SOT® Pediatric Online Certificate Program
Dr. Rosen, Dr. Watson

SOT® Pediatric Online Certificate Program

More than ever qualified pediatric chiropractors are in demand. Families are desperately looking for health care providers that are informed, experienced, able to communicate and have the practical skills to address the myriad health care challenges facing their children. With over a combined 80 years of clinical experience, Drs. Rosen and Watson’s 10-month premier SOT ® Pediatric Certificate Program is answering the call.

In this online comprehensive pediatric spinal and cranial evaluation and adjusting program, you will not only acquire the skills to become the go to pediatric chiropractic in your area, but you will build your confidence, up your game and acquire a level of expertise second to none.

Our program is the one of most comprehensive spinal and cranial evaluation and adjusting program in the chiropractic profession. You will learn a complete pediatric evaluation system for spinal and cranial dysfunction as well as meningeal, tonal, and structural adjusting procedures applicable to all your pediatric patients. Be confident, be successful, be able to produce the results you promise and create a fulfilling, lifetime centered waiting list practice.

More of a hands-on learner? Check for an in-person program near you. Or, request us to visit your community! We are looking to expand our referral directory.

Skills You Will Learn

✓ Pediatric neurological and nervous system developmental

✓ Creating a pediatric case history and exam for both pre-ambulatory infant and 3+

✓ Rationale for pediatric care

✓ Specific indicators for spinal and cranial corrections: tonal, meningeal, intra-oral and external techniques

✓ Occipital fiber analysis: determine a vasomotor or viscersomatic subluxation

✓ Complete cranial examination and indicators for specific Chiropractic Cranial Adjusting ™ protocols, including intra-oral and external techniques

✓ Cranial anatomy, physiology, visual analysis, and condition techniques

✓ Pediatric TMJ, plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, tongue-tie evaluation and correction protocols

✓ Evaluating the pediatric palate

✓ Primary Reflexes

Resources Provided

✓ Video class modules

✓ Evaluation & technique presentations

✓ Practical demonstrations

✓ Calls to action (CTAs)

✓ Live calls with instructor

✓ Interactive private Facebook group

✓ Complete PDF workbooks

✓ Email access to Dr. Rosen & Dr. Watson

Course Contents

40 Modules | 40 CTAs

Class 1 – The Case History

Class 2 – Spinal Examination of Pre-Ambulatory Infant

Class 3 – Occipital Fiber Analysis

Class 4 – Demonstration of Pre-Ambulatory Examination

Class 5 – Spinal Examination of Child 3 Years and Older

Class 6 – Demonstration of Examination on 4 Year Old

Class 7 – Pediatric Cranial Examination

Class 8 – CSF and Primary and Secondary Motion

Class 9 – Cranial Bone Movement

Class 10 – Dural Meningeal System and Sphenoid

Class 11 – Cranial Visual Analysis

Class 12 – Cervical and Occipital Meningeal Techniques

Class 13 – Pediatric Thoracic Adjusting

Class 14 – Pediatric Lumbar and Sacrum Techniques

Class 15 – Pediatric Pelvic and Ancillary Techniques

Class 16 – Type of Cranial Techniques and CSF

Class 17 – The Cranial Base and Adjusting Guidelines

Class 18 – Sphenoid and Sphenobasilar Corrections

Class 19 – Temporal, Occiput, and Frontal Corrections

Class 20 – CSF Balancing Techniques

Class 21 – Cranial Condition-Specific Techniques

Class 22 – Maxilla/Zygoma and Fruit Jar Techniques

Class 23 – Teething and Vagus Techniques

Class 24 – Symptomatic Cranial Corrections

Class 25 – Specific Cranial Correction Techniques

Class 26 – Rules of Pediatric Cranial Adjustingar Old

Class 27 – Temporal and Frontal Intra-Oral Corrections

Class 28 – Intra-Oral Sphenoid Corrections

Class 29 – Intra-Oral Occiput and Palate Corrections

Class 30 – Demonstrations: Occiput, Temporal, and Frontal

Class 31 – Demonstrations: Sphenoid and Palate

Class 32 – Cranial Adjusting Guidelines

Class 33 – Acute Pain Control Techniques

Class 34 – Pediatric TMJ

Class 35 – Symptomatic Clinical Corrections (Part 1)

Class 36 – Correlation of Findings

Class 37 – The Cranial Base and Adjusting Guidelines

Class 38 – Where Do You Start?

Class 39 – Review of Pediatric Spinal Findings

Class 40 – Review of Cranial Findings

Meet the Instructors

As early as first quarter in chiropractic school they were attracted to each other’s commitment to chiropractic and the pursuit of excellence.  Their combined 80 years of personal and clinical and teaching experience, in delivering the chiropractic adjustment is unparalleled in the chiropractic profession.  Their international outreach through teaching, writing and lecturing has been a driving force in their personal and professional careers since their first seminar taught together as students, in 1979.

Their years of experience have taught them what works and what does not work to create a successful practice and lifestyle. The more competent and comprehensive your expertise you will find that more patients will seek your services and your practice will grow exponentially.

Feedback from Our Students

  • Wendy Coburn, DC
  • Kathryn Cantwell, DC, DICCP, CSP, CSCP
  • Zsolt Kálbori, DC
  • Patricia Podgornik, DC

    This is by far the best program I have taken in over 35 years. The sheer amount of information given is outstanding and greatly needed in our profession.

    I am a better Chiropractor since I have taken all your programs.

    I have helped many infants with early closing fontanelles. The techniques given helped tremendously to restore normal function.

    I would absolutely recommend this program! I have never taken a class with so much usable knowledge and expertise.

  • César M. Segura Pantoja, DC, CSSPP

    “Bueno, decidí tomar este curso primero por la vasta experiencia del Dr Rosen y su profundo conocimiento en el cuidado pediátrico, a esto se agrega la capacidad de enseñar de manera detallada y específica cada elemento del programa de pediatría, pudiendo notar esto en la entrega que pone en cada una de sus clases, aclarando conceptos y dando ejemplos sobre cómo abordar en cada caso.

    Además de todo esto, sentía que me faltaba un conocimiento más profundo sobre el manejo pediátrico, más allá de la formación de pregrado y los seminarios de fin de semana. Buscaba una formación con Certificación que fuese lo más completa posible y a la vez accesible desde un lugar tan remoto como Chile. Todo esto lo encontre en este programa del Dr Rosen y aún más.

    1. Es un programa muy completo, que incluye manejo craneal y espinal, además de ofrecer demostraciones claras y precisas sobre las técnicas junto con ordenar de manera clara el contenido.
    2. Permite el tiempo suficiente entre clase y clase para digerir el conocimiento así como también la posibilidad de aclarar dudas a través de las sesiones regulares de preguntas y respuestas.
    3. Tiene una gradualidad temática muy ordenada, pasando de conceptos básicos, al análisis, ajustes y demostraciones hasta terminar en casos de razonamiento y condiciones específicas.

    Ha cambiado totalmente la forma de trabajo en mi práctica, ya que si bien se enfoca en pediatría, ofrece herramientas que puedes aplicar desde el mismo dia que las aprendes también en adultos, a través de un abordaje más suave, menos resistido, de tipo tonal con respuestas más rápidas y duraderas en los pacientes.

    Recuerdo un caso de un paciente con iliaco PI persistente que luego de los estudios con el programa, note que en realidad el problema de fondo era un sacro AI, aplique técnica sobre el ligamento Sacro-tuberoso y fue increíble como se fue notando la baja en la tension del ligamento así como la modificación de los indicadores a nivel de ligamento nucal. después de ese ajuste no hubo mas alteraciones en la zona Sacroiliaca. en el caso de niños, me ha tocado mas de un bebe con problemas de cólicos que resuelve tras el ajuste espinal.

    Solo dar gracias al Dr Rosen y a la Dra Watson por su entrega, por su pasión al enseñar, por su paciencia para educar, por su esfuerzo en cuidar cada detalle, y espero, humildemente poder tener algo de esa chispa que brilla en los ojos de ellos cada vez que hablan de Quiropráctica, Dios les bendiga y sigan enseñando a muchas generaciones mas esta hermosa profesión.”

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