker mom informed us she was doing much better and not complaining about her.”

Grant Lisetor, DC

“I decided to take this program again to improve clinical skills and serve the members of my practice. I have a better understanding of the dural meningeal system and improved competency in my pediatric cranial adjusting. I am better able to care for children, especially involved cranial cases. With a child with plagiocephaly and developmental delays, I was able to completely assess, plan and adjust.

Great course, I will take it again and again and again.”

Katherine Roose, DC

“I took this program as a student because I was looking for a different perspective in treating babies.

This program has much value for students and doctors. You get to learn many applicable techniques to use to access patients. You get greatly expanded knowledge that you don’t get in school. This has reshaped what chiropractic could be and how important our work is for the development and health of children and adults.

During my clinic, the way of approaching occiput analysis and assessment has greatly increased my success rate. Overall this has helped my understanding and application of SOT®.

Thank you for allowing me to shadow and see how you treat people and animals. I still have a long way to go and I am grateful of all the work you do to spread SOT®. I would not know the stuff I do now, if it was not for your teaching.”

Elbert Chao, DC

“If you see kids, (or don’t see kids yet), been in pediatrics for 3 months or 30 years, taking Dr Martin Rosen’s in-person seminars or seminar series is a no-brainer. The technical proficiency, clinical excellence and conviction to check, adjust and recheck kiddos is unlike anything we have in the profession today. If you’re on the fence, just jump in. The future of our children depends on it.”

John Caruso, DC

“Dr. Rosen’s classes are gems! I have had the pleasure of taking a handful of his courses throughout the years but the pediatric certification really helped to pull all the material together. Each seminar gave me more confidence in my skills as a pediatric chiropractor. There is always more to learn but I now feel confident in thoroughly assessing and correcting the pediatric cranium. The knowledge Dr Rosen shares, from the analysis and adjustments to talking points for patient education, truly is invaluable. Investing your time in this series will not be something you regret! I’m so happy to be serving my patients at a higher level and am so grateful for Dr. Rosen’s ability to share his work!”

Amanda Halstead-Riordan, DC

“Dr. Marty and Nancy are truly a gift to our profession. The incredible amount of research and experience that you will learn in these seminars will equip you with confidence and resources to be able to treat the pediatric patient efficiently.

I’ve taken different courses from Marty, and each time you gain new information. This course has been pivotal in getting amazing results in my pediatric population in my practice. They are the real deal!

Thank you Dr. Rosen’s for your continued contributions in our profession.”

Dr. Rachel Hamel

What was a game-changer for you?

I’ve always felt confident in my ability to help my patients. Although, I couldn’t help but feel that there were limitations beyond my grasp for best serving each child that visited my practice.

It wasn’t until this past year that I finally could wrap my head (no pun intended) around what was missing: the cranium. Seriously, 80% of chiropractors won’t even see pediatric patients. At a time when the brain and the immune system are crucial in development!

An an even smaller number are Certified in THIS sacro occipital cranial technique.

I can’t even begin to express my gratitude and excitement to have learned from one of my original instructors 22 years ago.

Why such a game-changer? As much as we do to be low tox, there’s no chemical solution to a structural problem and I’ve finally connected the dots between the two.

Who’s coming along to find out what’s beyond the information overload and get the real root cause?”

Katherine A. Kadin, DC, DACCP, IFMCP

“I met Dr. Martin Rosen in 2017 in a seminar in Wisconsin. I learned a lot and it made me want to learn a lot more. In 2018, I took another seminar in London and my willingness to learn increased even more. When I saw the first certification started, I was sure that I’d do it completely, and, no doubts, it was the best decision I have ever made. The series is terrific. Dr. Martin Rosen is a great teacher and the Rosen family makes the practice extremely pleasant and easy to understand. I’m already using all I’ve learned in my training. I look forward to taking more and more seminars of this amazing family. Dr. Rosen’s books and DVDs help me a lot and I’m confident to say that the learning with him changed my life.”

Lilian Aliberti, DC

“Having taken the introductory course to Cranial Sacral work with Drs. Marty Rosen, Erin Rosen & Nancy Watson I was inspired to take the full certification series. Each weekend I was able to delve deeper into my understanding of Cranial palpation and adjusting, honing the skills necessary to bring back to my patients. In the introductory course I was overwhelmed with the vast amount of content while at the same time inspired with a new sense of purpose. Each seminar, I would get a little more comfortable with my ability to feel the slight movements available in the cranial sutures all while getting a better understanding of the vital role it all plays in our patients overall health and well being. I would highly recommend this course to anyone that is thinking about adding this work to their practice. I love the family dynamic the three of these amazing practitioners brings to the seminar and I am honored to have learned from their experience. They are my people.”

Lee Rumley, DC

“Amazing series of seminars! As a new graduate Drs. Martin Rosen, Erin Rosen and Nancy Watson are a wealth of knowledge and an incredible resource! This series builds on what I had learned in Dr Rosen’s ICPA class but compared to this series that is a drop in the bucket. This series brought a new level of confidence and competence to how I approach pediatric patients. I use the skills and knowledge from this series on a daily basis! Considering the years of experience behind these classes the information is accessible and integrated wonderfully with hands on learning. It is fanatic to leave a seminar where you can implement what you learned on Monday and the instructors truly cared if you understood the material. I can’t recommend this series highly enough!”

Dr. Jillian London

“This is an excellent seminar series. The pediatric evaluation and the cranial work that is laid out in this certification series should be considered the gold standard. Each seminar in the series builds off what was learned in the previous one. Having now completed the series, I am confident in my skills and proficiency in pediatric care and pediatric cranial work. Drs. Marty, Nancy, and Erin are great teachers and truly just want the material covered in the certification series to be carried on to the population through all of the doctors who have gone through the courses.”

Zach Kern, DC

“If you have the desire to work with pediatrics in your chiropractic practice, taking this series is an absolute must! Dr. Rosen is an excellent teacher, in both lecturing and delivering an amazing hands-on educational experience. The series content is broken up in just the right amount of information so that you can absorb, practice, and implement what you learned very easily that next day in your office. Since having taken this course, my pediatric practice has boomed with referrals due to the success stories I have achieved from utilizing the techniques taught. I can’t recommend this series enough – you will not be disappointed!”

Courtney Neill, DC, CACCP

“Dr. Rosen is an amazing Pediatric Chiropractic instructor and teacher. I have taken most all of his seminars. I am now a Certified Pediatric SOT® Chiropractor. He is extremely knowledgeable and I highly recommend his classes.”

Jeanette Honig, DC

Learn more about the 48-hour Hands-on Program

I took this course to gain insight and proficiency in caring for my pediatric patients. Having taken this program, my
three takeaways are: 1. The hands on time, setting up on other participants, really helps to solidify the concepts being taught 2. There is so much more potential for neurological improvement with cranial adjusting than I had ever realized, having this new skill is transforming my practice 3. Taking the class in person rather than online is incredibly beneficial. Not just having the opportunity to get hands on, but also being able to network with other like-minded chiropractors and discover other ways to implement these techniques into practice is tremendously helpful. Professionally, taking this course has helped me be able to serve my patients even better than I already have been. I recently used several of the cranial adjusting techniques on a young girl who had been fighting a virus, fever, congestion, cough, etc. for several days. Her mother said within an hour of the adjustment she was up and playing as if not sick at all. I would recommend that anyone wanting to grow a pediatric practice take this course. The insights and techniques that are taught here have helped me become more well-rounded in my care. The extra tools in my toolbox help me have the confidence to care for a broader base of health concerns. One of the reasons I would highly recommend taking this course is because patients appreciate the value of continued education. I had one mom say, “I love that you keep learning. It shows that you really care about our kids, you really want to help them heal and be their best.” It doesn’t get better than that! Thanks, this has been a great course. I really appreciate what I learned in the cranial course specifically. I have applied many of the techniques already, and keep adding new ones each week. Can’t wait for the last course.”

Karolyn Surmont, DC

I took this program to gain more skills sets/techniques/knowledge to better serve the families I take care of.

My three takeaways are:

1. Plenty of information!

2. Taught from DECADES of experience in a meaningful manner

3. A good balance of serious and casual learning atmosphere

I’ve been able to use some of the analyses and techniques in practice to ask deeper questions, find different sources of a health concern, and approach differently to see better results. Utilizing inner cranial/palate balancing in order to help a baby and mother latch more effectively allowing the feeding to be easier. This also decreased reflux, irritability, and bowel discomfort. Less stress for the entire family.

I would recommend this program. There is so much info that you won’t get anywhere else. I think Chiropractors need to continually keep up with their learning in order to be their absolute best. We know we can help create better, happier, healthier families. We need all the possible skills and knowledge to do so. This course is absolutely part of that learning process. Sign up and have fun!

Kyle Kim, DC

“I took Dr Rosen’s ICPA course years ago and wanted to do the full series when he started it but the timing wasn’t right. When the Florida series was announced, I jumped at the opportunity! I never thought SOT was for me, but his presentation of the protocols made so much sense. A big takeaway was not doing everything just because it’s there. Clear things slowly and let the nervous system adapt. This series has so many very experienced docs attending. I think this information hits differently when you have practice experience. We are never done growing and learning. Just implementing a small amount of what sticks on Monday was a game changer. My results with my patients, even the adults, are so much better. My first week back from class, I started a new pregnant patient who has had frequent headaches her whole life even with regular Chiro care. I used occipital fibers analysis and adjusted her occipital compression and frontal and she hasn’t had a single headache for the last 2 months. She brought her very active 2 year old daughter in, also has been under regular chiropractic care since her. I tell everyone that this course will change your practice. There is a lot of material, but it is presented in an organized way. Dr Risen and Dr Watson are so accessible. If you are in their courses, they are available to you. The support fromthem is invaluable. This is life-changing work.”

Larissa Tenzycki, DC

“I took this course to increase my confidence and competence in evaluating and adjusting my pediatric patients specifically. This program help the chiropractor articulate the importance of chiropractic care for the pediatric population and offers exceptional evaluation and adjusting protocols as well as gives the chiropractor confidence in caring for the pediatric population. This program has helped me develop my communication skills in explaining the importance of chiropractic care as well as helped me to perfect my evaluation and adjusting techniques. Recently I had a mom and dad bring their newborn in— they had tried unsuccessfully to have children for over 6 years
so this baby was their miracle baby, they were scared to see a chiropractor but their daughter was unable to turn her head to the left and had significant plagiocephaly. They had already been to physical therapy with no change and were facing putting a helmet on their child. After a couple weeks of using this work on their daughter she not only could turn to her left unassisted but her head shape changed so much that when they returned for another helmet consult she was no longer a candidate for a helmet. Obviously, it was awesome she no longer needed a helmet after such a short time, but they really understood the importance of the work I was doing because I was able to communicate what I had learned from taking this course. They felt confident sharing with their MD what I was working on and shared the chiropractic message for me. I would absolutely recommend this course to every chiropractor, especially if you plan on seeing pediatric patients. I am so thankful I was able to take this course and expand my knowledge on cranial adjusting! The ability to not only evaluate and adjust but to communicate what we do is highlighted in this course. This knowledge will give you confidence to talk to every person you meet and turn them into a lifelong chiropractic patient.”

Marie Miller, DC

“Our office took this course as a team to grow in pediatric care and learn how to more effectively and confidently use tonal techniques. Be ready to learn and grow, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and ask for help, have fun learning this new material! This program has made me think about the structure we currently have in place for new patients, especially pediatric patients. This information has opened up a window into a new way of completing exams and caring for new patients. Slowly implementing intra-oral work has been a game changer for many of our patients experiencing TMJ and jaw issues. I would recommend this program as this information is invaluable to have and implement into your office. I love that this series has given me so many new ways to care for specific challenges that are prevalent in our world. Whether you’re ready to dive head first into the tonal technique world, of dip your toe in one day at a time, Drs. Rosen and Watson are there to guide you every step of the way. You leave feeling enriched and ready to tackle at least one aspect of the program, then willing to start implementing more and more over time. I think all chiropractors would benefit from this series, as it gives you more and more layers to chiropractic and caring for the world we live in today. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us, it is much appreciated and changing people’s lives every day!”

Harper Rentz, DC

“I took this program to feel more confident in treating the pediatric population, gain a better exam, ROF, treatment
ideas, and techniques. My three takeaways: Practical information you can take and use immediately after the seminar. Totally made my exam even better and based on neurological findings. The confidence I gained by the hands-on portion and being amongst the team. This program made me so much more sound and confident in my findings, recommendations, and poured into my philosophy. A baby with plagiocephaly: added in the cranial work and SOR and it made such a big difference. I also appreciated understanding the dura meningeal traction subluxation and being able to educate his parents on what was happening in their child’s nervous system. I’ve taken other pediatric courses and left without feeling confident in the information, this was completely opposite then those courses. If you see the pediatric population, you need these courses. It’s technique plus philosophy. It keeps
the Chiropractic art alive in this rapidly changing world. Immense gratitude for you bot hand the path you’ve taken to create these teaching containers and the energy you pour into all of us. Thank you.”

Madalyn Turner, DC

“I decided to take the Pediatric SOT series to help enhance my skills with treating the pediatric population. Continued learning has helped me provide top notch care for all patients in need Dr. Marty and Dr. Nancy have a passion for bettering the chiropractic profession. Though the treatment protocols take time to master you are able to implement some small steps immediately when returning to your office. The importance of “sharpening” our skills helps us be masters of the techniques we use in our offices. Professionally and personally Dr. Marty and Dr. Nancy have become part of my chiropractic family and are amazing mentors. They help keep the teachings of the SOT protocols congruent with the philosophy of chiropractic. Over the past year I have incorporated many of the cranial applications including adding measurements of the cranium in my exam. This simple additional step of using calipers helps parents see the changes almost immediately. It helps reaffirm their choice to seek care as they can measure change. I absolutely would recommend the course to others. The SOT paradigm clearly seeks to treat patients on all spectrums of spinal conditions. It is protocol dependent and results are easy to come by when you follow the steps. I would take this course year after year just to be around the masters of the technique. Dr. Marty and Dr. Nancy are leaders in the SOT community. Coming from Nebraska where Dr. Marty was taught the technique years ago has opened a network of patients waiting for the next generation chiropractor to take over their care. I love learning from the best and hope that the education continues to flourish with these two!”

Dr. Jennifer Howard

“I took the hands-on course as I wanted to deepen the knowledge I was gaining from the online course. It’s a lot of information, so I knew that getting to take these series in-person after the online course would really help solidify more of my knowledge into something I felt confident using in practice.

It’s very in-depth work, but there are also many simple takeaways that in mastering those, you can help a lot of people more than you did before. That being said don’t get discouraged and just take what you can, when you can and start applying it. Last, these courses inspired me all over again with the power of chiropractic.

The programs reiterated, in a different way, how chiropractic is about tone/stress on the dural system. It also gave me a lot of confidence in working with kids, or talking to their parents. Personally, it was also really nice to meet fellow doctors with this same passion and willingness to keep growing and learning.

I had a 2 year-old who was falling behind on speech and failed his 50-word test. I learned he had a vacuum and forced delivery and when the mom sought out care, I talked to her about the benefits of an assessment just to see how he is adapting to his world. That encouraged her to come in and let her see how he was struggling with numerous imbalances within his system. Within 4 visits he went from hardly speaking to full sentences, more emoting and more eye contact. He had a significant strain on the occiput, with sphenobasilar torsion. Releasing this was life changing.

Honestly, there just isn’t anything like this course. I’ve done some SOT and CST work but this really blends it into the way we work and think as chiropractors. I think that is what makes it so unique and a great fit for those wanting to deepen their cranial skills or learn new ways of seeing and working with the pediatric spine.”


“My wife and I were blessed to have our daughter, and besides being able to care for her, I sought the need to expand my practice and be able to provide for the pediatric patient. It has always been a passion of mine to advocate for chiropractic as a primary form of health care and felt the best way to enlighten others is by demonstrating how supporting an immature and developing nervous system can help prevent chronic disease and improve health potential.
After stumbling upon Dr. Martin Rosen and having exposure and practice with the SOT paradigm, I felt this seminar series provided the specific neurological impact and techniques necessary to provide for the pediatric patient. I’m grateful for the time, dedication, and passion Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson have to organize and teach this material and have gained the understanding and skills to confidently provide life changing care for infants, toddlers and adolescents. From the overall specific examination protocols to the chiropractic cranial adjusting skills, this course is truly invaluable and more that I could’ve asked for.
This course series has demonstrated the importance of a thorough initial evaluation to map out what precisely needs to be addressed in the pediatric patient. In addition, it has provided me with experience to recognize and understand specific neurological indicators and how to treat the patient best. Lastly, the profound importance of supporting the nervous system development and health via specific chiropractic cranial adjusting protocols has given me a tool that can further serve the pediatric patient. Personally, this course has given me confidence to care for my daughter as she continues to grow and develop.
Professionally, it has allowed me to shift my practice to a more family centered model, encouraging and educating
practice members that chiropractic is a safe and effective alternative to treating common problems in the pediatric patient. I have mainly worked with my daughter and have started incorporating the techniques taught in this course with her. She was experiencing brachycephaly and reflux. After utilizing some specific chiropractic cranial techniques, her reflux subsided. I also connected with a local chiropractor that mainly worked with pediatric patients and to get a second opinion on some of my findings. After they performed their thermography scans and measured heart rate variability, etc., their results found my daughter was considered a wellness patient and explained that usually was not the case considering her age. This reassured me even more that these protocols are an invaluable tool for the developing infant. I would recommend this course to other doctors, especially those looking to incorporate pediatrics in their practice. This course not only provides you with specific treatment protocols, but invaluable analysis techniques to properly decipher neurological deficits that may impede the full developmental potential of children. Not only do Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson provide the science and evidence behind pediatric chiropractic, but they offer a hands-on experience that allows you to practice, feel, and experience the techniques taught in real time. I appreciate the passion, hard work, and dedication Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson have offered the chiropractic community. They offer years of knowledge and service that needs to be brought to the forefront for pediatric healthcare.”

Dr. Matt Weintraub

“I decided to take this course because my office is becoming very populated with children. While I have taken numerous pediatric seminars, I still felt like I needed more hands on and a more intense program. When signing up for the program, my goal was to have a better understanding of the pediatric spine through exam and treatment and to feel more confident in doing so. My three takeaways: 1. If you want hands on, this is it! I love all the hands on time. 2. If you want to go back to your office with more confidence and understanding of the pediatric spine, this is the program for you. 3. If you do not know where to start, start here! There is so much information but each seminar coming back, I have a better grasp of the techniques and I am able to implement things slowly into my practice. This program professionally has allowed me to see patients with confidence that I am doing a proper examination and technique that is very specific to my findings. Personally, I feel since starting the seminars in January I am taking my skills to the next level which is very rewarding for me personally and I know my husband is beyond proud of the time and effort I have put forth to do so. I have been doing a lot of palate work since the second seminar series and have seen a lot of improvement with post tongue tie patients and those who are having a hard time latching. Breastfeeding success has improved greatly. This is simply amazing as many women struggle and give up and to see them and their baby thriving is so rewarding. Yes, I would highly recommend this program to others. Fresh out of school or years into practice, I feel like the information is delivered in a way that everyone will learn and benefit. This course is intense; I am not going to put it lightly. But I appreciate all the hands on and help we have while in seminar. The notes are so clearly delivered, and the slides allow me to go home and review without feeling like I need to be back in the seminar to further my learning. If a chiropractor wants to treat children, I feel this program is an absolute must. I wish it was taught in school! I think it is great and I appreciate all your hard work in teaching others! I have been to many seminars where I go thinking I am going to learn, and it is mostly stories about the instructor’s personal success stories, and I leave feeling like I almost wasted my time. Not here! Thanks again! See you soon!”

Dr. Rachel Steiner

“I took this course to gain more knowledge about SOT and to have more clinical certainty with applying cranial work in practice.  Having this knowledge will take your practice to another level, advance your adjusting skills, and seek out different protocols. This seminar gave me even more conviction to get more babies under care to make sure they have the most connected nervous system.

I am working with a baby with moderate/severe plagiocephaly and torticollis. The pediatrician wants to get the baby in a helmet. The baby will only want to nurse on one side. Under care now, mom has noticed the baby will comfortably nurse on both sides without looking just one way. Great progress has been noticed on the cranial work too!

Absolutely would recommend this program.  Nowhere else are you getting the knowledge and the hands-on experience like you get at this seminar. It will elevate your adjusting skills and bring them to a whole other level.
My experience in this seminar has far exceeded my expectations. The philosophy, science and art were addressed in a way that you can bring back the knowledge and skills to start applying the next day in practice. Other chiropractors should attend this course for the certainty in their head, heart, and hands.

We all know how important it is to get your nervous system checked, but explaining the importance at different milestones was amazing to hear again. That really connects the parents to care as well. Thank you for your time dedicated to this research and profession!”

Dr. Stephanie Wenig

“At the age of 18 months old, my daughter was in an accident at daycare. She fell on cement and injured her left side of her face. Three days after this incident her left eye started to turn in.  I brought her to a Doctor of Optometry and they said it was probably just a coincidence and had nothing to do with the fall.

A few weeks later she was put in glasses and I was told that she sees double and probably always will. The following month I reached out to a Chiropractor that works an hour and a half away from us, but I knew that he was trained under Dr. DeJarnette years ago and utilized  techniques for SOT and Cranial adjustments. Thankfully after 2 years of weekly appointments with Dr. Groene, my daughter was progressing in a way that her eye doctors and therapist could not even believe. I was also told when she first was seen after the injury that she would never have an opportunity to wear contacts. After years of specific cranial adjustments with Dr. Groene, she is now in contact lenses and does not see double! Her eye only turns in when she is extremely tired or has been reading for a long period of time. Having these great, unbelievable results, I was inspired to learn all I possibly could so that I could not only continue to help my daughter without having to drive 3 hours weekly to see Dr. Groene, but to help future patients that may be going through the struggles that we went through for years. I wanted to learn as much as possible and from who I thought was the best of the best to learn from. Therefore I signed up for this series and could not be more pleased with my decision.

My Three Takeaways:

1)  There are many ways and resources to reference the material after class. The books and online material are well written as well as easy to follow and understand.

2)  It is a privilege to learn from Dr. Marty, who is a fountain of knowledge not only with cranial information but also with chiropractic and owning a business for 40 years.

3)  While each seminar contains a lot of information, even being able to take bits and pieces each time will help build the confidence in helping patients.   

I have gained the confidence to evaluate and adjust patients in a new way with the indicators that we were taught during the 3 classes. The amount of information that is applicable has been life changing for my practice and for me personally with my own children.

Specifically I have a current patient that has significant TMJ issues. I used the information I learned in the first two classes to help and after just two visits she came back in tears. She said that what I had done literally changed her life! She has not been able to eat a burger or steak in 2 years. She also had to stop public speaking because she would spit or drool while speaking. After just two adjustments she was able to speak without any problems.  

I appreciate all of the knowledge, the extra time to explain, the hands on practice, and the patience that Dr. Marty and Dr. Nancy have while I learn this new skill set. I am also grateful for the tools available to continue to study this material. The books and guides are very well written and a great resource for me to use when I am not in class.

This is the second time I have taken this series and it is still mind blowing how much knowledge Dr. Rosen has to share.  Marty and Nancy are not only amazing teachers but respectful, caring, and fun people and Chiropractors to learn from.”

Laura J. Meredith, DC

“I tool this program because I have a practice with a lot of children and wanted to understand cranial care so I could better help these families.
My three takeaways:
1. Chiropractic schools do not adequately prepare the profession to care for the cranial injuries that infants and children often need help with.
2. These Peak Potential classes are the finest and most detailed cranial courses I have ever taken.
3. It will take me many years of hard work and study to truly master cranial work . . . but well worth the investment of time and resources to pursue this part of my practice.
I have been practicing for nearly 25 years. This training has really opened my eyes to a completely new (and powerful) resource that will challenge me and motivate me to work diligently for my next 50 years in practice to be the very best I can be to help as many children as possible for the rest of my career.
This is all very new to me, but I have had several patients that it has been effective to use these techniques to help with babies suffering with ear infection, colic symptoms and many other issues.
At this point in my career I have little time for rah rah, motivational chiropractic seminars or zero interest in practice management. If I am going to spend money, time and resources on my chiropractic education I do not want it to be a waste of my time away from my family and business. With 25 years in practice it is my experience that Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson has put together the most challenging, rewarding and useful seminars I have ever attended. Truly has made an impact for the best in my life and practice. Really, truly . . . so blessed to meet you both and learn from you.
Thank you both for making the sacrifice to come and do these seminars and take the process so seriously to make sure we are learning well and fully engaged and challenged to be the best we can be.”

Dr. Andrew Alft

“I took this program because I have taken a course by Dr Rosen in the past through the ICPA and wanted to continue my learning journey through this series.
There is so much applicable information in this series that after each seminar you can immediately implement information gained from this series. With that being said, make sure to come up with an action plan to actually implement protocols into your practice. If not it is easy to become so overwhelmed that you don’t actually implement it into your practice. If you truly wish to be the best version of yourself and want to serve the pediatric community in your area it is vital to get into this series ASAP.
It has taught me so much more where I know I am a better pediatric practitioner for our community and my children.   I have increased my awareness and ability to properly analyze cranial misalignment patterns and help children with struggles. The knowledge gained in this seminar series is vital in allowing you as a provider to effectively bring pediatric care to your community. They have been great and very helpful with all questions asked from our team.”

Dr. Kyle Heimer

I decided to take this course to expand my knowledge particularly in pediatric cranial evaluation and adjusting. I was hoping to gain more knowledge to be able to help more complex cases in our office and see positive changes quicker with these cases as well.

Some things that I loved about this program are that the evaluation and adjusting protocols can be applied in your practice immediately. The course has a great mixture of lectures and hands-on training. The classes build on each other, making them a cohesive course together.

This course has impacted my professional life by making me feel more confident when caring for children and communicating with parents about the care we provide.

We had a child come into our office with acute TMJ pain and lack of motion from an impact while playing. Any type of fracture had been ruled out. I started him under chiropractic care and specifically some of the techniques I learned at this course and he saw drastic results within the first few visits. He no longer had any TMJ pain, he could move his jaw well, and he could eat and talk much better again.

I feel like this course is like taking the knowledge that you currently have about chiropractic and cranial evaluation and adjusting and leveling up. It adds different tools to your tool box when faced with more difficult or complicated cases in practice.

Dr. Rosen and Dr. Watson do a wonderful job putting on this course and they are truly investing in seeing you gain the most you can from it. I appreciate the years of work they have put into helping the chiropractic profession.

Joseph Klein, DC, CACCP

“I took this program to get more on hand training for peds. We have shifted how we have been practicing the last year and I so want to be more capable of serving little ones.

My three takeaways:

  1. The Hands on
  2. Workbook is great to get further understanding before going into each seminar weekend (should just add this into the program cost so people are required to get it)
  3. The science is great!

This program has helped me gain more confidence – still a long way to go in utilizing everything I learned thus far. I believe this would be really beneficial to other Chiropractors who want to learn more about caring for peds patients and understanding the science and whole anatomy in doing so.”


“I have a large number of pre/post-natal and pediatric patients and wanted to be able to serve their needs to the best of my capacity. I specifically wanted to learn the cranial adjustments in course 2.

My takeaway is to plan on taking the course multiple times if you are new to SOT – it’s an enormous amount of information. This program gave me more knowledge and tools for my tool box.”


“I took this program because I wanted to expand my knowledge in caring for babies and children.

My three takeaways are:

  1. Confidence in caring for children
  2. The science explained in a deeper way.
  3. More tools in my tool belt.

This program has given me the confidence and tools to care for children on another level!

The cranial work has made a huge impact. I highly recommend this course as it gives you many more tools in your tool bag when it comes to working with children.

You guys are great! I appreciate all you do for our profession!”

Dr. Mishea Mueller

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