Cranial Facial Distortions and Their Impact on Childhood Development
Dr. Rosen, Dr. Watson

Cranial Facial Distortions and Their Impact on Childhood Development

Have you ever noticed something developmentally different about a child but your concerns fell on deaf ears? It is not until the situation becomes obvious that proper intervention is recommended. Knowing before the situation or condition escalates is paramount to achieving a more efficient, less stressful (both to the child and family) resolution.

It is important to note that these developmental “glitches”, while they may be common, are not normal and can affect proper neurological development (milestones, primal reflexes, and pre-programmed feedback loops). They can also manifest as only mild symptoms early in life and progress to more severe ones as the child reaches age 4 or 5.

Much has been written about milestones and primitive reflexes and their effect on developmental potential. What we are offering to you is the missing link to optimal childhood development – the effects of cranial and facial distortions on human potential.

In this online program Drs. Rosen and Watson will walk you through an understanding of normal childhood growth and development and the structural distortion patterns to look for that may be signs of developmental challenges.

Skills You Will Learn

✓ Developmental anatomy, physiology, and neurology of the developing nervous system

✓ How to recognize developmental “glitches” in a child’s development

✓ Specific conditions such as, torticollis, plagiocephaly, missed milestones, retained primal reflexes, tongue-tie, and cranial facial distortions are discussed

✓ What you as a parent or health care provider can do when you suspect something is wrong

Resources Provided

✓ Video class modules

✓ Evaluation & technique presentations

✓ Practical demonstrations

✓ Calls to action (CTAs)

✓ Live calls with instructor

✓ Interactive private Facebook group

✓ Complete PDF workbooks

✓ Email access to Dr. Rosen & Dr. Watson

Course Contents

10 Modules | 10 CTAs

Class 1 – The Structures Beneath

Class 2 – The Developing Brain

Class 3 – The Nervous System

Class 4 – Dural Meningeal System

Class 5 – Developmental Milestones

Class 6 – Primitive Reflexes

Class 7 – Shape of Things: Plagiocephaly and Torticollis

Class 8 – Tongue-Tie

Class 9 – What’s Wrong with this Face?

Class 10 – What Can You Do?

Meet the Instructors

As early as first quarter in chiropractic school they were attracted to each other’s commitment to chiropractic and the pursuit of excellence.  Their combined 80 years of personal and clinical and teaching experience, in delivering the chiropractic adjustment is unparalleled in the chiropractic profession.  Their international outreach through teaching, writing and lecturing has been a driving force in their personal and professional careers since their first seminar taught together as students, in 1979.

Their years of experience have taught them what works and what does not work to create a successful practice and lifestyle. The more competent and comprehensive your expertise you will find that more patients will seek your services and your practice will grow exponentially.

Feedback from Our Students

Testimonial: Ashley Dalidowitz

“I decided to take this course after many years working with developmental professionals from chiropractors to speech therapists, occupational therapists, vision therapists, neurofeedback scientists, early interventionists, nutrition coaches, and special education staff and advocates. Every professional has a different knowledge base which creates gaps in knowledge and educating parents. I wanted to hear Dr. Marty and Dr. Nancy’s take on a very much overlooked foundational piece of the puzzle, and what it means for overarching development of the whole child.

Having taken this program, my three takeaways are:

1) Physical appearance is often related to functional differences and compensatory patterns, which impact normal development 2) Common is not the same as normal 3) Trust your instincts and get help even if your professional tells you that development seems on track; you are your child’s best advocate and first teacher.

This course put together many pieces of the puzzle for me, connecting physical restrictions with development in the brain, tongue-tie and global effects down the line in development of the face, teeth, jawline, and particular distortions and movement patterns to notice when observing a child.

I was able to speak with confidence to a family who had opted for a helmet for their child, and had not yet not sought chiropractic care at the time. I was able to explain the importance of addressing the compensatory patterns which arise from the torticollis and plagiocephaly, and describe how the sutures experience a lot of tension and force with helmet use. Further, I was able to link these patterns with visible vision and tracking difficulties, as well as other compromised developmental milestones that were easily identifiable by the parents.

Thank you so much for making this course available to the public! I would love to see it featured through PBS, Gaia, and/or mainstream parenting support websites.”

Testimonial: Michael Bell, DDS

“I am a holistic dentist always looking to expand my knowledge. My first granddaughter experienced a tongue tie revision and plagiocephaly treatment.

My three takeaways:  A child’s growth is deeply multifaceted. Childhood conditions and diseases should not be commonplace and should be re-evaluated from a different angle. Normal and common should not be interchangeable terms when talking about childhood development.

I personally witnessed my granddaughter go through a tongue tie revision and improve her ability to feed. My granddaughter’s head shape changed drastically through PT, body work and chiropractic care and no longer needs a helmet. Her cranial asymmetry went from 5.1 to 0.8, without a helmet!

I evaluate my pediatric dental patients more thoroughly and ask parents more questions about their infant hood and milestone timelines.

Thank you for a great course!”

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